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Everything posted by StipeTripe

  1. As this is a thread about nothing in particular I shall if I may change the subject Just reading an excellent article about research being done at USC in California. You know how sometimes you get that spooky feeling when you visit somewhere you've never ever been too yet it feels like you have? Well the folks there reckon after years of intensive work that they have discovered the source of deja vu within the brain and can actually see it in action as it were with these fancy scanners they put you in. What they don't say is if they think they'll find a way to prevent it happening, don't know about you but it seriously freaks me out sometimes. Went to see a customer the other day, whose office was in a really old Victorian building in Manchester. It was so familiar, unnervingly so yet I'd never been there before. I even checked with me Ma and Pa see if they'd taken me there when I was little, but no. I have a link but its on me computer at home meant to mail it to work after reading it last night but forgot, I'll do it later.
  2. And it was chuffin cold, and at least 4 of their goals were highly dubious, and the hadn't won a league game and it was December and they virtually doubled their goals tally for the season by scoring that 7, and didn't it actually kick start their season, and did I mention it was chuffin cold, me Dad was ok mind, Bells was acting as anti freeze he'd been at a retirement do at work all that afternoon I think, I can see him on the video clapping like a demented seal when we score!! Edit: and the subject of this thread is bizarre any Latics defeat is an anathema, isn't it?
  3. As this is a thread about nothing in particular I shall if I may change the subject Just reading an excellent article about research being done at USC in California. You know how sometimes you get that spooky feeling when you visit somewhere you've never ever been too yet it feels like you have? Well the folks there reckon after years of intensive work that they have discovered the source of deja vu within the brain and can actually see it in action as it were with these fancy scanners they put you in. What they don't say is if they think they'll find a way to prevent it happening, don't know about you but it seriously freaks me out sometimes. Went to see a customer the other day, whose office was in a really old Victorian building in Manchester. It was so familiar, unnervingly so yet I'd never been there before. I even checked with me Ma and Pa see if they'd taken me there when I was little, but no. I have a link but its on me computer at home meant to mail it to work after reading it last night but forgot, I'll do it later.
  4. SS was quality, and whoever said players like that don't exist any more is spot on. One thing I always remember (or at least I like to think I remember) is also a game against Blackburn but at BP. Possibly Easter time, they were on their way down and we battered them, 5-0 I think. SS got the ball in the six yard box at the Chaddy End, but instead of tapping it in he proceeded to beat at least one probably two defenders before slotting it home. Is it just me or does anybody else remember it? Anyways fer the young un's here is the man in action, quality finish against PNE, from September 1979.
  5. Ah I see so no to beige and all systems go windswept and interesting wise as Billy Connolly might opine.
  6. Thats the trouble tho RL, not everybodies a day tripper, and btw the pensioner at the front standing the entire game singing away wasn't me Dad. If we'd been at the front he probably wouldn't have had the problem of having to stand all game As for them two women, well thats what happens when you let 'em into football grounds, especially when theres washing and ironing to be done
  7. Why aren't the blue coloured bits of this MB, skyblue hues at that, like the bit that surrounds this message writing box for example, done in a different colour, like say ohhhhhhhhhhhh I dunno, beige? Just curious like.
  8. Perhaps you could only hear squeaky chanting cos there were a lot of U12's in the Chaddy who got in for free, and as the home attendance was only about 2800 it was never going to be a cauldron of noise. Personally I think all this sniping about which is the better area for singing is quite pointless and divisive, lets take it as read that from the Broadway paddock you can't hear the Chaddy, which by the by is true the other way around you seriously can't here the paddock, unless the top deck joins in and then only slightly. We all sit where we want to sit to watch our team end of. But the drummer is a bunch of arse. Oh and Rocky, don't tar everyone with the same brush If you'd have been stood in front of me Dad he'd would have asked you to sit down, on the basis that at 75 his legs aint what they used to be, getting up and down every two minutes isn't really an option, at Blackpool in the play off game he had to stand up for each half and was quite frankly knacked at the end of the game, sometimes them day trippers might just need a bit of consideration eh? Many times its possible to sit with a good view and stay seated, at Blackers and Wolves cos it was a sell out and was sit in the seat on your ticket it was different. Sweeping generalisations don't always work.
