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Posts posted by oafc_lover

  1. What has everyone got planned?


    A few of us will be heading up to Seel Park to watch Mossley vs Ossett Albion.


    They’re trying to raise £18,000 for stadium improvements to try and get to the next level and it would be fantastic if we could get a load of us up there to help them out. 


    I’m sure most of you will have already been before but plenty of street parking around, reasonable entry fee and a great club house bar for a few scoops.

    • Like 1
  2. 23 minutes ago, whittles left foot said:

    Well he ran away from the Bury defence on Saturday to set up the first goal and seemed to do similar at Blackburn so if that's half pace he must be well fast at full speed!!


    As I said he’s alright.


    He also did an aimless toe bung from 6 yards out that came off the outside of his foot. Should have buried that. Doyle would have.


    Also, his “cross” to Davies was another aimless toe bung that thankfully took a deflection right into the path of Davies.


    Don’t think I’m slagging the lad off because I think he shoes the odd glimpse like against Blackburn, but if Doyle is ready, then Nazon can sit on the bench and learn from him for me.

  3. Just now, stevesidg said:

    There’s a difference between fitness , and match fitness and being match ready 


    I know there is.


    If he’s fully fit which we’ve been told he is, then he can last longer than 45 minutes.


    He’s shown us a glimpse that he is probably match sharp by tearing the Scunthorpe defence a new bung hole when he came on and slotted home like he’d never been away.


    He’s clearly ready and if he’s not, then he isn’t fully fit like RW has twice said.

  4. Doyle in for Nazon for me 100%.


    Nazon just doesn’t have the brain that Doyle has to make smart runs and create spaces in their defence.


    Don’t get me wrong he’s alright and now and again does well whilst taking on his man but too often just loses the ball up top because he picks it up then it never looks fully under control so he runs at half speed.


    Doyle however scares the living shit out of defenders forcing them to either back track at speed or close him down creating tonnes of space.

    • Like 2
  5. 27 minutes ago, jorvik_latic said:


    I thought that when Wigan relaid theirs just before we played them a couple of years ago. It was fine somehow. 


    Thats true! Suppose like most things - if good staff are given the right tools they can probably do a good job.


    Don’t suppose in your meeting with AL, he mentioned or hinted at having plans to relay our surface in the summer did he?

  6. Just now, Wardie said:

    Looks ok through glass and from a safe distance but I presume if that is not bedded-in to the soil underneath, it could be like playing on a rug.


    Without knowing a single thing about laying turf, I imagine it will be very much like the Wembley pitch when first laid. Huge chunk ripping up as it wasn’t bedded.


    Be hilarious if it does anyway.

  7. Just now, HarryBosch said:


    I hope he's amazing but Wellens has talked him up in an almost identical manner to how he talked up Benyu.....




    Don’t get why he’s frozen Benyu out. Fair enough things weren’t quite coming off for the lad but he looked a hell of a lot more dangerous than Tope does.


    Wellens just seems to make the same subs game in game out and picks the same team (unless forced changes) game in game out.


    Wouldn’t mind seeing Benyu brought on instead of Tope on that right wing as he looks like he has pace to burn.


    Back on topic, I can’t wait to see McEleny play. Straight swap for Byrne when he tires in games? Though that leaves us with no left winger which RW seems to like changing to when making his subs.

  8. 45 minutes ago, robboman said:

    Noticed byrne tracking back and helping out defensively more than usual, or was i the only one?


    Nope he certainly was!


    Was having to cover Dummigan a hell of a lot who was playing very narrow and their number 20 was often left with the entire left wing to have a run down.

  9. 54 minutes ago, astottie said:

    Couple of points about last night which I don't think have been mentioned yet - apologies if they have.

    One, Chuks Aneke going off was a key moment of the game. He's a class act in this league, their bea2t player by far and hed  already forced Johnny in to his only save. .Two,  our goal came from a corner following Fane's awful shot from distance which from  where i was sat went straight over with no MKD player anywhere near to get a touch. Your views?


    Took a deflection from where I was sat.

  10. I don’t think any of our fans suggested he faked anything? Definitely haven’t seen anything myself.


    Holloway had words with some Blackburn fans when he got up off the deck. Some of their fans on the first few rows were telling him to get up and stop feigning injury and when he did he looked to offer them the opportunity to come on the pitch and say it.

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