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Everything posted by EASTLEY

  1. Thats a fair comment - however though we have a tendency to mix emotion and adrenalined fuelled reactions with general intelligence BTW I think CD has been harshly treated by the fans this year - as well as many last year - personally I think generally as a fan base we have too many ready to judge to harshly and loudly and then plenty of sheep who follow. This has been the same no matter what division we have played in - I remember Roger(Palmer) being booed during his first couple of years at BP along with countless other players not fit to wear the shirt like Paul Warhust, Earl Barrett(apparently always went sideways ;-))etc Hopefully this puts some of the more extreme views into perspective - if only their had been message boards in the 70s.80s and early 90s? Frizzell out; Royle out anybody ;-)
  2. cm ti I take your point and am not in disagreement with view about ordinarily getting booked for petulance, however know that from experience that at certain times or situations it can happen. For me, only opinion, a decision was taken on this particular instance and it was contrived because of the following? So without emotion - yes being on 4 bookings for silly offences is not the best - however thats where we were yesterday? Do I trust his groin or would a week off after a glut of games maybe allow a rest and a bit of recuperation time for the league program to give him a chance to come back feeling fresh and get on with finishing. BTW when he is regularly hitting the target and the keepers are being made to work a goal will come soon - it would be more worrying if he was missing the target which I don't believe he is. Would I rather he played in a league game than a cup game which pretty certainly means he would miss at least another league game? I don't think LH's football intelligence comes into this one personally
  3. understand the point but ......"given the choice between missing a cup game and playing in the league there is only one choice at the moment its the league every time"(or words to that effect) seems a fair reflection of the importance of the booking yesterday. TBH I don't think Hughesy would have started next week anyway as we need him injury free so a weekend off is probably not a bad thing
  4. heh jaco i've got a few i'll sort you in the next couple weeks
  5. Horror game - Two actually Keith Edwards and Leeds;Mark Hughes and Man utd in that semi-final Player - John Bowden/John "lucky" Keeley Manager - Wadsworth or Sharp
  6. It would be boring if we all had the same opinion - so fair enough for having yours. Personally as I have said I think he is more of an asset than a liability on the pitch and as you say good for the club off it. Its the simple things he does to stop potentially dangerous situations without too much fuss or the over dramatic either that or maybe I am sub consciously supporting him as he is in my age range and still playing To me it is not a position I am worried about this year though could be an issue next year. I haven't seen Fleming yet so can't make a judgement on him. Lastly I would not argue with the confidence that I have heard that most of the 1st team have in him especially our defence.
  7. To be fair I quite liked Pogs - but I think he made more mistakes in one game than Crossley has since he has been here - it was a home game and he was subbed to save his confidence at half time. Beresford did ok but didn't give us anything a fit Crossley hasn't. The others just so except for Grant. Is there more than what we are seeing on the surface to your issues with Crossley? Just interested as you have the most negative opinion of him that I have encountered. A little like mine of Mark Hughes, Keith Edwards, Mark Robins, Joe Worrall and Nigel Jemson.
  8. I would go with this, sorry Lordy but I rate Crossley overall though it is fair that to say that he has a few weaknesses. However in this league I think he is more than up to it as LL says he reads the game well in most situations and deals with them, where many keepers will pull saves out of the top draw but then make basic mistakes. David James, Scott Carson, Robert Green, Paul Robinson or even Roy Carroll who is still rated good enough to play in the championship, anyone. BTW does being beaten from 70 yards - Ben foster mean you are a useless keeper. Crossley's all round game bourne out of experience makes him the asset he is. Ask Greegs or Shez whose opinions do count and is generally consistent, give me Crossley over Pogs, Day, Rabchuka, Miskelly or any since Gary Kelly(Lee Grant is the exception here - he is a class above) He gives the back four confidence and can put us on the attack quickly with his distribution. As I said for div 3 he provides more cover, presence and exudes confidence from his defence more than most Just my opinon
  9. I think he may have a little longer than most as I think he owns the club(or a big part of it)and is also involved in the board room at Hereford
  10. Its a game of opinions - I actually thought Stam was awful(too many missed opportunities to clear the ball, too many times he allowed it to bounce or wanted too muach time), however he hasn't played too often in the last 18 months at first tem level so maybe he was just off the pace, I thought Lomax had his worst game of a good season so far for him, however thought Hazell played ok though he was giving away the physical advantage to Dickinson. I didn't think that Eardley played badly at all. The midfield was by-passed by Huddersfield long ball and then Allott dropping deep to support the defence which mean't that the option for the centrebacks was to play hoofball which rendered Whittaker a by-stander for large parts of the game. We missed Greegan and his presence massively, its not just the tackles and his aerial dominance but his organisational skills and general leadership. I would have given Davies 20 mins but am sure Shez has his reasons for not doing that, the positive is that I think that type of game is one that we would have lost in the last couple of seasons especially once we were one-nil down
  11. Personally I think only Grant has been better since Gary Kelly(Goram 1st time is the best I've seen, though only remember John Platt after he broke his leg) Looking at the replay of the 2nd Goal on Saturday I think he was going one way and tried to adjust - never easy As for spectacular saves they tend to be for the camera - the one at Tranmere 2nd H was quality however. 1:1s he is strong on because he has a presence. Distribution is generally good - so as this is Div 3 I think we are fairly lucky to have Temple IMO
  12. I have - celebration Sunday in the box - top boy was there with his family
  13. Whilst in church she likes to sit on pews However whilst shagging David all she can think of is Lee Hughes
  14. The T chant was definitley sang a lot in the chaddy during the 80s generally by spotty kids aged 14(I was on of them ;-))
  15. Since Crossley has got over the injuries he had last season i feel he has proved he is the best full time keeper that has been at BP since Gary Kelly. He had his critics last year but to be honest looking back compared to the Norm turning up now it is obivous that he wasn't even playing at 75% for the majority of last year The only one that I believe who was probably better was Lee Grant. There's my two penneth
  16. Keith Edwards Mark Hughes Joe Worrall(Harsh but Nick Henry did scored and Oldham would have been in the fa cup final and Fergie would have been sacked) Mark Robins Eastlands so close to BP Leeds Players diving to cheat Spitting at other pros Over fussy referees who have never played
  17. Fair comment - I thought the stewards were pretty lenient yesterday - then nicked the sheep because they got pissed off and bored with the abuse that they(the stewards not the sheep before you get excited ;-))were continually getting as well as having to say the same thing to the same few people about 90 times each during the game
  18. Saw him too - only recognised it by the hollands pies logo - that would be a good signing at BP
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