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Posts posted by Wozzer

  1. Nah. Post Schmeichel Ferguson spent regularly on buying then discarding goalkeepers he clearly couldn't stop making individual errors until he finally found one that didn't.





    In answer to your first post, again - the likes of Mourinho and Ferguson can & do/did stop players making individual errors.


    To your second post - any advances on 100% or are you going to leave the strawmanning there?

  2. I'm going to chuck another name in Craig Fleming arguably the best man marker I've ever seen.


    He put an on form Ryan Giggs in his pocket on multiple occasions, I saw Giggs tear Paulo Maldini a new one.

    Indeed. I remember at one point in the 1-0 win at BP Ferguson moved Giggs to full back in the knowledge that Fleming would follow him and create gaps further forward. He did as well.

  3. Surprised to see you of all people extolling the virtues of private education and supporting the right of people to buy advantage when the offer from a labour run council is " crap "

    Not sure I'm the right person to extol the virtues of private education having suffered it myself (last year of direct grant politics fans, I certainly wouldn't have gone had I been a year younger). I can comment on right to buy (I assume that's what you mean) which is the most divisive, vicious policy even Thatcher and her followers managed to come up with (and boy did they try). I have also never stated the offer from this (again I assume you mean Oldham) Labour is "crap" but if it is (which it isn't) it's due to the Tory government's desire to hammer northern Labour councils with plainly unfair settlements.


    Let's sign Ched though eh?

  4. Which do you think is better known ...the pig incident or the Abbott's school choice?


    Of course Oxbridge does not preclude socialist belief and quite rightly......it should however bestow upon its beneficiaries some recognition of the illogicality and hypocrisy of their actions for themselves vis a vis their beliefs for the rest of us.


    To my knowledge the morning suit wearing toffs have never said people should not join the Bullington Club.....Ms Abbott on the other hand differs in actions and words.

    But the pig incident is generally portrayed in the media as as posh boy high jinks whilst Abbott (who I'm no apologist for btw) is treated with utter contempt for making a decision (presumably) in the best interests of her children. Of course the Bullingdon boys (particularly vicious right wing :censored: like Osborne and Johnson) can never be treated as hypocrites for betraying their principles because they have none worth betraying. Cameron oddly I find relatively benign compared to the other two.

  5. Sorry I must have missed Oxbridge educated Ms Abbots admission of shame

    I'm not sure being Oxbridge educated precludes socialist belief, though it does tend to throw out more than its fair share of Bullingdon club toffs - I make no judgement about whether it's more shameful for a socialist to send her children to a private school or for silver spoon morning suit wearing socialites to spend their student years trashing restaurants. Interesting that the former attracts much more media attention than the latter though, wonder why that is?

  6. Wound up? I think not! just parodying the po faced holier than thou principled preaching socialists who are anything but principled! Take Corbyn's ultra left mistress Dianne's decision to pay for her son to go to public school as an your exemplar?

    Ah the old chestnut always brought out against the left. Interesting that it's almost never used against the right. I've always wondered if that's because their principles mean it's almost impossible to shame them.

  7. Correct Wozzer......if we could have kept him for a few seasons I reckon he could well have become one of our very best ever players.


    He was only here 2 or 3 months but the difference he made to the team cannot be overstated and remember being absolutely gutted when we lost him to Southampton.


    A captain and leader of the highest order! RIP.

    Agreed - his performance in the first leg of the play off at Elland Rd was one of the finest centre half displays I've ever seen.

  8. Utter garbage - just can't get my head around why you post such tosh. So when he had that blocked effort late on he was trying to get out of the way? Just my opinion like.

    And mine is that he offered nothing in terms of industry or endeavour, in stark contrast to the bloke he replaced. Fortunately we live in a society where we are allowed to hold different views. I respect yours, please feel free to continue treating mine with contempt. You won't be alone.

  9. That slowness is what they call match sharpness. The near post flick in the first half being a prime example.

    Give him a few matches then judge his ability but he certainly seemed up for the fight

    I would agree with that assessment. Certainly a contrast to Murphy when he came on who only appeared interested in running when the ball came anywhere near him and only then to run away from it.

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