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Posts posted by archiecat

  1. I could have waved good bye to Bunn after some turgid stuff earlier in the season but had come round to thinking he should see it out.

    My reasoning was that any chance of promotion was now highly unlikely so just try to stabilize and get all the players onside.

    Trouble is that the owner is a clown,the players don't give a toss and Bunn had already lost his assistant.

    His tenure was all very Meh to be honest but at least he had a shot,hope he gets fixed up with something soon.

  2. 4 minutes ago, kowenicki said:

    So these dressing downs definitely happened? Three of them.  After which games?  Just askin’



    could very well be four after yesterday and when they occurred doesn't really matter.

    He shouldn't do it but it's his pram to throw the toys out of,if he wants to do that good luck to him.

    One thing is for sure, this bloke is Jekyll and Hyde and it will cost him.

    One minute slowy slowy catchy monkey the next is head pops :D 

  3. 28 minutes ago, simplythemostimportantkick said:

    Now hopefully the mods will not show favouritism and you’ll get a ban. As Ackey is always keen on enforcing mine. 

    If i get banned for being first insulted by one moron and then goaded by another  then fair enough.

    Thanks for your input which is as always invaluable. 

  4. We could not avoid relegation last time out because of losing/drawing games that were there to be won.

    That was with a better team than we currently possess, but this time round whilst we continue to draw games we are deemed to be play off contenders.

    We are very fortunate to have a gem of a loanee in Iversen,If we had to rely on Dickfingers or Zeus then we could realistically be only just above the drop zone.

    Frankie and this team need to win almost double the amount of games they do currently to be considered promotion candidates,we have seen nothing to suggest this will happen!

  5. 10 minutes ago, the_mighty_bosh said:

    My team would be:

















    Nothing against Miller who I think has got better as the season has progressed, but I think Surridge and Lang will cause their defence more problems than any other partnership.


    This will be difficult because their defence is well-drilled, their wingers are tricky, Akinde and McCarten are very dangerous and the Cowley brothers are not against using a few dirty tricks.  But they aren't likely to outplay us, we've just got to be up for the fight.

    I would swap Hunt for Taylor and bring in Dummigan on the right,other than that good shout. 

  6. 46 minutes ago, oafc1955 said:

    And if we were a goal down on the hour and he brought Surridge off you’d be moaning about subbing our best goal threat....the guy can’t win with some of you lot!!


    Hey think on, he signed the likes of Miller and GOG,their goal return determines how good a manager he is.

    almost half a season gone and nothing to get giddy about.

  7. 5 minutes ago, OneSizeFitz said:

    Tilt that on its head and you could argue taking a winger off for a striker is a statement of intent in itself. If this argument that Bunn was "settling for a point" had any merit, surely he'd have been making defensive-minded subsitutions? 

    Surridge got 30 minutes, having been out injured for several weeks, and with another difficult game on Tuesday. Given his injury record this season, it seems quite sensible to me to ease him back in gently.

    We were the better team, a fact acknowledged by a Tranmere fan on here.

    Surridge if fit enough to play should be a starter,bring one of either Miller or COG on if he runs out of steam.


  8. 6 minutes ago, BP1960 said:


    Not sure Lang and Surridge will work as neither can hold the ball up front or win the ball in the air.

    However, If we play to their strengths in running on to the ball with pace that could make a big difference.


    Spot on BP, these 2 have pace to burn and as you very well know defenders in all but the highest leagues are scared to death by it. 

  9. 26 minutes ago, sjk2008 said:

    Genuinely cannot understand anyone who says we settled for a point. We kept going at them right to the final whistle.


    Also, whilst it was a monumentally stupid decision not to send that corner into the box when fat bastard was off the pitch, that’s no fault of Bunn’s.

    Think you need to factor in having your top goalscorer on the bench until the last 20.

    Moving your second best forward out to the wing whilst accommodating the prolific COG.

    When and if the day comes where we see Surridge and Lang together with no Miller or COG,i will see a statement of intent 

    The fact we haven't seen this pairing is Bunn's fault and could have a bearing on why we are heading for a 55 to 57 point and 15th place finish in a truly dreadful league.

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