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Posts posted by inspectormorose

  1. Just cause we're young uns doesnt mean we will outrun older ones fitness wise. Don't underestimate them!


    What sort of attitude is that,erm yes it does mean you can run em ragged,you :censored: have done that to me both times i've played and i've two cracked ribs to show for it, take it you play in the Norveners league (just thought i'd bull us up by giving us a league standing) ,they break your leg you've got one left you play on otherwise your dropped.


    Sherdians World i'm not having this nancy boy attitude in my team,your sacked i'm in charge.


    We will win,we will grind 'em into the dust,we will be victoriousssssssssssss


    Let you be in charge of training i'm away this week :wink:

  2. Training match - Clayton Playing fields, 1pm, Sunday. That's as specific as it gets! We usually start playing about quarter past after a bit of a kick about, putting on of boots, picking teams, etc.


    Errrrr, thatis it! The more the merrier.


    If you meant the actual match vs OASIS, not sure we have any firm plans yet. Perhaps the gaffer could clarify!?


    Makes it almost sound professional that Mads,picking teams,putting boots on :unsure:


    More a case of oh your on that side of the halfway line your on that team :grin:


    That's about as specific as it gets :laught16: :laught16: :laught16: :laught16:


    Just lulling them into a false sense of security,honest. B)

  3. I would just like to remind the following people. (Plus anymore if they want to come down) That training is on on Sunday at 1pm.

    footy68 (Plus 4)

    Wardle "Both Feet Are Left" Latic

    Mad 'Goals' dog - Wish I never let it in now

    futchers breifs (game only)


    chaddy the owl


    inspectormorose jnr


    Macca is GOD

    mattyg101 (maybe)


    Inspectormorose jnr will be at Parkhead watching Celtic v Parma and bending Wee Gordons ear for any tips he may have to aid the Norveners cause.


    I'm thinkin' kick the :censored: may be at the top of the list :grin:


    If your doing it next Sunday may well make an appearance if the ribs improve,still giving me gyp best part of 3 weeks on,i only fell over FFS hows that happen. :sign0094:


    Still who needs painkillers when you have beer :drinking66:

  4. I'm a little concerned that even today my dad has a similar reaction to hearing Harold Wilson's name :unsure:


    Well you have been warned LL,just make sure his suit fits and you wipe regularly,he might even get a job in Browns cabinet :grin:

  5. Funnily enough I posted the following about Eddie on another forum the other day!


    "There used to be another guy in Oldham in the 70s - 80s - "Foreign Coin Eddie" was one of the nicknames he had. He was an older man (Late 50s/60s) and was always trawling the litter bins. The funny thing was, he would go mental at the mention of "Harold Wilson", so kids being kids would shout this at him.


    He'd yell and swear and flick the Vs at anyone who had dared mention Harold Wilson! One of those urban legends you hear is that he was "very successful/a Millionaire/ a scientist" who had lost his fortune/status because the government had ripped him off! It makes me piss just thinking about him now! "


    Didn't he live on Grendon Avenue? I always remember him acosting me and my sister (I was about 7, my sister 13) outside Romeo & Juliets, he wanted us to go down into the underground toilets (remember them?) to look for cigarette cards. My dad had just pulled up in the car and chased him off.


    Yeah think your right John,was Grendon couple of streets up from me.


    Think after his sister died he was left to his own devices and didn't last much longer himself.

  6. Off at a tangent,which is what big thread is for.


    Just been having a shave and i got a flashback to my step dad from when i was a kid.


    Anybody elses dad used to spend the apres shave period with practically the whole bog roll stuck to his cut to ribbons face?


    Nowadays us chaps have five bladed,gelled,leave you smooth as a babys arse cheeks razors.


    Back then they had Bic.


    Wonder they never bled to death,used to amuse me hugely at the time,him wandering around like the mummy :grin:

  7. Harold Wilson :D

    I used to go to St anselms, and when we used to sneak out at dinner time and go to the chippy, we used to see him 'lurking' around the coppice area!

