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Everything posted by deckyd

  1. At least we arnt losing. Thought we played well up untill they scored then reverted to type of hoofing it to no one in particular for 25 mins. Byrne clearly wants the ball, even from throw ins with men on him hes still looking it. Gardner has hid after a few wayward balls. Doing okay though and Doyle looks dangerous with half a sniff.
  2. Lets hope the Fleetwood front men/wide men are not flying machines or we are fukd based on the last 5 games with a back 3.
  3. Cant understand why we persist with 3 at the back ffs. Hope today is the day it works
  4. More solid, would play Byrne behind Doyle. If not go 4-4-2 with Davies up top and bench Bryan. Thought Gardner and Byrne played very well last week. Bryan short of fittness, Garnder was ar fault for goal and risky at times but felt he was a threat going forward and wanted the ball, passed it well.
  5. If we play 3 at the back I fear we will get tanked. It hasnt worked yet.... cant see it changing today.
  6. Ruined the game. Thought the challange on Doyle first few mins was a pen aswell. Cant believe he gave that for a foul, clear as day as you described, had to be for a a Davies off side or something because if not he should be suspended.
  7. Charlton were a good side and i agree. If we keep going as today (without Banks please god) we will be alright. 11 vs 11 today after we go 2-2 would of been very interesting.
  8. No fukin idea what to think about this result. Banks shouldnt put on a shirt again, 50 yrd passes, no tackle and gives ball away far to often. Thought Fane done well when he came on. Never a second yellow. Need a change at cb, pair of them get burned for fun, outstanding in the air though. Thought we played on the deck,very well. Impressed with Byrne and Gardner, not so much with Bryan but lacking fitness and first game. Doyle will score goals at this level.
  9. No idea as to what formation we will use Sat, hope its not 3 at the back. Would try Placide as he couldnt be worse than Wilson. Rb B.Wilson- rather he play cb with Clarke Cbs Gerrard and Clarke, if fit seems these two will play, i would play Clarke and another as we were better when Gerrard went of vs Blackpool Lb Hunt Rm Mantack Dm Bryan Cm Byrne Lm The Belgian Am Gardner Fc Doyle If Belgian not fit, move Mantack to rb, Wilson to cb for Gerrard, Gardner to cm 3, doyle, Holloway (has to come good at some point) and Osei because he played well 2nd half last week up top
  10. No live coverage of any checktrade trophy matches or league cup- not that it matters now!
  11. Does anyone else think as a team we stand of an awful lot and dont seem to make a lot of challanges? Today and previous games, even Fane who is there to break up play rarely puts a tackle in.
  12. The fans could be heard loud and clear on Iplayer singing away. First half the team were lackluster to say the least. Second half at least they showed some desire.
  13. 2-2 on second half performance would of been deserved, still feel we have a side in there but first half was sitting watching the game with my brother in law who has not seen us before, he plays Irish League but game was called off due to flooding, hes a defender and after 15 mins said our defensive shape was shocking, asked had we ever played this formation before !! I would give 3 at the back up, it doesnt work for us.
  14. This. Even if it was Holloway, he doesnt do enough, we lost, its a given some of tbe balls he gets are shat, but for me he doesnt win enough ball, at one point he tried to beat 3 players with a turn when a simple pass would od done... i want him to be a good player for us but at the moment i just dont see it.
  15. Thought it was Osei. Holloways contribution for 90 min is questionable. Loses to many 50/50 for me.
  16. Far better second half. Think we deserved a draw. Subs made a difference, Mantack was direct which helped and could of scored. Have to say im not a fan of Holloway, cant see what he does for the side, if hes a target man he doesnt win enough for me.
  17. Sitting far to deep. No passing from anyone. 3 at back doesnt work when Gerrard and Clarke are being burned with balls down the side of them and being skinned. Fane has touched the ball 3 times and made two tackles... positional sense is non existant..
  18. The amount of long high balls to McLaughlin was pointless, trying his feet would of been an idea? We seemed to get near wigan pen area, no movement/didnt know what to do so turned back to Clarke/Gerrard in our own half then launched it up to the position we were in and lost it in the feckin air....
  19. Hope we dont play 3 at the back, Wilson, Gerrard and Clarke have no pace which will lead to a deep defensive back line and with no one putting thier foot on the ball in midfield, more thank likely lead to hoof ball to Holloway who isnt holding much up at the minute. Gardner will more than likely come in. Give Kyeremeh a run on lthe left, McLaughlin on right and take ur pick of the rest for other cm spot, maybe give B. Wilson a go at a holding role in front of back 4 if he could do it, couldnt do much worse than Green or Fane?? Would put Tope and Duffus up top, people have said Duffus has pace, hasnt shown it yet but thought is if we are gonna go longish from the back, play long down the channels instead of through the middle, turn Wigan around and let Tope and Duffus use thier speed to cause trouble and run onto the balls. If anything you would hope it would be more difficult for the ball to come straight back at us ala Wasall with neither Holloway or Davies winning much down the middle. Think Clarke and Gerrard will start no matter what.
  20. Im looking on the positive side, it surely can only get better. Played very deep with two banks, no real pressure on the ball, Fane picks and chooses when to press which is fine but he does it alone. We let cross after cross come into the box and again no pressure on the crosser. To me it seemed we couldnt string passes together and no one wanted the ball. If we are going to try and play of Holloway with long balls he needs to win 50/50s and midfiled the second balls. Very rarely we passed to feet. Walsall were playing from thechalf way line and walked out with possession at times. We launched it!! Think Walsall more than deserved to win and could of been 3-4 on another day for them.
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