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Posts posted by latic12345

  1. I genuinely believe that I am a better business analyst than I would be if I hadn't obtained, MA - Political Philosophy (The Idea of Toleration). It's a crazy idea really that most people should do vocational degrees, not many people know at 18 what they want to be doing at 35, never mind whether that job will still exist or whether they will get into it. Degrees should stretch people's minds. There are far too many people doing them now though, lots of people do them when they could be working, and as often as not setting themselves on a path to earning more than the people who go to Uni just because it's become the expected thing to do.


    Here here. University is more than just readying yourself for work. It's about pursuing something of interest whilst gaining some vastly important life experience. Whilst the two are not mutually exclusive, going to university is not a pre-requisite to being successful and not all those who are successful have been to university. It shouldn't be viewed purely as a route to get into particular professions but as a more rounded experience than that.


    That took things well off topic didnt it - as you were.

  2. "Member". Heehee.


    Right, boys, get the initiation ceremony ready...


    Custard - check

    Crocodile clips - check

    Mankini - check


    Get 'im!!


    I have some new ideas for this after my last week away. Ideas to be discussed offline and then we can use them at Charlton ;)


    Moving to Putney this weekend so can have a COUPLE drinks soon? (I'm taking October off barring Charlton Away)


  3. I've not been online much this week, and last night was my first opportunity to stitch the boy up.


    I fear that when Alex moves to Putney he may try to get me drinking on school nights. But I won't. Well, maybe one or two...


    I dont drink on school nights so that will be your influence then ;)


    And after last Saturday, I cannot be considered a bad influence. I twice tried to get on the tube home and twice was stopped only to then be wrestled on the tube to Soho.

  4. An argument about bad influences and I don't merit a mention? Well, I won't take it personally, I clearly need to respond in a positive manner and raise my game :naughty:


    You're just not around enough anymore Andy :(




    Corbett and Nuttall aren't exactly innocent either.


    Bringing the North into the argument, calling for back-up ;)


    Err. You and BigFin are the bad uns.


    Now you're on the money... although it is you who is encouraging Brentford due to your "free pass" ;)

  6. Most expensive beer in London (so far) - can of Red Stripe at the Globe Theatre: £5. For a can.


    Mind you, my local does Hoegaarden at £5 a pint, and that's bloody expensive too.


    I remember being in the Globe once. Not cheap. Two JD's and Coke and a beer was somewhere in the region of £25. Not fun. Great venue though

  7. Good day,


    So I have just been offered a job in Chiswick, and as such in the next few weeks I shall be making the all-too-familiar migration from the north to live in the Capital.


    One quandry that needs answering is where might be best to live? Figured Chiswick itself is a bit pricey/posh, but I've been advised so far that areas such as Ealing, Acton, Fulham & Putney are good and link well to Chiswick via the tube/overground for commuting. I've already looked at a number of websites and seen the abundance of properties in these areas, and of course I can always move about a bit to find an area I like most, but just wondered if the London dwellers on here could give me any advice on good/bad places that I should bear in mind?


    Secondly, I have a season ticket. Do many people live in London/the south and have a season ticket plus get to enough games to make it worthwhile? And if so is there a system of lift sharing/meeting up on trains for getting to BP?


    Any useful info would be greatly appreciated, as would any smart remarks about how I've already missed half our London away games this season.







    If you think Chiswick is a little posh, Putney & Putney can be just the same ;)


    To be fair, I might be moving out that way at the moment. As long as you are near an overland line to the West (anywhere near Clapham J, Wandsworth Town, Putney etc) you'll be fine.


    As for the season ticket, I had mine last year and the year before. I used it a lot last year and very little the year before. When it is that far it is better to pick and choose. Otherwise you will count the cost of a very expensive season*


    *This does depend on how much beer money you need. When you come to a London game, you will see exactly what I mean - just ask Zorro. He's such a bad influence!!!

  8. I'll be there about 6, first time to the den.. on me own too!!


    I'll look out for anyone in blue round Southwark Tavern/Borough Street.


