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Everything posted by jimsleftfoot

  1. I think Labour are having a bit of identity crisis myself, they are tore between the unions that voted Ed in and those that want them to occupy the centre where they have a chance of winning the election.... and of course they have got Ed who doesn't help. The Green Party do have some radical solutions but they have also some more moderate views as well. As they are unlikely to win an election, I don't fear them bankrupting us, but it might be interesting to see them given chance to interact more with the general public e.g. in live debates. You never know, they might start moderating some of those solutions.
  2. I agree and I wouldn't vote for them on the basis of some of their policies but I still think that by giving them more of a voice would be a positive step.
  3. A lot of the issues surrounding 'immigration' are in my view, failures of planning e.g. lack of Primary Schools, housing etc. Spend less time worrying about immigration and spend more time trying to improve the lives of the people who live here. I would also add the failture to secure future power supplies to that. Though time and money could be freed up if they didn't try to constantly reform education/NHS and instead, looked to make small but acheivable improvements. Why not give more of a voice to the Green Party? They have been established longer, are not just a one issue protest vote party and many of there concerns are backed up by Science. I personally wouldn't vote for them but I think they deserve to get wider media coverage than the dissafected Tories that are UKIP.
  4. My point was really that in reporting on immigration on a daily basis, it gives a voice to the likes of UKIP. My view is that there are other issues that are much bigger and should be debated which the BEEB is not reporting on. In the past UKIP and right leaning think tanks have commented that the BEEB isn't reflecting public thinking. I disagree, I think there is a vocal minority who is setting the agenda and the media has reacted to that.
  5. They are just another media agency reporting on immigration on a daily basis.
  6. Other news stories tend to be shared on social media, unless all your friends and follows are always of the same ilk.
  7. I think that this may be aimed more at those who went out with good intentions but ended up with the wrong crowd so to speak and have now seen the truth doesn't match the ideal. Hopefully they will provide a deterrent to other people 'joining up' either abroad or at home.
  8. A few Brizzle fans have commented on Twitter.'out sung' and 'loudest of the season' have been mentioned.
  9. All he needed to do was write an open letter remaing positive without having a go. He failed massively. This is just an emotional response by someone who doesn't get the mindset of the people he is trying to attract back to Latics. It's pathetic and the fact that he's got previous just compounds the problem. Perhaps he should get some of his commercial staff to proof read this or I would happily do it for him.
  10. If there is quite a bit to be done, it also means there are probably a few easy win changes that can be made that he knows will work.
  11. Although I get your point and yes I would also agree that he's unlikely to apologise if he still thinks he innocent with an inquiry coming up. Let's not forget that currently he's guilty of the crime and is now considered so unless the inquiry points to a miscarriage.
  12. Wow that is something, particularly as on the day of the MK Dons match, I was on an all day session and met the woman who is now my wife (well in the early hours of the Sunday).
  13. Re. Ched Evans. He's had his inquiry fast tracked, so we shall perhaps know sooner rather than later.
  14. I live in Tameside, a completely made up place. On the other hand, I actually live on the side of the River Tame, so it's extremely accurate.
  15. Fantastic reply mate. I think you have really endeared yourself to everyone here.
  16. Perhaps worth drawing a line under this then.
  17. A massive over simplification as 'rape' does tend to incur a psychological impact and perhaps a lifelong one.
  18. In reality though, City do charge the majority of their fans quite a bit of money to watch them. The average price will be much higher than Latics and they charge fans who go to watch one match a premium because of FFP. Hence why they struggle to sell tickets for the Champions League, Looking at the cheapest ticket maybe interesting , but I think it's flawed as I see it in the same way as the 'from' prices that you often get with holidays.
  19. Not too mention that there are a lot of People who can afford it.
  20. Indeed, my Dad's a city fan and the majority of season tickets are priced as you would expect them. Though with the new stand they will be increasing the amount of cheap tickets.
  21. Indeed. A sign of good leadership is to be able to take advice on board when needed and to be able to work with others. Whether or not LJ was responsible doesn't matter, what does is that they seem to be working well together.
  22. Don't you think there is a difference between spending an evening with a girl, taking her back to a hotel room over a longer time period and just walking in and just getting on with it straight away so to speak? I've looked at the one sided Evans website and I'm not sure how the jury could give a guilty verdict for McDonald as how could they prove beyond reasonable doubt that consent wasn't given. With Evans though, he had a much bigger job of proving he had obtained consent in a very small window of opportunity. In my view, I'm not sure whether Evans could actually do that in that time period. On a basic level, he didn't protect himself even if she had been happy for him to join in.
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