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Everything posted by LaticsLegend

  1. So youd rather have 4k attendance than no money at all?
  2. With this possible replay? Sheridan is a financial genious eh Lags?
  3. I'd say Sheridan's job is safe until at least the end of January.
  4. Surely this decision hasnt been made out of choice? Sometimes noone but the player and manager knows whats going on behind the scenes, but we must jump to conclusions. Either a bust up or a potential loan signing on monday has forced this move I reckon.
  5. I just cant see us going down without a fight tonight, but Scunthorpe's good form, coupled with our bad form, i see a 1-1 draw.
  6. Eardley was a stand out performer when usually his good points arent noticed very much. Along with Allott and Alessandra, impressed me alot yesterday.
  7. Not in the slightest as long as he hands over the money at the turnstyle.
  8. Stay all year Wenks, We need characters like you to liven the mood on here!
  9. Must do better next time... Would have been funny had I mentioned either Yantarno or Murray.
  10. Ahh, guess you have to be in the OWTB clique to get something like this going. Just like the 'SMS' thread the other night..
  11. by my manager... was looking forward to the opening day fixture for my pub team on sunday
  12. Suddenly, the information I gave yesterday is not so ridiculous. ;)
  13. http://www.owtb.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=17037
  14. To hear one of the scrotes say to one of OUR regular fans 'Do you want a punch now or later?' is an utter embarrassment in itself and explains why what happened tonight happened.
  15. This is Ferrero Roche, not the one your thinking of.
  16. What a disgrace some of those lads were on the left on the RRE. Total embarrassment, threatening our own fans, fighting between themselves. Even singing the words to songs wrong embarrassed me. If they were paying customers, i wouldnt give a but since it was free it could see other fans be driven away.
  17. Hamstring problem was the reason he didnt play.
  18. ell, can tell why people on here dont want to post what they hear. Haha. Just letting you lot know so you done back him first scorer or anything. Taylor not usually dropped for games like this, or am I wrong?
  19. Apparently, he's not playing. Only heard it from an unreliable source so dont hold me to it, just letting you know.
  20. Thought that myself, but the boot was open outside the house, as to say he was unpacking some stuff, also had a family member in the house (who was giving me dirty looks since i was looking in the house)
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