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Everything posted by latic12345

  1. The Emirates is well signposted from Islington and indeed from all over north London
  2. That gives me the shakes too. You know the feeling when you've had too much sugar?
  3. I'm more original than that. When are you off on your STD tour?
  4. As far as corporate goes it amongst the best I've been to. Free beer at half time, comfy seats, cracking view and (last night) a fantastic atmosphere. Maybe if it was quiet I might feel the same. That type of ground is not really football to me though. It's impressive but doesnt have that much character. It's still one of the best of the new breed though.
  5. It's ok Mila Kunis is coming to cook you dinner. You know who she is and she knows who you are
  6. I was lucky (or unlucky) enough to be invited to the Emirates last night (gratis tickets and booze which is always good). The unfortunate part was that it was in the corporate ring. The fortunate part is that it was in between the two sets of Ipswich fans in the lower and top tier. Now, I'm not too sure how it came across on TV but hats off to them. They made a right old racket from start to finish. Huge travelling army, lots of noise and positive support. I know they were in a cup semi final against Arsenal but it was still impressive. A couple of chants that will be remembered following Cesc Fabregas' comments in the first leg "1-0 to the rugby team" Swing Low Sweet Charriot Hats off to you Ipswich fans. You did your club proud.
  7. The sole reason any sane man ever watches Forgetting Sarah Marshall
  8. I was more impressed by the reference to horse :censored: and fire sale without a connection being made of an Irish joke...
  9. I'm out. It's a feckin mess to get to...
  10. So.... is anyone actually going then?
  11. You stormed off in a huff to get your train. To be fair, in Southampton we got distracted by an absolute fitty buying a drink on her way out for the night...
  12. It's only 10 squid now. Surely we can now tempt you...
  13. Given Colchester has already been thought about, is anyone thinking about MK or does this fixture still not exist?
  14. How do you remember this? I know about being thrown out because Allan told me on the train. I do remember leaving abruptly, walking around, buying food and having a food fight (using Tiger bread) on the train though. It was a good day that did indeed involve Josh falling over, half time brandies to warm us up and then Josh falling over the seats in front in the second half. He had a great day, we had a good day. Unfortunately, I wanted to be there but don't think I will...
  15. It'll be off anyway...
  16. It's 2017. You're now allowed out again
  17. Dont think I'll be there. I've also got my Xmas do the night before but need some time in London not getting drunk on a Saturday before Xmas. I'm choosing MK over this...
  18. I have a sneaky feeling you'll find it...
  19. Either that or it's the reason we could barely lift our steins!!!! Has anyone heard from Mark? He was still in Dagenham around 9...
  20. It was literally straight after the station so your fault for buggering off (although I dont remember you doing so). It was amazing. 7 steiners and 10 jaegerbombs between 6 of us. Still at £20 thats good value!! Cracking day out this one. Still not as good as Orient last year though...
  21. "Baron is the head of our firm". Genius.... You missed the Bavarian bar afterwards though. Absolute quality
  22. Steady on mate, you dont want to get pissed too early.
  23. On the plus side we won't be far from a ruby when we're back in London ;-)
  24. I forgot you were coming. Isnt this your last trip before travelling. We'll give you a good send off ;-)
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