    I wouldnt be looking for that mate. There wont be many Millwall wearing colours either. They just arent the type. You shall see later when you get on a train and half the faces are covered, most wearing black coats. It's mainly an intimidation tactic and after late goals and a Hughesy hat-trick can be a little amusing*


    I am surprised that for the first time in years we have spoken openly about meeting points for this one. If I were you I'd PM someone and sort if out outside of the public.


    Unfortunately I wont be there tonight. Working outside of London 3 days a week at the moment. Gutted as this is one of my favourite away days.

  9. Sounds like an exact replica of me and Alex making our way home after (I think) Millwall last year. He took us to some pub by Clapham Common tube station on the basis that it usually had some handy posh birds in it, forgetting that our pulling chances might be slightly encumbered by not being able to stand up or talk, reeking of booze and takeaway food and starting to sing songs about a third division football club every few minutes.


    Careful lads, you'll get me a reputation. It was the same pub - The Falcon near Clapham North. Cracking boozer.


    I think it was after Colchester almost exactly a year ago but I was also in there after the Millwall game in Feb :)

  10. It's looking like I will be in Telford with work. Pain in the arse living in London and not being in London for a game that would literally take 8 mins to get to from work :(


    Nevermind... tomorrow will now be a biggy :)

  11. I dont have a season ticket. Instead I will just cermonially burn £100 every week to represent my normal latics expenditure in protest of this utterly awful start to the season. I will never go again that is for certain. I will most utterly certainly not be going to Orient this saturday. And I wont be drunk, at all. If you see me its a mirage, a myth. Honest.




    To be honest mate, I never see you at away games. I am just assured you were there ;)

  12. At a guess I'd say what they are doing is illegal, do you suppose Addidas, Nike etc. would allow themselves to be undercut?


    Competition law pretty much means they cannot do anything about it. JJB for example sell many shirts cheaper than Adidas and Nike stores. Umbro were fined a few years ago for trying to fix their prices and choke supplies to firms that sold below the SRP.


    These guys could be legit - they are an online store with lower overheads and could be based out in the far east. It's £18 all in. Some of these shirts are £29.99 in Sports World / JJB so it could be ok.


    Bottom line is - how much do you value £18. If I wanted to buy one of the shirts on the site, I would take the punt. Worst comes to the worst, it's a fake and you use it for the gym / five-a-side until it falls to bits and then buy yourself a proper one.



  13. I think someone needs to look at a dictionary mate. Student comes from the word 'study' and i am studying at A level therefore am a student...


    What would you say someone in my educational catergory should be classed as?


    A school boy ;-)


    (And one that also has not learnt to use a dictionary when needed :-) )

  14. missus sed that when I paid 600quid for my jacket, well she went f*cking mad at me when she found out



    Well this thread turned into quite the willy waving competition didnt it...


    It is true that not all hooligans are chavs though. I seem to remember the only Englishman convicted following Euro 2000 was a London based barrister...



  15. This is not meant to patronise or criticise anyone on this thread but when did the term "student" start applying to people who weren't at university? The number of people who describe themselves as "students" now and then they say they are studying A levels etc is a bit strange. Anyhoo, just a general wondering.


    I will add that I too have given up my season ticket this year. After having it for 2 years and making the 400 mile round trip 15 times last year (barely breaking even on the price of the ticket) I decided to give it up. BP just doesnt have the experience anymore and isnt fully worth the 6 hour round trip (if Virgin Trains are working) plus the £300 per season and the £40 train ticket!!!


    Away days with the OASIS lads though... thats a different matter. Bring on Orient ;-)

  16. Indeedy.


    It was previously like Cricket for my money. You took the micky but it was clearly in good spirits and given back. Now it's been trashed by some mindless minority and we'll all suffer for it.


    Maybe. I had other commitments last year so didnt make it. But for a few isolated incidents which I have since heard of, I found inside the arena to be anything but intimidating and or menacing. Feels a little like a storm in a tea cup caused by a few chavs who will not be difficult to isolate and route out

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