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Everything posted by Ackey

  1. We've caught us a lurker! Welcome Stu... run free my friend, there's plenty to see and do!
  2. I have it on a tape... which once I'm finished with you are welcome to?
  3. Stipe, I don't know what you already do, but if you want me to have a go at making the low quality ones better I don't mind. Just pop them to me (pm me and i'll send you my email addy) and I'll send them back if I can do anything with them!
  4. 6. Riders on the Storm... the level of genius is beyond words!
  5. The Doors... 1. The Changeling 2. Been Down So Long 3. L'America 4. Break on Through 5. People are Strange
  6. I missed the LT thing... does anyone know if it's going to be on repeat? Sounds like compelling telly! Bless the Yanks eh, so many biggots, so few minorities!
  7. Hah! 100% no doubt... he had nowt better to do that day... has to be him!
  8. I voted for them both... because for some reason you allowed that! Success!!!
  9. Ahh! I should have recognised a procrastinator when I saw one!
  10. I think you use them to clean your ears... the key is the 'shoving' part
  11. If only! But good point, well made!!
  12. Oooh, nasty! I had one on my nose, outside, and it hurt like a bugger! Felt strange when they cut it out 'cos they had to press on my nose whilst cutting it and I couln't feel anything other than pressure on the side of my head and on my eye's - really really freaky feeling! Wouldn't mind, but it wasn't even as big as a pea when they finally got rid of it! Still, it's gone now... oh how I miss it so
  13. Latics Deserved the Win? according to Yeovil Manager.
  14. It was some time this year, the gound staff had raked up all the excess off the pitch and left it in piles (just like mole hills) litterally ALL OVER the pitch, hundreds of them... and the site ran a "MOLE ATTACK!!!" story which was a really funny little piece.
  15. No doubting Wellens ability, but I think this year you could see he's carrying a knock, some games he's been a little bit in and out of. On his day undoubtedly one of the most leathal players in the league, can destroy a team, but to me there is no one who comes close to Warne for player of the year... his effort has been above and beyond... I know of only one player who runs as much, as fast and as hard as Warne, and thats Rooney at Manure, and to be compared to him, Red or not, is a compliment above any other... especially when you're 12 years older - impressive!!
  16. Patience lads! The season's young yet!
  17. No, he smells OK, really it's 'cos I've not got the access... once Rummy/Beardy/Steve pop by I'm sure they'll open the door... not sure where they are today - probably sleeping off last night!
  18. Just checked, and we're on 16 clean sheets for the season (maybe 17, I don't know if that includes yesterday) - didn't he set the record at 18 under dowie? And people are saying he's crap... makes you laugh eh? they must sit in the George Hill upper!
  19. Just for being nice to us I'll vote yes! OWTB!!!!!!
  20. The OWTB one or the Official one? I think ours was funny... but I'm biased! The official one less so, as they picked a story they'd ran only a week early which specifically stated he'd gotten international clearence... if they'd gone for something less obvious it could've been better... like the Mole story they ran, that was a cracker!
  21. Couple of things from what you say mate... Personally, I will be sad to see Clarke go. There is no doubt in my mind that he's not been 100% fit for us, and as you say he's heading that way now. I said it before, but I think if he works hard thru the summer he could prove a quality player in the Championship next year. He has a great first touch and a good footballing brain. I certainly wouldn't complain if he somehow ended up here next season. As for Taylor, he's had that problem a few times... he's young lad and he needs experiance before he will learn how to be more influencial... I've said it about several games recently that teams now know how we play and they constrict the middle which takes Lidds out of the game, because no matter how good his passes are he doesn't get the ball, it also take Taylor out of the game - as he hasn't yet learnt how to remain influencial, and it also negates our biggest threat in Wellens by crowding him out. I was happy to hear Shez make the change of Glombard, because his pace and direct play forces teams to pick him up and to chase him and that opens the middle up again and when teams are getting ontop it speads them thinner and gives you a counter attacking option. Finally, Porter... I think it's just a Keep the Faith thing... he is undoubtedly talented, fantastic first touch, fantastic eye for goal, good work ethic and I think he still has it in him to get 10 goals before the end of the year! Onwards and Upwards!
  22. I never rated him when he was at Latics, but to be fair he's played 40 games for them this year and they're 5th in the league, so he has to be doing something right! And out Ibiza he was a sound bloke too, took everything in good spirits!
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