  9. Mind its always cold in Oldham, so he's got that excuse
  10. Do you think he'd be the longest in the shower the Mads
  11. The view is crap, the rake of the seats is all wrong, and the leg room for a big un is none existant. The view the Chaddy got of the winner on Saturday was fantastic and wouldn't be replicated at t'other end. Its not about "stuck in the mentality that it's tradition" its about going to the match and watching it from where I and every other Chaddy Ender wants to, its our choice thats all, WE like it. I'm sick and tired of all this RRE garbage, when they opened it for trial periods in the last few seasons hardly anybody used it, or like the lads in front of me tried it and at the next game said "never again". I've said it before and I'll say it again for a new stand the RRE is rubbish, thing is loads of people say they don't like it, but can't quite put their finger on why there is just something about it.
  12. That has to be the singularly most tenuous omen in the world ever, well done DS
  13. When you say "mystery third leg" ahem, no lets not go there eh? Tbh I never noticed it and it were on display at yer Grans for long enough, along with the one of noddy being mascot at York. I think I can very easily lay me hands on that picture Mac though so I'll check it out. Mighty Bosh, that Exeter game was it a pre season friendly on a Friday night? We played Torquay earlier in the week part of Colins South West tour. There was about 20 Latics fans there.
  14. I'm sure come tuesday wednesday you'll be ready to reveal all LL. And don't be telling him to hold back BFL if the lilly livered newbies of this MB can't take LL "colourful" tales then tough! Ohhhhhhh I'm winning
  15. Don't you think its sweet though Mads, when they do turn up, there must be that one nano second where the poster thinks heck if I put "I win" or "I'm last what's the prize" that it seems to be the funniest smartest response that ever been posted on a MB thread entitled "The last one to post wins", D'OH.
  16. Flip me this is me third attempt to post. First pooter went bonkers, then after re boot keyboard no work so........ Well all I wanted to say was instead of saying you were off on hols again why didn't you say you were going to bail out IM, eh? Eh? Geddit, bai........ it wasn't worth the reboot ! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dunnit, I posted the melon farming coke slurper, he said in 'omage to Deadwood.
  17. Against Everton, kind of half volley?? The one against Notts was that Ian Marshall one perhaps, although not quite a grass cutter more of an exocet missile.
  18. I was always fascinated as a kid by me Dads razor and shaving routine. It was one of them metal ones that you had to spin around and the top would open so you could replace the razor blade, I had one of his old ones, obviously bladeless so I could "shave" too. Thought it was just me then I saw this in the Sunday Times the other week Razor, funnily enough I also have a three blade razor with aloe strip and always use a shaving brush and soap. Wow how exciting is that, like a white knuckle ride eh.
  19. Well I've just read this thread and I've decided theres no porpoise to it. So thats me, I'm offski, in my new transport, a motorpike and sidecarp.
  20. kinell you can read me like a book LL, how'd you guess Actually the site where the Arndale is hasn't been fields for a long time, however it was where there was a pleasant main thoroughfare with local shops for local people leading to the smashing central gardens which would have been a riot of colour at this time of year (I can still remember both). Alas they built the Arndale, but thats progress for you, here endeth the history lesson. Oh and in the course of me business I met one of the architects who designed the Arndale, he said "oh you're from Middleton, I helped design the Arndale" and then after a pause "you're not going to hit me are you" and chuckled away to himself, the Alan B'stard.
  21. Milligan was a great player first time around. Tough tackler, rarely gave the ball away, kept it nice and simple, win the ball pass it on to a blue shirt, pity we can't sign anybody like that now.......... Anyway love that goal he scored at the RRE, leaves the keeper stranded and when hes about to put the ball into the empty net give the keep the come on stop me its on one of the old highlights videos, the keeper must boot the ball at him cos as the Latics palyers are celebrating the ball fizzes past Milligans head! To me just before and when he got his Everton move he went a bit billy big time and in my 'umble was never the same player again which was a shame, still I like Milly cos I'd seen him play at every level for Latics and its great when you see a young player make it through the ranks. His brother Terry played in the youths/reserves too. Ohhhhhhhhh and the cheeky flick in the 3-3 at Maine Road, quality. Shall we keep any references to Redfearn allegedly lamping him when he was at Everton out of this thread?
  22. Just out of idle curiosity like, have any of you lot ventured into the Arndale in Middleton, any day of the week really !
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