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Posts posted by Wozzer

  1. Jason Jarrett featured a lot last night in the BBC's - Class of 92: Out Of Their League.

    Where you have 5x ex-premier league footballers buy a small town football team and try and run it.

    They don't appear to want to, or be able to make any decisions about running the club.

    Jarrett (who I thought had a lot of potential when he played for us, but something was wrong with him) was playing for Salford for £300.00 a week, he has real problems in his life and it's such a shame to see how he's wasted it away.

    Why Salford I ask myself, for the 5x millionaires baffles me and I'd hate to be associated with Gary Neville who's a total control freak.

    Interesting view that they didn't appear capable of making decisions yet sacked the manager!


    I have to say I'm finding it difficult to cope with the fact that many of G Neville's recent actions appear to show he is a decent human being.


    This scenario is so easily solved but the authorities domn't seem able to grasp it. If an indiviudal wants to fund a club beyond its natural means they should be required to put up a bond which would enable the club to wind down its expanded salary bill in an orderly fashion if they lose interest.

    A sensible and pragmatic solution.


    The authorities that run football (collectively).


    I think I can see the problem here.

  3. Kenny Dalglish & Kevin Keegan "total duffers"??


    Dalglish won the first double in a generation back when it still meant something and went on to become one of very few managers to win titles with more than one club......


    Keegan got promotions with 3 different clubs, nearly won the league with Newcastle (NEWCASTLE!) and got himself the England job....

    Aye - putting uncle Roy in with Ferguson and Mourinho is a bit of a stretch too.

  4. Ties in with a post i put on a few weeks back. Was in the village hotel in ashton got chattin to a oldish fella well dressed, when i mentioned was a oldham fan he said we would be over taken shortly. His exact words Jan latest. Again could be a load of :censored: but who knows. I suspect any deal would be not including the oec and we would rent the use of that from the owners.

    Over taken more likely than taken over I'll give you that.
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