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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. For the World Cup you have to pick a squad of 23 players. And 11 get in the team. We have to pick the best 23 English players. And unfortunately this is what we have got. We could well ditch those players because they aren't good enough. But we will only be replacing them with players that aren't good enough. If we are ever going to do anything, teaching kids how the play the right way is the way to go about it. We need to be coaching kids at a very young age that the ball is something you should want to have and look for, and not something that you need to get rid of as soon as possible. We need to be teaching kids to pass and move so that by the time they are teenagers it's second nature, and by the time they are adults they are pretty good at it. Until we change the way kids are taught when they start playing football, the only way we will produce a top class England side is by getting very lucky that 11 quality players come through at the same time.
  2. He had been a bit rubbish Messi. He only scored 41 goals in 46 games.
  3. World Cups are only every 4 years and there is no guarantee that you will get there. For that reason alone, I don't think you should ever look at one World Cup as a stepping stone to the next one. Think Argentina will win it. Hope its England (obviously) but that's not going to happen. I hope it gets off to a great start tomorrow night with a great performance from the hosts.
  4. Really sound bloke Gippy and a top Latics fan. RIP.
  5. Hopefully we will get the lad who got moved on to reporting on Stockport back.
  6. Damn predictive text on my phone! Anyway, won't all the Yorkies be watching reverend and the makers after the game do the tram should be empty.
  7. Junaid's bowling was absolutely stunning. As good as I can remember seeing. I can see Fred struggling to get in the tram. At the back end of his career he was more of a bowler than an all rounder. With the way we have been bowling it would be very tough to drop anyone to put him in.
  8. It's still crap, and if we'd have lost in the first round I really wouldn't have cared too much.
  9. The competition is crap enough as it is without them making it essentially a national version of the Manchester Senior Cup. It is run to give lower league clubs a chance to win a cup at Wembley. Not as a cup to give big clubs another shot at Wembley. Like Josh said, if they do this I won't be going watching this cup anymore. The FL need to grow a pair. Instead of coming up with a compromise, just tell them where they can stick their idea. Its not like there is that much support for B teams anyway.
  10. Terry is a quality player. But he's made himself unavailable for selection so f**k him.
  11. There are two big problems which affect the number of good young players coming through the ranks in English football. Lack of quality coaches to coach young players, and big clubs stockpiling talent which means very good players end up lost in the system and miss out on a career. Putting B teams from big clubs in the Football League wouldn't solve these problems. In fact, it would more than likely just make it worse.
  12. That home record is shocking. 8 home defeats in this terrible division is awful so we really need to improve the home form next season. 6/10 for me
  13. The penalty was as nailed on as you will get. The second yellow was also as nailed on as you will get. We have seen so many horrendouse refereeing performances in our 17 years in this division (and this season) that this one does not deserve mentioning at all.
  14. I like Notts County away so hope they stay up. Crewe is alright too. Not too mithered though to be honest.
  15. I hope we batter them and I hope they stay up. Notts away on the train is a cracking away day.
  16. Paulie Malignaggi said on Ringside that he didn't expect Porter to hurt him and he was shocked how much he hurt with every punch. Did Malignaggi underestimate him of has Porter been using something he shouldn't have and all of a sudden is a bigger puncher?
  17. Didn't the news article say something like "approaching 7 figures". That's 6 figures to me.
  18. By and large, home fans don't want to sit in the away end even if it is a utopia (it isn't. It's a no frills stand with basic facilities. I think that's how the press release about it described it before it was built.) For 15 of the 16 league games that home fans could go in it, it has been about 1/4 full. Some games, like Rotherham, there can't have been more than 400 in. The biggest crowd in there was Brentford, and even then it was no more than half full. So for plenty of games where fans have a choice to sit in there, they aren't choosing it en masse. They most certainly shouldn't be moved out of there for some (probably any) games though. It pisses of fans who do want to sit in there and and usually there's no real need for it. But fans who turn up every week and want to sit in the home end aren't holding the club back. And the Chaddy End being the home stand isn't costing us thousands of fans. The gaping hole that is finally being filled and 17 years of third division football with little prospect of promotion is what has been costing us thousands of fans.
  19. Don't football shirts usually have the Do Not Tumble Dry icon on the label?
  20. Didn't hear much of the famous Rochdale Road End atmosphere either. Which just goes to show, if hardly anyone is singing you won't hear it. The game was dire. 2 teams happy with a draw.
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