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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. I'll give you your dummy back if you want? Via PM, of course.
  2. Thanks for the threatening PM. I'd love your seat number. No idea what I'd do with it like. And no, I'm not trying to make you look a :censored:, you clearly don't need my help. Like I said, 'arry hadn't said what you said he had. I pointed it out to you. You still weren't having it. And then I explained it. You're probably still not having it. Ladies and Gentleman - don't pick on Lancy Lad, because if you do you've "picked on the wrong guy"
  3. It's alright, I'll explain it on here... lancy lad - "I know it will upset a few but tough, it's time the club stopped allowing people to make the choice." Harry Bosch - "By delivering decent, winning football again so we have to sit, and sing, wherever we can get in?" Meaning... We deliver good winning football and fans flock back. The ground sells out. People are happy to get a ticket in whichever part of the ground the can as long as they get to see the lads. It wasn't that hard to understand.
  4. FFS, do you really need a simple post explaining to you?
  5. I have. Maybe you should read it back, because it isn't exactly what he said.
  6. I was sat in the stand, having a conversation with my old man and neither of us had to speak even slightly louder than usual to hear each other above the din. Must be my hearing difficulties.
  7. In the Chaddy last week, the noise was constant, but it wasn't really that loud. No idea what it sounded like outside of the Chaddy. In the Chaddy today, the noise from the RRE was constant (in the 2nd half) but it wasn't really that loud. So 2 things. The singers might be louder once their voices break. But more importantly, the fans who generated the noise in the last 2 weeks are mostly the same people and they usually sit in the RRE...why haven't they done that every week?
  8. So if they knock it down ASAP, do we just leave it? So we finally get a 4th stand and then go back to 3? Or do we rebuild it? And then the Chaddy is the future because it's newer and has better "facilities"
  9. Just to check I'm not being an idiot and reading this right...these prices are regardless of what division we are in?
  10. A new ground right near the town centre would have been ideal if at all possible, a bit like what Rotherham have done.
  11. They wouldn't know I'm there. They certainly wouldn't be able to hear me building said tree house. Whilst any protest made whilst up there would be "lost in the roof" or drowned out by the "superior acoustics" of the RRE.
  12. Why would I dig a tunnel when I could make full use of the "facilities" and build a treehouse up a stanchion? This country.
  13. Is there only one set of men's bogs and ladies bogs in the Chaddy? Not sure if them in the lookers corner are still there. If they aren't, don't know if it would be possible to segregate the fans in the Chaddy. The best solution would be to stop messing about fans who sit in the RRE. There's not been more than a couple of games this season where they can't have been accommodated in the small section at least. The stand is already segregated, so use it.
  14. I think you're missing the point. The silence the Chaddy end is making would be louder in the RRE. It's the "acoustics" and "facilities"
  15. It's really ace being a Latics fan who goes to games. Not only do you pay good money to watch absolute crap week in week out, it's actually your fault they are crap as well.
  16. The real issue is "Chaddy Enders - would you go in the RRE if they had a tuck shop?"
  17. You wouldn't feed it Nandos? But what about the "facilities" in there? You can buy beer in there.
  18. That's your view, but not the view of the people who go in there who clearly prefer it to the other 2 stands which they chose not to go in.
  19. But we aren't talking about Latics moving ground or updating ground. Just the possibility of us moving from one 20 year old stand with no "facilities" to another 20 year old stand with no "facilities". Which is nothing like Arsenal, or any of the dozens of other clubs you could have used who have built a new ground or updated their old one.
  20. Ask any Arsenal fan where they would be - At the Emirates with an unused transfer budget winning nothing, or back at Highbury winning stuff. But anyway, well done. You've compared the possibility of Latics fans moving from one :censored:e 20 odd year old stand with no facilities to another, with one of the biggest clubs in the country moving stadium. It really is dead similar.
  21. Arsenal fans were promised that the stadium move would help them compete with the top teams in Europe, and they believed it. Since they moved to the Emirates they have won the sum total of f**k all. So I reckon they'd probably be in favour of a move backwards. Arsenal could probably afford to lose loads of fans because there would be a load more ready to pay top dollar to replace them. Which is a luxury we don't have.
  22. We could poll everyone coming through the gate, but you could look at that as a waste of time and money to set up. Could just use what people pay to do with the choices available to them as an accurate poll. Some people may well have said that they want to move. So when season tickets are up for renewal, they can move. They have that choice which for some reason they have never decided to make previously. They can trial it all they want before the end of the season. But it would be a stupid thing to do if they moved fans over from the Chaddy permanently. A lot of people who sit in there won't want to move, and it could well be the straw that breaks the camels back with regards to people not renewing. The only thing I could see happening is us losing ST holders, and that is far too risky. If 100 adults from the Chaddy end decide they aren't renewing because they are being forced to move, that's 30k we'd be missing out on in the close season. That really isn't a risk worth taking.
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