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Everything posted by archiecat

  1. Yes, you did say we were poor. we have turned in one mediocre and one dreadful display in the last 2 games, whilst scoring no goals and being extremely fortunate not to concede. Do you honestly believe after that our next 5 games are winnable? over the last 5 games only Cheltenham and Northampton have picked up less points than us, unless Surridge is back very soon or Bunn has a serious rethink of his team selection, we are in trouble.
  2. Did your telly conk out last night Mr K ? We have no goals in us and were unbelievably lucky not to concede, as i said Carlisle turn up,we put on another inept performance like that and Shez has an away point minimum.
  3. No, tonight was all about luck and nothing else. We were poor at Swindon and bloody awful tonight, Carlisle pretty much only need to turn up to get a share of the points. Get your head out of the sand.
  4. Errrr, yes you have missed something. We were absolutely shite and incredibly lucky not to have lost 5-0.
  5. No Surridge = No Goals, No Goals = Fat Ant and his mates sneaking off with 3 points.
  6. oldhamoafc is a genius. Myself and Frankie are clueless.
  7. Got a feeling COG will score tonight,even if he is bobbins
  8. Trouble is BP as good as Mount is,there is not much hope of him getting a chance at Chelsea. Look how little game time Phil Foden gets at City. That is why the national team is, with the exception of a couple on the whole rather poor. Should have been a cap on overseas players at Premier league and Championship level introduced years ago. 6 players per club and max 4 in a match day squad. The current rule of a 25 man squad that can contain up to 17 foreign players is absolute madness and only serves to lessen the chance of young homegrown talent ever featuring at a high level.
  9. I know lots of you aren't exactly fully paid up members of the Gerrard fan club but don't get too giddy, Ishy is hardly the new Bolt
  10. Of course he will have worked with very good prospects, i was kind of generalizing really.There are not so many talented football players anymore,look at the England squad.
  11. Just to offer another view, Bunn has coached young players for a long time now. The teams he has put together will have been entirely comprised of kids who are as fast as whippets and can chase around all day. The tactics he has employed earlier in his reserve/academy coaching/managing career are more than likely what he is using now as they will have got him results. He won't have had an 18 year old Baxter because they don't exist or are at very best extremely rare. Gone are the days when a player put his foot on the ball,had a look around and played a perfect 30/40 yard pass to send a colleague in on goal. The emphasis now is geared around fitness,speed,stamina and retaining possession rather than encouraging individual talent. Baxter is fantastic with the ball but in this team useless without it, it is right that he just doesn't fit. With all due respect, It is a travesty that Missilou or a player of his ilk can command a regular start at the expense of Baxter.
  12. League positions at the moment are not too relevant, there are 12 teams separated by 2 points occupying positions 5 to 16. Looking at recent form, over the last 5 games there are 7 teams who have picked up more points and 4 that have equalled us with an 8 point return. So, at the moment we are playing at just over mid table level,should we fail to pick up at least 3 points from the next two games we could conceivably be looking at a league position in the early teens. Fortunately as a defensive unit we are relatively tight but we definitely need to up our goal scoring tally to avoid becoming detatched from the top 4 teams,who are 4 of the 5 form teams at this time. it's all well and good Frankie saying there is more to come ( we need to see it,not just be told ) and people here claiming that we have exceeded expectations, all depends what you expect doesn't it? I Expect us to challenge for the top 3 places,it's all about having the desire to win and not just to accept the average.
  13. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=2017+to+2018+league+2+table&oq=201&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i60l3j69i65j69i57.16866j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#sie=lg;/g/11c718cpq8;2;/m/0355r8;st;fp;1 Not quite.
  14. Wasn't that long ago that 4-4-2 was thought to be as prehistoric as a gang of Pterodactyls enjoying a fag and a pint in their local. At the moment it is probably the only formation we can turn out due to the personnel available. I am sure that everyone is in agreement that it is a crying shame that a player with the talent Baxter possesses spends most of his Saturday afternoon sat on his arse, but so long as we are picking up points Frankie seems reluctant to start him. The tweet from Surridge on Saturday didn't give any hint to him being back in time for Mansfield so i guess we plod on with the same 11 as Swindon. Should that be the case i can't see anything other than a defeat,i hope i am wrong and i hope that Baxter starts.
  15. Good point especially considering the absence of Sturridge. Goals are always going to be at a premium with Miller and COG starting and Baxter playing his usual 25 mins. Win at home next week and that will be 2 good results.
  16. I would be happy with a point today, am not expecting much.
  17. Picked up an injury during the week, bummer!
  18. Outside the transfer window, a club may still sign players on an emergency basis, usually if they have no goalkeeper available. ... Free agents can be signed by a club at any time during the season, if they had been released by their previous club before the end of the transfer window.
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