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Everything posted by StipeTripe

  1. Well if its an imposing "classical" tune for the lads to com out too. How about marching out to May the force be with us
  2. Wow I post about Fanny a mere few days ago and an explosion of posting occurs here within. Well a few observations, no I don't get HP either, although JKR had a very acceptable cleveage on view on Jonathan Ross t'other week, imho like. LOTR, who knew, who cares! Tanks, ohhhhhhhhhh I been to the Tank museum in Dorset, they got lots of, well, tanks its a thrill a minute. Oh IM lent me a good book "Pies and Prejudice: In Search of the North" - Stuart Maconie, which is very good.
  3. Hmmmmmmmmm I think you've already realised but the version I was plugging was by the Specials ! The clue was in the clip title on Youtube
  4. Cheers Mr Sideburns, I've been saying this for ages Mrs S will vouch for that, in fact the last time I mentioned it was on JK when SMJ was trying to get that "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" nonsense going which is quite a few years back. Its always been a quality tune and to my knowledge nobody else does it. As for the "run out" music. well years ago I heard Danny Baker say he longed for Millwall to run out to this tune, and I've been hooked, would be great at BP Th th th th th thats all folks
  5. All this talk of food and nobody has mentioned Fanny yet !
  6. What chicken dish did you prepare then Mads, I particularly like chicken in a lorry meself.
  7. ** Emerges from summer hibernation** Slightly off topic, but can I just add that I've always thought that playing "Guns of Navarone" by the Specials after we score would be quality, in my opinion like. Der der der der der der der ** Ping -- Back on standby mode **
  8. Aye found it by chance, me full list is.... Results for 1st March 1964 : You were born on a Sunday. Your star sign is Pisces. The season was Winter. You are 43 years, 3 months, 27 days old.* It is 247 days until your next Birthday.* You are 15,824 days old.* You are approximately 379,789 hours old.* You are approximately 1,367,242,335 seconds old.*
  9. We have but what the hell, Ron Howard, Ralph (Waldo) Ellison, David Niven (Not to be confused with David McNiven), Frédéric Chopin, Harry Belafonte, Mike D'Abo, Roger Daltrey And I've been around for 379,789 hours or there abouts Yer birfday
  10. Bum fun?? Funny you should ask, errrrrrrrrr no. Nice to see you included an image from that overrated, repetitive, clichéd bag of toss from Lucas and Walliams, D & G doesn't have to be the reserved exclusively fer the football, does it?
  11. Not a very nice thing to be putting is it? And from a moderator too, the whiff of double standards methinks
  12. Good to hear from you again G, pity its not in better circumstances the best of luck in your quest. I know from past experience that these things are not forgiving, as soon as one ray of light appears it fades, the only way is to keep moving forward, sorry thats a bit maudlin, but I hope you know what I mean. Congrats on the new job BT. Oh and I'd forgotten about the low level seepage, thanks !
  13. Instead of boils on th'aris perhaps you should subject them to a months supply of naked OAP's?
  14. Other than Latics, first XI, reserves and youth team not many. The mighty Honest Men of Ayr up in the frozen north, and I always look out for the results of Chadderton and Barnstaple.
  15. Scandalous and quite outrageous cheating JT, well done.
  16. Now you see I wouldn't have spilled the beans DW. I can't stand enclose spaces indoors when they are packed, like shopping centres at Crimbo etc, or pubs or owt like that, for example in that bar at Plainmore a few seasons back, went in, not too busy had a couple of guinness, but them the crowds started gathering and it got fuller and fuller I could feel the cold sweat on the back of neck, urrgghhhhhh had to get out. Crowds outside don't seem to bother me. Oh and dogs, can't be doing with dogs full stop, make me nervous. Worst thing is about phobias is they are mostly irrational but yet other folk take delight in taking the pish, even though they have their own mad fears. I used to work for a bloke we had offices on a farm, converted out buildings, the mad sheep dog they had I didn't like one bit, he used to take the pish in the extreme. Anyway he let slip that bridges freaked him out, driving over them that is. If he was out on the road and was doing Humberside he go to Grimsby and drive all the way around to go to Hull rather than take the bridge. So I got my revenge eventually. We had to go to Kent for a meeting, I said I'd drive, totally bottled it when the Dartford crossing BIG BRIDGE came into site, shook like a leaf as we went over, obviously I kept to the speed limit, 30mph in the slow lane so we had a good view of the drop to the river.
