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Posts posted by flytrap

  1. He does have a point though! look where it has got us... a piss yellow shirt that falls to pieces in the wash, and two songs that would even get rejected from the bargain bucket at poundland... surely there are people employed to make these type of decisions, the oldham public cannot be trusted! :wink:


    I honestly cant wait to see the faces of people in the ground when guns of navarone is played for the first time... howver with our home record and normal start to seasons that will be december sometime....


    Big Fin knows what im on about, let the management make decisions instead of fobbing them off on us!

    We clearly cannot be trusted!

  2. The message board is getting abit dull so I thought i'd share a thought of mine:


    The idea of a poll of people can decide what five thousand latics fans see and hear on a saturday afternoon is beyond me.

    A fluo yellow away kit, mouldy old dough & guns of navarone... Tragic!

    Ive had enough of official polls, they are clearly getting us nowhere!


    The only poll i'd sanction would be whether Chris Taylor plays on the left or right, anyone with two brain cells knows which is best.

  3. there was a point towards the end of the season where we couldn't even name five substitutes for gods sake! and the ones which were on the bench were the under 17's.

    I think lee, whitaker, fleming and o'grady are all serious 1st team contenders, but nobody should be guaranteed a place as that creates complacency.

    i think these are positive signings, Stephens has not been talked about much but in a couple of years time he could be one of the best midfielders in our division.

  4. For me I want to hear mouldy old dough as I walk through the turnstiles and am taking to my seat buying a programme/pie because thats what will for me always be assoicated with going to Latics. i hope its always used at Latics and is forever connected with us. However I wouldn't want it as the tune we run out too as it neither gets the heart pumping or is something that we could all sing along too together like You'll never walk alone or Blue Moon.

    i dont mind it being played, it will always remind me of good times, but it simply is not entrance music.

  5. The problem I have with Mouldy Old Dough is that people coming to the club for the first time will not get it one bit. All it does is appease the die hard supporters and isn't a song which will inspire the players (who won't have a clue what connection the UK number 4 hit from the 1970's has to do with latics).

    The classical tune they played during the Dowie era (it begins with a C, cant remember the exact name) was epic and had a wide ranging appeal.


    Please, anything but Mouldy Old Dough... I see it as a backward step, we could definately find something a little bit original that will get the players and supporters riled up for the game.

  6. I'm not a big fan of songs being played after goals, but i do like a good rousing song for the players to come out to. I noticed today spain and sweden came out to seven nation army by white stripes and it worked brilliantly, just the right type of song!


    Here it is...



    at least its better than mouldy old dough!

    M-O-D rates among the most energy sapping and dreary songs I have ever heard at latics.

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