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chaddy the owl

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Everything posted by chaddy the owl

  1. Nah, im not even in the same league as him when it comes to pointing at empty spaces. Although im probably still faster than him even with my knackered ankle.
  2. Are those the two numpties that were stood in net when i scored from the corner flag this season?
  3. I think it was Janet Taylor. She looks shifty, you can tell by the look in her eyes. And when she reads this im one dead owl
  4. Why would he not get a good reception? He has been a good servent to the club over the past 2 years, swept the board at last seasons awards night, and hasnt done anything wrong. Paul Warne was in the same situation and got a standing ovation on his return. Whats the difference?
  5. I can honestly say im absolutely gutted at this. Not only did he always give 110% for the cause, he was one of the nicest people you could meet at the club. I hope he gets a great reception WHEN he returns to BP this season.
  6. I think he is trying to point the blame in the direction of our beloved Big Gordon. Dont really see what the problem was to be honest, the only person who is to blame is the "part of the managment" team who was told by Stefan that he was going back to Holland after the Walsall game but didnt inform the rest of the club. I also bet a large sum of money that that person no longer works at the club. Lets for argument sake call that person Tommy W....no sorry, lets just call him Mr Wright.
  7. Correctamondo my friend. Although he did used to like city a little bit, but then again didnt Noel Gallagher say all Oldham fans are really city fans who just cant get to the games
  8. Ed, Mark Allott is just as big an Oldham fans as Taylor is. And as for the comment about him going to Chesterfield for a few hundred quid more.....Do you really beleive that yourself? He will be discussing it with his family before signing just like he did when we signed him, only it was a bit of an easier decision as he loves the club and was sick of travelling to Chesterfield everday and not having much time with his son by the time he got home. He has now got a new baby in his family and deffinately wont want to upsticks and move them. I say he will be resigned by next week as long as DP wants him.
  9. News has just broke that Mr Tickle has comitted suicide after discovering that the love of his life and future wife had dumped him. She has issued a statment saying that although she loved him she didnt think she could live with the ridicule that comes with the name. Friends of Tess say she will miss him dearly. On a serious note, Kermit the frog has been admitted to hospital after testing positive for swine flu. This was due to him humping miss piggy without wearing protection....... What a Muppet. Im here all week.....Unfortunately.
  10. Not had a reply so im guessing nobody knows anyone. Does anyone know if the karaoke in the rifle range belongs to the pub or the dj who does it? And is it used on a friday? I thought it was brilliant last week when i had a go and wouldnt mind seeing if they could do it.
  11. I had a fair few ex's on there but my wife new about them, they were all ex's which i had stayed friends with when we split. It wasnt an ex who tried causing problems, it was just some scrote who thought it would be funny but should have known better. Revenge is a dish best served cold....and all that bollox. Anyway, its all sorted out now.
  12. Well what if you have nothing to hide but certain people just decide they will try to cause you problems just to try and brighten up there sad little lives? There are a million and one ways to end up divorced i just think facebook is helping them along, although it did have plenty of good points. Each to there own i suppose, i just prefer to stay married then talk to people on facebook. If people want to chat to me and i want them to then they have my phone number.
  13. Avoid facebook like you would avoid Gary Glitter stood in Mothercare with his cock out. Biggest cause of divorce in this country i bet, thats the reason i deleted my account and so did the wife.
  14. Just wondering on the off chance if anyone knows a DJ who does Karaoke who will available next Friday the 22nd for a function. It is Royton Athletics awards night and the lads said they fancied a karaoke night so im trying to sort it for them, only problem is it isnt much notice so most are booked already. If anyone knows of a good one that is available could they let me know please. Cheers, Chaddy.
  15. For gods sake dont drink it, you will be kicking the bog door off the hinges within about 10 minutes.
  16. These are Gogos Biggest pile of crap ever Dont even mention Match Attacks. He is always getting me to buy them for him. He nearly wet himself with excitment over one card he got. I think it was Torres but it was something called the 100 club or summat. I get a feeling it aint gonna get any cheaper when he gets new interests when he's older.
  17. We will all be thinking of you mate during this dark period in your life Has your eldest got into those stupid bleeding things called "go go's"? Crappy little plastics figures that dont do anything but my lad is mad on them, ive even had to go out and buy some "special edition go go's". Whats special about them i will never know, they are just the same crap as the others from what i can see apart from they come in a posh box and there a lot more expensive.
  18. haha. I know that feeling, my lad is 7 this Sunday. I get to "enjoy" the continuous loop of Ben 10 and WWF wrestling. Ive tried telling him several times that its all pre planned but he doesnt beleive me. Ballamory used to drive me up the wall, the wife even suggested that we drive there for the weekend once so he could see it. That was the shortest discussion weve ever had in our house.
  19. "organiser issues". Was that anything to do with Mr Gorrill by any chance? It is now organised by Mike Platt and he did a fantastic job yesterday. I can honestly say that this years golf day put previous ones to shame. You should deffinately get a team in for next year.
  20. I would love to be playing again this afternoon but that course has taken its toll on my dodgy leg and im struggling to walk this morning. Your right though, get the SPF50 on today, a crispy napper is not something to laugh about.
  21. What an absolute quality day. Weather was perfect, it was funny sitting down for the meal and looking round a room at a load of bright red faces where everyone got sunburnt. The closest to the pin was a very good shot, i thought i was having it but it just dropped short, the winner was about 8 inches from the hole. The longest drive winner was one that Tigers woods himself would have been proud of. Everyone seemed to enjoy the day and the course was fantastic. Well done to all the organisers.
  22. Tomorrow see's the annual Latics golf day at Manchester golf club. Just wondering if anyone from here is playing in it? Always a good day (even if there are some suspect longest drives and nearest the pin every year), at least Bob Gorrill isnt there this year to accuse my team of cheating. That cheeky git was lucky he didnt get snotted by someone last year Just hope this weather clears up before tomorrow, dont want my white shoes getting dirty.
  23. Alan and Stu both read these topics so im sure that the fact you have mentioned it will go some way to it getting sorted. Ive got to admit, although i loved the fact i got to play for the fans team alongside my heros, i still preferred it when i played in the fans v fans game. I played in the 2005 one though not the one you played in.
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