  17. Hello, just thought I'd pop in and add to the total. Heard Gordon Ramsey say that British cherries were "reassuringly expensive", wtf !! Why have they become so expensive. It got us thinking in a nostalgic way of being kids and having cherries (spitting the stones out as far as possible, or as accurately as possible at others). I remember getting them off the fruit and veg man on Middy market, before the new roads and Arndale, he'd have them wooden fruit boxes crammed with them, and they weren't "expensive". Anyway I had a quick look as to how and why the humble British cherry became "reassuringly expensive" (public service educational broadcasting on OWTB eh ) Found this So thats it, Silver Jubilee last week, cherries this, oh and it were all fields round 'ere back then, like 1977 only more ! Oh and don't anybody try to deny that they have hung two cherries on a stem over their ears as a child, dangling like a pair of old mans gonads after a hot cup of tea's been spilt in the lap.
  18. :lol: Anyway just to make some of you feel really old, it did me so I thought I'd pass it on. Get yer bunting, yer flags, yer tables out into the street cover them in cakes, jelly, lukewarm pop, paste butties and have a street party. Why?? I hear y'all cry, well 30 years ago today, (yes 30 years old timers) it was "Silver Jubilee" day**, gaw'd bless her Maj and all that. How times flies when one is having fun. ** I know this not cos I'm a crazed royalist but because I'm readin Michael Palins Python Years diaries, and he includes an entry for 7/6/1977. 30 years, sighs, it was all fields round 'ere back then
  19. I'll second that IC, much better than trwling through the "banter" to find constructive posts on JK
  20. Been very busy meself but I'd say its the general nature of these threads they ebb and flow.
  21. Perving opportunities eh? Disgraceful and shocking. Have you got a camera on your moby Jimi
  22. Well I read all this thread and bits of other stuff on JK and can we have a voting option that says Don't Know, cos I really don't. In footballing terms yes, in all other ways I'm struggling to think how this man being associated with our club is a good thing. Something in the back of my mind keeps telling me this will end up a colossal mistake by OAFC. I know and accept folks should be given a second chance and I know hes' served his time and if he wasn't high profile nobody would give a monkeys chuff about him going back to work, the fact is he is high profile, he is for want of a better phrase "bad news" and he is being linked with our club. Don't know, not convinced, and as Gillian says if he'd signed for say Tranmere the reams of faux indignation received by us from others would be being equally vented at Tranmere by Latics fans. But he's not off to anywhere else and therefore we see the need to justify everything despite what I suspect many of us have previously felt about people like Hughes. No not convinced and I'm not actually convinced he'll actually end up at BP either. Anyway its gained us lots of publicity, all bad (and I don't buy into that all publicity is good publicity crap) and possibly gained us a Premiership/Championship calibre player, and will get him on the cheap too I'll bet, he cynically said.
  23. no problem SW Make sure you project it into the shed tho'
  24. Well done! Aye gerra bike LL, and the full outfit, luminous lime and pink I think There was a programme on C4 about 6 weeks ago about OCD (dunno if its been mentioned, was it in a separate thread, apologies if so) finally watched it about 2 weeks ago, I’ve been meaning to say something since, eeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww there was a bloke that collected rubbish by night to take home, got his food from what take aways and restaurants had chucked out, but worse of all saved all his no 1's and 2's, the vile minger, in his shed.
  25. That was when we went on to duff Leicester and then had to play Spurs, Ossie and all, a couple of days later due to the fixture backlog, eeeeeee winters were real winters back then, you try telling that to the youth of today tho', it were all green fields around here too. Back to that Stoke game. The first one even though abandoned at h/t was the main match on the Kick Off match (probably due to totally lack of action cos of the weather) with Gerald Sindstadt desperately trying to talk up coverage of 45 minutes of football, can't imagine them doing that now. Only saw him in his last few seasons but was always a reliable solid defender and was sad when he was released. I do remember going to his testimonial where we beat Citeh 3-1 or 3-0 and dodgy Keith McRae in the Citeh goal let a soft goal through his legs, not because it was a testimonial but because he was a crap keeper. I tried to lord of over the many Citeh supporting kids at school but it didn't last long because they realised to non importance of the fixture and in typical skyblue fashion resorted in threats of violence if I didn't shut it
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