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Everything posted by LaticsLegend

  1. Moses Ashikodi been released by Watford...
  2. I reckon he'll drop Smalley and put Taylor on the left paving the way for Jones on the left. Sorry, just notice you stated apart from Jones.
  3. I wholeheartly agree it was all the winds fault. Well done Shez.
  4. Exactly what I as thinking, except im unsure about the last part yet.
  5. Come on boys lets grab that goal. Me and im guessing those at BP will be very uneasy by now.
  6. Excellent signing, should mean Hughes isnt going there. Just sign the contract now Hughesy.
  7. Wouldnt wish it on anyone...apart from United and Leeds.
  8. I have tried to get a campaign going with the club twice on this subject....didnt work either time.
  9. Yes it does but it wasnt me who kept the offensive comments going.
  10. Don't think it would have had the same effect!
  11. Well after all this I thought you would have learned. I dont appriciate this term being used and neither would some people that I know.
  12. Lets hope this is a wake up call and we go and outplay County and get a result. Then Shez will have a press conference I cant complain at
  13. We're not even relying on the playoffs to be fair. We need to get back on track if we're going to be in with a chance, and I trust Shez can work hard with the boys and do that this week. Show the country we're ready to be up there again and we are a good team and club.
  14. Quality! Hereford do have a poor ground, but their lack of funds restrict. Its adequate for the football league, and I wish them good luck on staying here.
  15. I would be annoyed if he didnt say anything yes, but that has bugger all to do with what i'm saying. I expect him to come out and tell us what happened, and why that happened. Fair play to Shez he did this in the rest of his interview, but like alot of people, i'm sick of these excuses from him. By the way... Sheridan IN.
  16. I went to the game, and was tired when I got in and didnt have much time to respond on here to all topics. I suspect you was reading the official site all day yesterday, so today has been my opportunity to say what I think, not trawling through all the old posts to comment on the same thing I can do on this thread.
  17. If it's not an excuse, no need to say it. Im sure all the Oldham and Hereford fans could tell 'We were just not at the races'.
  18. Windass is on 5 grand a week, ive heard it from a club official myself.
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