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Everything posted by StipeTripe

  1. Congratulations Jimi, lots of guinness has to be done, I agree, and I did too as soon as we got back from lasherland That following wind IM, all your own work ???
  2. Wouldn't some of them nice scented tea light things work Mads, stick em on the dash board. Nice smell, clear your windscreen and when travelling at night would create a fine ambience. Well its been an incredibly busy week fer me, which in many ways I'm glad about cos on the odd occasion I've surfed in looking at the threads made me nervous just thinking about tomorrow. Thanks to LL too, I noticed a thread about the big flag and you mentioned nikwaxing it to make it a waterproof cover, which reminded me I needed to do me coat which I just done, ta
  3. Cough splutter, if you say so Jimi, if you say so As for you're butchness LL I just keep getting a vision of that limo picture, shut that limo door And actually I wouldn't have recognised you from the pics on here, in fact I think I walked straight past you at Crewe you were stood at the exit gates. Oh and I relised later what you said, its not ball man MrsS works with its wonder woman errrrrrrrr man!
  4. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm doesn't that tell you something then Jimi Good look with the 10k Hey LL you don't look half as mincing in real life as you do in that OASIS limousine picture
  5. Listen Mads it wasn't broke when it was like a box room and was run by 2 old blokes who both smoked a pipe and therefore everything you bought had that pipe smoke aroma, but they just had to mess with it, bring back the tiny shop and the 2 old blokes I say. Change is badddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd !
  6. Annoyance!!! ???? !!!! How durrrrrrrrrrrr you, we're simply getting to 6000 Anyway just fer you IM herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Edith
  7. Yer only jealous of me 00 Jealous of me 00 Yer only jealous of me 00 Jealous of me 00 Yer only jealous of me 00 repeat to fade............... Thats how to make a proper pointless post thus bumping up the total number of posts. I notice on the Blackpool rivals site they were on about making the biggest long thread ever on rivals, until one of them pointed ot that the JK one was up to 5940. Do they realise how long its taken to get that far, how many words have been crafted into it. Bournemouth did a crap one that was 4800 or so long, done by mainly one bloke with one word posts, how dull.
  8. Trust me. Ha a cheeky 00, my first in ages I know shall we talk about tickets................ Besides being busy another reason to only skim read / visit at the moment is the continuing onslaught of posts about tickets on JK and here, it seriously is as dull as flip.
  9. A red one I think it was, but no so small, wasn't it one of them convertable mercs. Saw him once parking in the car park at Tesco in Sudden, next minute him and the blonde with him are shopping in the fruit and veg at the same time as us, he dropped a big melon I kid you not
  10. Sorry to here you got some problems chaps (if you don't mind me callin you a chap G) hope everything works itself out for you both sooner rather than later. Been a tad busy of late, everytime I try and read stuff on here, or write for that matter I get interrupted. Must have had 20 goes at listening to that Two Gallants CD IM, phone goes everytime I start which means I switch it off, gotta make some attempt to be professional Right must dash, think the monday queue might have to see me making use of voicemail, although her indoors has booked a day off too.
  11. Carlsberg don't make the best & most pointless posts on OWTB but if they did................
  12. Beer?? beer?, pah no will power IM I didn't touch a drop of beer, one or two scrumpy jacks might have found the target tho' Might have seen you yesterday morning, MrsS got up and ready to go but I dozed off again thus arriving later and having to wait for an hour and a half. Me Dad voluntered his services, but seeing as the short walk back to the car at Crewe fair banjaxed him I didn't think it were a good idea!
  13. The Tales of one is the current fave of Edith Bowman apparently, didn't you confess a liking for this lady IM about the same time Jimi fessed up about his passion for the divine (cough splutter) Ms Irvin
  14. Not crapping meself but I have a severe case of flatulence. Hopefully the burnt toast I just had will cure it, can't be a drop of charcoal eh
  15. That is splendid IM, pity it didn't run the full course. Done yers them tunes. Will pop over tomorrow , probably at HT Jimi T will have arrived by them, maybe bearing tunes fer me maybe not, if you have already done them Jimi can I blag an Arcade Fire instead
  16. Big bustling barrel chested monster of a forward who wouldn't last 2 minutes these days as refs do like anybody to be too rough with the delicate little luvs on the pitch. My favourite goal was a cracking overhead kick (have I mentioned this before ) that he scored in the first home game of the 77/78 season, a night match against there's only one f in Fulham. He tried it again a few weeks later in the League Cup against Brighton, notice Mark spacker Lawrenson Anyway here's another Vic pic scoring against Burnley Finally, and I don't think I've posted or mentioned this before either, a Vic near miss against Notts County (Stevie Taylors debut) featuring me More pics from 77/78 can be seen on the smashing video made by Rummy just clicky this linky I don't like cricket, I love it .
  17. That'd freak me out too, a talking phone, whatever next.
  18. I think I must be in a minority of one in not liking curry or for that matter chili, I don't mind beer though Anyway here's summat I don't think we've done. If you cannae sleep how do you get to sleep, steady, keep it clean, and no chemical or alcoholic answers allowed!! so stuff like counting sheep. A chap I know who runs one of our suppliers down in London told me if he's restless he imagines his car journey into work, he lives out in the burbs somewhere and goes through 30 odd sets of traffic lights on his journey in to the city, he reckons he never gets past 15 or so lights before it is lights out. On the occasions I can't nod off I've tried it, playing out a journey to the Lakes or summat in my head, 50% success rate only though, the old biddies doing 50 in the outside lane do me imaginary head in during me imaginary trip see Another thing, elsewhere on this site and others folks are muntering on about play off dates and wemberleee ticket prices, helllooooooooooo we aint qualified for the play offs yet ! Edit: Oh and good morning SW
  19. Might as well use this thread to wish IM a happy birthday, ferkin ancient he is
  20. Yee haw my aris. Jimi, unlucky but summat 'll turn up Watching that re run of Smileys People on BBC4, it was made in the early 80's but it looks sooooooooooooooo "old" not true, like its another time outside my lifetime. The cars, the roads not chocka with traffic. I used to go down to London quite a bit back then and I can't quite marry the two up together.
  21. Ahhhhhhhhhh I see. No strangely seeing Colin as I woke u errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr materialised an hour into the future had no effect on me, takes a lot to spook us time travellers
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