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Everything posted by latic12345

  1. A comprehensive opening card for Charlton JSS to fall asleep prior to kick off 100/1 JSS to spill beer or food on him before full time 3/1 JSS to fall asleep before 7pm 10/1 JSS to fall asleep on transport 1/5 JSS to not make it to Leeslovers minibar 1/10 Zorro's boss to not let him out 2/1 Zorro to turn up unannounced 100/1 Zorro to decide he can come to football without booze and make a cheap day of it only to end up getting a taxi home at 2am 5/1 Bigfin to miss the last train home 2/1 Markoasis to turn up at The George when everyone else is meeting at Chandos Evens Markoasis to miss the train even when walking in a bigger group 2/1 Markoasis to be late for pre-match drinks following a haircut in Soho 1/5
  2. It's slightly more interesting than your pro-Labour rants Dont think you can turn pop up messages off though. Do you have Wifi? Is it not best to just connect to that?
  3. He's threatening to play out later on as well. Can we run a spread bet on the time and location of his first snooze? Ryan - are you in?
  4. Ryans remarkably quiet on this one. I'm not sure Roxy will be the same without him. She doesn't like one on ones. My wkend has just freed up slightly. Tranmere's getting tempting...
  5. Where are your priorities? Your alternative is to go to the JSS Booze School for a week before you come. Then £1.50 is more than enough beer fund...
  6. It can only happen when you bridge the GSM and and the Wifi antenna. The GSM antenna runs along the bottom of the phone, the Wifi along the left side. Therefore, if someone has done it using their right hand they are either using the phone backwards or have a strategically placed finger on the left hand side ;-) It's an odd problem. Actually, because its to do with shorting two plates by conducting between them, one of the biggest drivers of whether or not you experience the problem is, bizarrely, how wet your hands are!!!
  7. Chandos or the George will work out well. Could do both. One before and one after? Why Woolwich? I thought we got off at Charlton last year? Round the corner from the ground.
  8. This could very quickly turn into a game of boast...
  9. You'll only be able to have 2 before Charlton then...
  10. Oh dear. Josh had a few (3 max) and has 'done an Allan'...
  11. Not really... Kennington's a hole. I'd only go there if someone else was buying the beer (or the cricket was on)...
  12. They are putting a new mahusive store in Covent Garden. Their marketing is genius. They've screened off the shop. The screens have red curtains painted on and in the middle, they are slightly drawn with an Apple logo peeping out. When I walked past on Tuesday, everyone who was wlaking past stopped and looked...
  13. I'm sorry Josh. Is that before r after you dropped your pint on the floor? ;) Norwich was awesome last. Easily as good as Orient (sorry Ryan) although we didn't play like Brazil like we did at Orient
  14. Come on. It's a club, it's not two clubs. Therefore, club is singular. Two clubs is plural. Latics is a proper noun that refers to a club and thus is singular.
  15. Or dribbled so much pie filling down you, you're not allowed in ;) Allan - are you serious. This is Ryan who when I try and be sensible wrestles me on to tubes towards Roxy. Good luck with that one Ryan - by the way...
  16. I didn't know about this... I do remember him dribbling his pie filling down him at Norwich though
  17. I love how Bigfin's already exhibiting the instant maturity that comes with fatherhood. I give him until Charlton to miss his last train home and end up crashing somewhere in London following fun and games in The Roxy ;) When are you moving down? Are you going to be down in time for Charlton? This is where we "initiated" jss last year although he has since consistently proved that he can't handle his ale and forgets where his mouth is after 2 pints
  18. True but without being a pedant you have hit your own nail on the head. Latics describes the team not teams ;)
  19. There are two options: Reset settings Reset settings and remove data Option 1 should do it. It leaves all the data on the phone (music, apps etc) it just restores all settings to factory defaults and therefore you'll need to change them all back again. It appears to me like a bug in iOS4 where people have restored their iPhone 4 from iPhone 3G / 3GS settings
  20. I fail to see your point? I didn't make a value judgement. He is outspoken and, at times, confrontational. It's how he channels his passion. At no point did I say this is a good or bad thing. It's more your prejudice of those attributes in a human being that made you think of that as a negative post
  21. From a revenue perspective I agree. What I mean is that enthusiasm with a new manager and some impending signings could have been on the increase. This will reduce peoples enthusiasm for a season that starts 1 month today.
  22. Nope, Latics are a single entity therefore grammatically this is correct. If Latics was plural, then you would be right...
  23. Do you think Stonecutters / masons may also be offended by the comparison? I know little about the Trust or its workings. However, it seems to me that the Trust should have been set up to invest in the clubs future. It also appears little of the money that has been raised was used in this way. More it was used for operational stuff such as tractors... My main observation of the Trust is that Barry Owen considers himself a director of the club first (a long ambition from the days in which I knew him in the Chaddy) and a fans representative second. Let's be clear on this, if the Trust didn't exist, Barry would not be a director of the club and therefore it appears, from the outside, his priorities are wrong and that he wishes to protect his place on the board above his position as a fans representative. I will not comment on the democracy debate, however, I would like to ask 2 questions: Why should questions about the role of the Trust not be included in a thread that is about the future of the club given this is what it was set up to do? When we Barry last elected and held to account by his members?
  24. So the Amenable Amigo and the Quiet Amigo appear to have left the Gobby and Confrontational Amigo to pick up the pieces... Could it be that Corney went too far and this time caused a proper falling out and they've left him to it? This could even be the other way round and Corney wants them out to take the club in his own direction. Either way we no longer have someone to apologise for Corney when he's opened his mouth again... The most disappointing part to this is the timing. Just as pre season is beginning and people are getting excited for the season. Guess it explains out lack of signings though
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