    He was dead funny!!!!

    He used to chase you down the street, i even remember him 'scoffing' a big handful of what looked like ham before trying to throw it 500yards down the road at us....quality :grin:


    The man you seek was known as Foreign Coin Eddie,lived a couple of streets from me with his sister near Hulme Grammar school.He was knocking around Oldham when i was at school nearly 30 years ago.


    Originally he used to come and badger you for foreign coins (no,really,never have guessed would you) and he collected lolly sticks as well.Always used to have some sticking out of his top pocket.


    The Harold Wilson thing was apparently started by a mate of mine,didn't know the mate back in those days but he lays claim to it.Eddie was a staunch Heathite and the kids then used to taunt him with Harold Wilson shouts which sent him into a mad frenzy.My mate used to make films when he was a kid on an old cine camera round Coppice using Eddie as the main character,he's been threatening to put 'em on video or dvd for yonks.


    Eddies dead now has been for a few years but he was certainly one on his own :grin: .

  8. :shock:


    You mean it's not a true story...




    Hey our kid is still convinced there is something in it :blink:


    Read Labyrinth and Last Secret of the Temple myself recently both excellent reads,just finished one called Shattered Icon i can recommend,switches from modern day back to Elizabethan times and through a thousand years of religious intrigue to the blood soaked Crusades and the secret location of a holy relic.Says the back of the book.


    Just started one today called A Season for the Dead.Another one set in Rome around the Vatican with murders that each symbolize the death of a christian martyr.


    If you like oddities as well i can also recommend Rat Scabies and the Holy Grail in which the Damneds drummer is convinced he knows the whereabouts of the Holy Grail and sods off to find it.Very very funny.The bloke is a certifiable nutter.


    May be a sin punishable by death but can't stand the cult of Potter. :grin:


    Oh aye and while i think about it a book called Don't tell mum i work on the oil rigs,she thinks i'm a piano player in a whorehouse.It's only a couple of hundred pages long but is worth getting for the masturbating monkey story alone B)

  9. He would be a great signing, definately got a mouth on him which will do the team more good than worse. Don't see it as a bad thing so long as he can control it. Rocastle found it very hard last season to do that.


    If he signed I'd see the midfield being Taylor Kilkenny Kalala Liddell would there be enough experience?


    Allotts been bought cos Johnny boy rates him highly as a midfielder not just for the fun of it so i'm sure he will be one of his first central midfield names on the sheet,which makes the rest interesting,someones missing out if we take it Kilkenny is going to be the creative heart should he come.There would have to be some shuffling around.


    Gary Mac still around as well.


    All makes for good competition in the engine room.

  10. Greganesque tackling!! :stretcher:B)


    Tried some of that myself in Sundays game and now have the very painful severely bruised ribs to prove it (although i think they might have been caused when i fell over trying to head the ball whilst running backwards,bloke,can't multi task!),mind falling down a cellar at work Monday didn't improve 'em :grin:

  11. Think my 43 year old legs may be beyond this one :grin:


    However i may have a secret weapon for us Northerners if he fancies it.


    Those who played Sunday will know my nephew.


    He's got a goalkeeping trial for Latics tomorrow and is playing in a Latics yoof team game Sunday at Avro,it's getting him to play in goal in games like last Sundays that's the problem,he fancies himself as a roving midfielder come striker as well.


    Will work on him :wink:

  12. How wet was that today!?


    I scored a goal! It has taken me 3 attempts, and it may have been over, but noone is taking that one off me. Left footed as well! :)


    Hey Clare,can't believe we went and missed that.Obviously if we had still been their my Gregan like skills would have prevented it :grin:


    Wet,was it raining,never noticed it myself!

  13. Thanks for that chaps and chappess :wink: ,just to let you know our Tom seems to be ok now can't have been anything serious.


    If one of you picked his ball up at the end of the game thanks,we will get it next week.


    Presume it's same time same place (different weather).

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