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chaddy the owl

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Everything posted by chaddy the owl

  1. Would love to take the praise Adie but im afraid i will have to admit it wasnt me. I was on my level 2 coaching course yesterday all day. As for me predicting, only some kind of fortune teller would be able to tell you that they play in midfield
  2. Absolutely nothing. Dean was in the shop at dinner in training kit....with his jumper tied round his neck like we all used to do in the early 80's !!!! My theory is Alan has discovered a way of time travel and there about to announce it to the world but they thought they would test it first by sending Dean back to the 80's to teach Lee Hughes about the dangers of drink as a teenager....Allegedly
  3. I have a feeling in my waters again and it aint cycstitis according to the doctor. Keep the F5 button pressed for the next few days.
  4. At least that explains why you keep singing "COME ON YOU GREEENNNNNSSSSSSS" down our ears
  5. Got one of my suppliers coming up for the game as his boss is a Sunderland fan so ive convinced him to bring him along to the masters as well and support Latics for the night
  6. I used to work with a guy called Richard William Hurdus that used to make me laugh (Dick Willie Hurdus). Not heard about him for ages but he started up his own computer repair company and he lived in Royton near the cricket ground, anyone know him? He is probably about mid 40's now. I also used to deal with an electronics company called Wayne Kerr electronics, there still going these days and sell electronic equipment.
  7. Pot Noodles !!! Jesus wept, thats the only company in the country who are fighting for their right to NOT have a dinner break.
  8. If you guys happen to be anywhere near Ealing in London on the Friday evening then give me a shout i will wave as you go past. Staying in the Ramada with at least 40 other mascots so we will end up running riot round that area around 10pm. Good luck guys, your all my hero's for doing this and especially for choosing the charity i mentioned.
  9. Nope, i drink red bull cause its got vodka in it and it makes me do daft stuff (not that i need much help). I dont need that for wings, ive already got some furry ones that dont work.
  10. I agree, thats why i only drink Pepsi these days, im a refomed character these days
  11. I think that Chippy is ok, although i aint been there for about 3 months. Used to be fun in those days didnt it Geoff walking to school though the streets of Werneth. Alright until you got detension and had to walk home one your own.....Not that i ever did Not as bad as when we were at Warren lane though and you missed the bus home and had to walk through Glodwick
  12. Got to say that most areas of the country are the same. I used to stay in Westbrook near Ikea in Warrington when i was seeing a girl from there, it was a very nice area with some nice people (including Steve McManaman who lived about 10 doors away) but having gone drinking round warrington most weekends there are some chuffin ropey places there also like the one facing the college amongst others. Guess most poeple know of rough areas near to nice places.
  13. First time i played Werneth with Adie and your dad i had a pretty good game. Last time i played the other week i had a complete stinker, that was the game where i sliced a shot on the fairway of the 18th straight into the carpark. I think i tried hiding behind my bag as i awaited the "smash" sound. The wind deffinately didnt help.
  14. That clip was from the 7th hole, thats the one where you belt it to the hill then hit another hoping to god that they have finished on the green over the hill where you cant see The 10th hole is easy, just hit it to the top of the hill with the pole then you have an easy run down to the green, if you meant the 11th then i agree with you. The hardest par 3 in the country. Just the green and a bit of fairway to aim at over the top of the trees and the water which is about 200 yards away. Many a golf ball been lost in them trees.
  15. My dad had fun this morning getting to work at 5:30am, the private land at the back of their house leads out facing the Ancora car park. There were coppers there stopping people getting onto Fold green, they told my dad that they were investigating a burnt out car under suspicious circumstances.
  16. Just found another, this is Dale from football in the community falling for the oldest golf trick in the book.
  17. Do you mean Aiden Boyles by any chance who followed me round all day punching the life out of me?
  18. Just been going through my phone and found these so i thought i would upload them to Youtube. They make me laugh but thats probably just cause anything makes me laugh.
  19. I would take one for the team on that.....i would only have half the pain of you lot as partially deaf in one ear
  20. My problem isnt with people playing loud music out of their car, anyone who heard the sound system i had in my VW Golf will vouch for me being guilty of that. My problem is when it doesnt sound like music, more of just a noise like that crap garage music. I deffinately DONT want to hear "lady in red" by Chris DeBurgh blasting out at 110dB though. Oh, and yeah, i'll have a fight. You want bear knuckle (bear feathers) or just free for all windmilling and donkey kicking? Are we allowed to bite and pull hair as well?
  21. Did it still have drum and bass blasting out of the if at a noise level more suited to Glastonbury? And did the guy in it hang out of his window with his arm and nod his head like Flat Eric off that top tune a few years ago? Im all for having a top sound system in your car but trying to nod to that "noise" is just pointless, you might as well dance round the kitchen to the noise made by the blender.
  22. I do remember when i was about 17 and working part time in Halfords on the "ICE" section and some lad came in looking for a new sub, i went to his car to check if it would fit anf he had a Frontera with the registration TWA 77Y. Funnily enough that after chatting to him about how much he had spent on his car i was thinking how well his plate suited him. He also said he was constantly being pulled by the police as his plate was spaced and changed to look exactly like he wnted it to, but those were the days when the police just pulled you over and laughed at you.
  23. Aye, thats what i said. I honestly dont know the script with payouts from insurance from injuries as ive never asked. I wouldnt of thought they would be too keen on him playing though. Its like your insurance company paying out when you right your car off and you going picking up the check in the same car. I know you can still use a car that has been paid out on, but you have to buy it back, i would guess this could possibly be the same with footballers. I only mentioned about the insurance for Earl though as he has stated in a programme interview a few years ago that this was the reason he didnt play anymore in masters football.
  24. Firstly, he was the coach for the under 11's. He was supposed to be moving to the under 16's this season but that has obviosuly changed now he is leaving. Secondly, he cant play in the masters due to getting a pay out when retiring through injury and if he was to play again in any way i suspect they would want there money back.
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