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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Matt

    No sound

    Ok Walshy, visit your sound cards manufacturers website, download the latest drivers, install them then restart your machine. Cheers, Rummy
  2. Matt

    No sound

    Are you usung a windows xp device driver for the audio?
  3. Matt

    No sound

    Okay START MENU > RUN > devmgmt.msc again please. 1. Double-click Sound, video, and game controllers. 2. Double-click your sound device. 3. Click the Properties tab, and then double-click Audio Devices. 4. Click your sound device, and then click Properties. 5. Click Use audio features on this device. 6. Click OK until you return to Device Manager. 7. Restart your computer. See if that clears it up...
  4. Matt

    No sound

    Okay that's the problem. Hang on...
  5. Matt

    No sound

    Sorry about the delay walshy, Do me a favour and go START MENU > RUN > and type devmgmt.msc Please check if there are any red crosses or yellow excamation marks against your devices - check the monitor, sound card and graphics cards especially.
  6. Matt

    No sound

    Walshy is this a PC monitor or a LCD/Plasma telly? You don't specify...
  7. Bloody good stuff optional - it seems OWTB is getting a reputation for fan created media. It's great to be able to showcase these...
  8. Welcome Daniel, make yourself at home mate...
  9. At the mo I'm listening to: Surface to Air - The Chemical Bros. 1999 - Binary Finary Far From Home - Tiga Belfast - Orbital One Perfect Sunrise (Live) - Orbital
  10. He's great. I've really enjoyed watching him in the Greedy League, he's like a breath of fresh air.
  11. It's like a bloody Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club album sleeve!!!
  12. D'oh it's already been done! That'll teach me for skimming over the posts...
  13. And isn't that Roy Wood out of WIZZARD bottom left?
  14. Matt


    Do you want your trophy now then? Good idea - I'll set it in motion tomorrow - I'm knackered...
  15. I can get by, not very well! I don't use it much, no point. I'm Englsh anyway, born here... It's my family that are all Taffs, I think there's a couple of distant relatives that still live in Caernarfon.
  16. 1. Wales for ever! I'll get on the case straight away 2. I've got a GIF but it's not animated yet 3. There you go Snooks, the Welsh flag!!
  17. LOL! Acw cerddi Snooks , 'r Cymraeg ddiffygia!! LOL
  18. canfyddais a GIF namyn dydy mo 'n animeiddiedig
  19. Aye, cymru am byth! Brofa at ca hun fel 'n ebrwydd fel 'n bosib.LOL!
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