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chaddy the owl

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Everything posted by chaddy the owl

  1. I was put right off private plates after my last experience. I used to have the plate P4 NDW which read P and W when it was printed correctly (or incorrectly if your a copper). Firstly i had it on a sports car and got pulled by a copper for "my exhaust blowing". I tried explaining that it was actually an air filter making the noise. As i made him look stupid he got me for my plate. I took it off. I then put it on my golf. I then got pulled by a copper for "racing against some young lad on the bypass" even though i was doing 50 and had my wife in the car and my 1 year old son in the back, and the other driver was doing at least 75 when the copper pulled onto the bypass. I lost my rag and gave him some verbal for getting the wrong person. He then gave me the lecture about my plate whilst i was parked outside the fiat garage in Oldham. As he was lecturing me and i was explaining that surely there were better things to waste his time on then a plate with the letters as clear as day but spaced slightly different to others a car went past with some young asian lads in it. I swear to go that if the guy parked his car infront of me now with that reg on i couldnt tell you what it was supposed to say legally. I pointed him out to the copper and his response was "Yes, but im not dealing with him, im dealing with you". He then pulled me again 3 days after in the exact same place so i realised it was best to just get a normal plate. More trouble than there worth unless you pay a fortune for a fancy one.
  2. Dont say that, im saving up my spends to buy the number plate FA57 OWL. It for sale for £895...Bargain
  3. Nice to see you again last night Martin. Hope your all hungover this morning, especially after seeing what Chickers and Uncle Mike were sneaking into your drinks at the bar in Squire Knot's Just glad i was driving so i had an excuse not to drink. Crazy mutha that Mike B.
  4. Aye, and to celebrate the BBC want to make a tv trailer involving football league mascots. So your truly is being paid to go down London village and stay over in a nice hotel and dick around for an afternoon whilst being filmed..... Its a hard life sometimes
  5. Dan, sorry mate, i didnt mean it to sound like that, ive just read back through my post and maybe that looks a little nasty. I just know that Rick is a nice guy to talk to but he wont stand for anyone calling him that. I did understand that you were not calling him that yourself and that you were going off others peoples comments. I certainly woudnt WANT to see him knocking 7 shades out of someone. I used to go in the pub with him every week as i was living with his neice and him and Irene (wellens mum) run the karaoke in my local pub. From all my time of drinking in pubs in Middy over the years i can only name one person i have met who was a complete knob end and a big time charlie and that was David May. Biggest tosser you could ever have the misfortune of meeting. By the way Dan, which Dan are you? i know way too many Dans.
  6. Dan, I dont know you from Adam, but i would LOVE to see you call Rick a "gob:censored:e" to his face. Brushing your teeth that night would be easy, you could hand them to a friend and get them to do it for you. I know Rick pretty well and he is anything but a gob:censored:e, he is a very friendly guy who will chat to anyone. But he wouldnt take to kindly to someone calling him that. And you certainly wouldnt want a slap round the chops off him.
  7. I wont join in with the piss taking as i think its disrespectful. Shame he went a bit strange towards the end, but thanks for the fantastic music which people will listen to for a long long time.
  8. Our loss is someone elses gain. Was very shocked when i heard yesterday that you were going, i could see you becoming the next Gordon or Alan getting the silver clock......I said CLOCK Good luck mate, hope it works out for you. Dont forget your muffins in your new home
  9. What time did you come out of the coma this morning Leezy?
  10. Its a good job the M.E.N are not sending that little hitler woman with you as an official photographer isnt it? My god, i wouldnt like her as a wife, if she was mine i would stick a hot knitting needle down my ear to pierce my eardrum so i didnt have to listen to her barking out orders all day. "Bird, lean out the car more and smile" "I am smiling (under this head)" "Bird, lean out a little more, we need to see more of you" "Unless Paul Friggin Daniels is here to make me float i cant lean anymore ya daft bitch" "right, all wave. I said ALL WAVE. Now smile (whilst i hide infront of this car to take the picture)"
  11. Yeah but in all farness, i was wasted after you kept giving me beer after beer, AND i was playing against someone who has been on that game plenty of times before. You fail to mention that i beat someone else at that game.....and i dont want you to give the excuse that he was only 6 years old, that means nothing.
  12. Afternoon Lee, still going in the hanging gate in Diggle?
  13. My luck seems to have changed since that happened
  14. Thought i better reply to say i sold this in no time at all. And i go tthe full price for it And just to make things better i also sold the Lady Gaga tickets i won for £105. Im telling you, i could fall in a bucket of turds and come out smelling of roses
  15. No worries on that front. Im like Clarke Kent, although people think its me they cant prove it.
  16. I AM SPATICUS................. Oops, i mean the Stig. Although having seen how wayward my "Driving" was on Friday Adie you know i would crash at the first corner i came to.
  17. Easliy translated to............. Nothing is happening in the club so we have nothing to base the stories on
  18. I wouldnt go as far as to say "its :censored:", i just prefer Fifa 09. I have always been a Pro evo man since the early days, but having played both on the latest version i was well impressed with the Fifa game. Pro evo is still a good game though.
  19. Based on what? If you paid £120? Its yours for £100 if your interested Ackey, i will even throw in Pro Evo soccer for free mate, and thats the latest version and its only been played once.
  20. Just wondering if anyone is after an Xbox 360 console? Ive got one for sale which is only 3 months old, it is the arcade version (with 20gb HDD) and 2 wireless controllers. It is not the one with the HDMI lead. I have just bought one of those. I bought my console about 2 or 3 years ago and it got the dreaded red rings not long ago, i sent it off to Microsoft and got a parcel back with a letter saying they could not fix it so they have sent me a brand new xbox360 as a replacement. They are going for about £120 on ebay in this condition (still in original box, and looks brand new) so im open to offers if anyone is interested. If not then its going on Ebay tonight.
  21. I was watching all his videos last week, that guy is awsome. Some of his comedy clips are brilliant as well, especially the "kangaroo" one when he kicks the golfer into the lake. I nearly peed my pants laughing.
  22. Aye, but the second place had 7, then i think the others had something like 4 or 5. Depends if you know the answers to the questions i suppose Although i got one wrong as i couldnt actually hear what was said as they asked me to take the phone off handsfree as it makes you sound like your far away???
  23. Just been on Key 103 this morning on Proctors pop quiz. Anyway, i won it with 8 out of 10 correct and the prize was tickets to see Lady Gaga at the academy, now obviously i dont see myself at the gig as im not a massive fan. Just wondering if anyone has any idea how much they are going for?
  24. Quality that. I used to love that programme when i was younger but i always wondered when the marker pen would appear but it never did. Then i realised that was "the littlest NOBO". Sorry, ill get me coat
  25. I think you might be onto something there my friend. But only time will tell i suppose.
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