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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. I think the question was "what would you be happy with?" Not "what do you expect to happen?" And we aren't 8th from bottom.
  2. I wouldn't. It would mean we've lost against a poor team.
  3. If a club accepts an offer, they are basically telling the player that they would rather have the money than the player. So when does a player ever say "nah, I don't want to go"?
  4. Bristol at Home - Winnable. Franchise Away - Winnable Gillingham at Home - Winnable Franchise at Home - Winnable So, I think it's realistic to be asking for 12 points. In typical Latics fashion, we will probably get about 4.
  5. All of it. Or just the initial fee paid and what it could potentially be. I'm sure that would make everyone happy. In American sports, a player signs a contract and its announced how much its potentially worth, how many years, and how much the player is guaranteed, I don't see any reason why the league couldn't (or shouldn't) implement a rule that says all transfer fees should be disclosed. It wouldn't be to hard for the OS to have had an article saying something along the lines of "Oldham Athletic have agreed to sell James Tarkowski to Brentford for an initial fee of 200k. The fee is set to rise by 50k if he plays 50 games for Brentford, and includes 10% of any profit Brentford make for selling the player."
  6. The fans who left at half time yesterday are a million times better than the ones who don't bother turning up. That first half yesterday was horrendous. If you play like that, worse teams than Peterborough would give you a hiding. I didn't leave at HT, it's not something I'd do. But after that first half I didn't want to be there. I certainly wasn't looking forward to the second half and was fearing the worst, so I can understand why someone would rather spend the second half in the warmth of the boozer having a few jars. But if you make that choice, it's the risk you take. That second half was absolute magic though. Never seen anything like it. And it's likely we will never see anything like that ever again.
  7. It is a problem because he shouldn't be sitting anywhere. He's the engine of the midfield, he should be getting up and down the pitch and dictating the game. We're at our best when he does that, and he hasn't really been doing it lately.
  8. No, that's not what I said at all. Wesolowski is a holding midfielder. Korey Smith isn't.
  9. I think you've got Wesolowski's role confused. He's there to break play up and give the ball to the more talented players. He's very good at what he does, but what he can do is very limited. He's most definitely not an attacking midfielder, and isn't played as one.
  10. That's top half of league one. So it's not just "not won many away against good teams", it's also "not won many away against some bang average teams."
  11. They were playing against a club 59 places below them in the league. I can't believe anyone would expect the home fans to create any sort of atmosphere. Its the sort of game where the home fans turn up expecting a fairly easy victory. The reputation of Anfield having a great atmosphere did not come about because of early rounds of the FA Cup against lower league opposition. It came about because of how loud they get for the big games, which in fairness is pretty damn loud. The OP mentioned hearing better from Accrington. In fairness to Accrington Stanley, those Stanley Ultras are probably the best fans around for never shutting up.
  12. Standing is usually cheaper than sitting. What would most likely happen is they would just increase the cost of seats and keep standing tickets at the current level.
  13. It counts as seeing Coventry play at home. It would count towards going to Northampton though which is only an issue if you've not seen us play away at Northampton.
  14. When I say we don't see it, I mean it doesn't go into our bank accounts. Obviously we see it in terms of the club survives, signs better players, and ultimately stays exactly where we are in the pyramid. But you know, let Simon Corney worry about the dosh. Let the fans worry about enjoying a good day out. The best thing about beating Forest wasn't drawing Liverpool and signing Jose, it was the crazy 7 minutes and the celebrations that followed. I can only speak for myself, but the amount we might possibly earn from this was the furthest thing from my mind at that time.
  15. No. The money is irrelevant to fans. Or it should be. (In as much as we don't see it.) It's about the people who go every week getting to see us play a top premier league team at a top premier league ground. The possibility of a win and all the glory that entails. We (the fans) don't see the cash. The most important thing is that the people who matter have a top day.
  16. That's not right though. Each aisle separates one block from another.
  17. He could tell that off his tickets. Would both be different blocks.
  18. What row are you on? That might be back of the stand where they have massive concrete pillars, so you might have a seat on one side and a seat on t'other.
  19. If a player slides in genuinely trying to play the ball but is late and breaks the other guys leg, it's a red card. So if a player goes for a header, is late and breaks the other guys cheekbone it should be a red.
  20. I thought booking Clarke Harris for winning the ball was a pretty bad decision. Especially after he let a 2 footer from one of theirs go unpunished in the first half.
  21. Not if the next 30-40 games takes another 3 years.
  22. So what we can gather is that 40 off games in 3 years isn't that much at all. And if they play the same rate of games for the next 2 seasons they won't progress enough at all. They need a good run of 15-20 games which would do them no end of good. But the problem we have with that is we don't actually know if they will be good enough to do that. Johnson could pick them with the plan of giving them a good run, and if after 3 games we have lost all 3 everyone will want them dropped and the manager might have to take them out if the team. Winchester obviously has talent, but he looks poor so often. Think it was summed up last year when he was brilliant against Liverpool, and then garbage against Walsall a week later. He's just really hit and miss at the moment. Mellor is quite similar. Sometimes he looks really good, other times not quite so good. He's clearly got something wrong which none of us know about, so we don't know if that's the reason he often looks bad, or if it's just that he's not that good/lacking experience. Hopefully he will get over whatever the issue is and we will find out if he's got a future here.
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