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Magic Mikey

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Everything posted by Magic Mikey

  1. You're going to be in a very small minority spouting that bollocks. I, for one, really appreciate his contributions.
  2. Hopefully the vast majority of season ticket holders won't renew until the clowns are gone and any new potential owners would take care of those basics.
  3. And that. Latics v Watford on Match Time on ITV4 now!
  4. Somebody better tell Lancashire County Cricket Club that they need to move home.
  5. Oldham v Rochdale - local derby Oldham v Preston - Lancashire derby Ipswich v Norwich - East Anglia derby Bradford v Mansfield - not a derby
  6. I thought the humble pie after the failed strike was common knowledge.
  7. Is it the difference between Wigan sheesh and doner? I love a mushy pea, but at breakfast?
  8. Shez as DOF with Pete Wilde managing wouldn't be bad.
  9. I was basing it on Dave's comment. I was only arsed to reply because of your inference that it could be deemed to be OK, when no one had said that. I couldn't give a toss about the drink driving laws in the IOM. I don't drink and having been there, I won't be returning any time soon.
  10. Five times the two limits is approximately the difference between drinking four pints and drinking ten. Neither alright, but very different.
  11. They've got Rob Elstone in as chief exec. He lives in the town and is in a different stratosphere to Karl Evans.
  12. A tangible link to when we were any good. Rude not to.
  13. Just had another little chat with him at Stockport Station.
  14. Very much and that, but I bumped into Tony Bugby near the start of the London marathon today. He was running, I was supporting. Every item of his outfit had a Latics badge on it. I'm running Manchester marathon next weekend. I'm wondering about getting an Abdallah Out t-shirt. Or will the feds make me turn it inside out?
  15. "You're a mentalist" Could make a nice T-shirt slogan for Abdallah or Mo.
  16. I've bought the poster and a mug set. Absolute quality. "Badly drawn by idiots."
  17. I'd first of all like to echo the thoughts on the podcast. Excellent as usual and great to hear from Billy who was excellent in his short time with us and showed what can be achieved with the right attitude and commitment. I loved Andy's passion and that feeling amongst the fans is what we need to harness now rather than a Barryesque attitude that this is the way it is and the owner is entrenched. Let's give him both barrels and see. This has been discussed ad nauseum and it's sad to see some splits and name calling. I wondered if we could develop an approach that utilises the fact that some fans are boycotting and some attending in a two pronged attack. Small sacrifices would be needed for both groups. There is a third group, possibly older fans, who may not use social media and probably aren't fully aware of the whole situation. Bringing these people up to speed may bring more weight to our opposition. Could we firstly pick a home game and get as many fans as possible to attend. Fill the main stand and get a vocal group concentrated in the Jimmy Frizzell stand. As many wearing clown outfits and masks as possible. Chanting non stop like we did at Fulham both supporting the team and letting Mo know what we think about him. I'm boycotting but I'd be prepared to make the sacrifice of buying a match ticket for that one game and I could bring plenty with me. For the next home game have as near to a complete boycott as possible with a demonstration outside the ground. I understand the reasons for fans attending but I don't think missing one match is a lot to ask. If we talk to the people around us at the first match and explain what is happening in the second, it may be better observed. For those who insist on going, then maybe ask that they go in late or walk out with 15 minutes to go. There is a cancer eating our club away from the inside we need to be the surgeons to cut it out. Be as vocal as possible, keep your money away from funding this disastrous vanity project and keep the fucking faith.
  18. Doesn't even have to be intent to injure. Endangering an opponent is a red card offence. I could understand it more if the ref hadn't given a yellow and thought it was accidental.
  19. Fracturing an eye socket and severely breaking a nose was not deemed excessive last night.
  20. For our younger viewers, Google Dave MacKay Billy Bremner.
  21. That game I thought he was brilliantly entertaining. He did as well as other keepers with his hands and far better with his feet. That changed when he lost his mum. It's not "fucking barmy" to want to be entertained. Doyle's season took a similar downturn after his illness.
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