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Everything posted by help_shiny

  1. West Bromwich High Street makes Yorkshire Street look affluent. Right, best do some work methinks. Keep the Peace y'all
  2. Heard on Sky Sports News that Spurs have signed a new Italian....Grabatelli
  3. rubberneckers! Channel 847 on Sky (personal favourite of mine, honest) is live footage of Asians in West Bromwich (I think) gathering for 'riot control' Now just need any West Bromwich rioters to set up their own TV Channel, West Midlands Police another and I can flick between the three.
  4. do a bit of reading on the Turkish and Kurdish gangs in London and it perhaps wont be surprising to think that there were so many of them out on the street tooled up and defending their patch. Not really Big Dave's 'Big Society' in action just a disorganised rabble coming across organised gangs (although of course I'm sure there were plenty of decent honest shopkeepers amongst them - armed with kebab skewers maybe but tough times and all that).
  5. Absolutely bang on. There is footage of Tomlinson here there and everywhere up in front of the Police for hours. Then someone pushed him. Pushed. Hardly bludgeoned to death. He's bang on with the 'poor little girl' savaged by the Met Police on the streets of Tottenham. She's up there chucking bricks then if she gets knocked over she had it coming. And, again, he's bang on about Duggan. So basically....Kentlats is 'bang on'.
  6. those US style armoured riot vans that they used last night look the business. Where were they hiding those? Must have cost a shed load each
  7. maybe in a time like this it would be useful if there was a national Police force of some sort as well as the county ones. They would be able to quickly draft in thousands of reinforcements from the whole country as opposed to the current situation of borrowing 20 officers from Hampshire, a helicopter from Surrey, an inspector and 5 coppers from Essex etc etc
  8. GMP have issued a statement that the riots have not spread to Oldham town centre,it always looks like that
  9. London 2012 News...the Olympic Flame has now moved on from Croydon to Woolwich In other news..the Libyan authorities have recognised the rioters as the legitimate UK Government
  10. what's all this 'community' and who are these 'community leaders'? These people have no sense of community and they have no idea who these so called leaders are. Some 'community leader' on BBC just now making excuses for the young scallywags and how we must understand their anger. Even if you gave each of them a detached house in a nice area , a good paying job and a private tutor to get them up to speed on whatever they missed whilst not going to school they'd still act like tools, no helping them. Made me laugh earlier, some ex senior plod had a slip of the tongue and said "if a murder by the Met did go wrong..".
  11. I suppose all will out in the end, probably not as you suspect in the first report... Just sat here at work watching the TV and I think if people carry on torching buildings sooner or later innocent folk in their flats are going to die.
  12. I'd agree with that but think that's little to do with capital punishment in this country. Also, think there's been confusing overlap between this thread and the Tottenham riot thread.
  13. I see, you suspect that he was an innocent chap on his way somewhere innocently when the mad dogs opened fire and then left a gun they'd acquired earlier a la 'The Shield'. Possible but I doubt it. Anything is possible of course and I wasnt there so I dont know. What I do know is that the people running riot around London couldnt give a toss about him, it's an excuse to act very badly under the guise of outrage. I know a bus driver who does routes around Peckham and Lewisham and sent him a jocular text a while back asking if his had been torched yet - just heard on BBC that buses have been set alight in Peckham. Hope he doesnt think I'm orchestrating it. It'd be amusing if it was his bus though as his time on the buses has turned him into a misanthrope, if the locals have started actually torching his vehicle it'll take him to new heights.
  14. If you're travelling around with a gun and the Police happen to shoot you whilst doing so then ha ha haaa dee haaa. It's a much more legitimate reason for being shot than carrying a table leg you're carrying back from the pub to fix for a friend or looking vaguely swarthy whilst heading for the nearest Underground station so they've got my full support on this one. Although, come to think of it, that bloke on the tube was living here illegally.....hmmm...harsh I suppose but...
  15. "so that we know they're serious" - who is 'we'? The ruling Oligarchy of which you are a faithful lapdog? Cast off your blinkers Citizen. Rise up!
  16. and on another note - if anyone fancies setting up a London Freikorps to cleanse the streets of our fair capital of riotous youth give me a shout. To arms!
  17. I'm shouting of course. Yes, I'm free to set up my own campaign but it would fail. Give me the funds of one of the major political parties, give me a national newspaper or two to support me and I'm away. Strip whichever party you favour, Labour if memory serves me right - forgive me if I'm wrong, of all of it's money, all of it's backers, any support from any media, take away the history of the party so that people arent voting for you 'just because I always have' or their parents or grandparents did. Make it a completely clean slate, with just you and people you know in the area as it's members. Stand for election in any constituency in the country and you would lose your deposit. Then, magically spirit Labour(/whoever) back into existence, stand for election in the same constituency and hey presto, you're back in business. The 'why dont you stand yourself argument' - against party machines with far more resources and members than you could ever dream of is an empty one. You occasionally get an Independent winning an election because of some strongly held local feelings towards one issue or another but the chances of a new party springing up and pushing the current incumbents out of the way is nil. Imagine the furore if there was a 'Hang 'Em, Flog 'Em' Party* that actually did have some kind of funding. All three of the established parties would immediately present a common front against them, the likes of the Daily Mail would remember it's heart belongs to the Tories.There would be the most intense scrutiny on the past activities or private lives of it's leading members by the media. There would probably be a Question Time with a rigged audience of screeching Guardianistas to show how ridiculous these 'extremists' are when faced with the withering comments of the outraged moral minority. There'd probably be big pop concerts set up for the kids to show up to and show their displeasure at the new reactionary party in the form of dance. So I'm not going to put my name on the ballot paper. What I'll do instead is occasionally moan at the great stitch up. It'll make the same difference either way. Plus there's the indisputable fact that my 'Hang 'Em, Flog 'Em' Party will have a higher than average ratio of bulging eyed loons in it's membership and I'm not prepared to sit in committe rooms with that sort, oh no. * - I realise there actually is a party that is all for hanging and flogging but I suspect they dont represent the vast majority of the 50+% who would like hanging brought back.
  18. Nail 'em up! Nail some sense into 'em! While a small majority of us would like to see it brought back it never will be. It falls very firmly into the category of 'the ruling class knows best'. It's one of those things we, the great unwashed, cannot be trusted on and will never be allowed to decide upon. And even if we did it's illegal under European law which brings me to another one of those things that the three headed House of Commons beast has decided isnt for us stupid little cretins to ever get to make a decision over. Unless they're 100% bang on sure that it's the same thing they want of course.Those countries foolish enough to let their public decide on these matters are then forced to make them keep voting until they come up with the right answer. Rise up! Rise up Brothers & Sisters!
  19. Got the first question right and then failed to see the connection between being British and knowing what % of the country is Muslim so gave up. Having to watch quite a lot of Cbeebies these days I've been labouring under the impression the country is about 40% white but it would appear the people at the BBC have been spinning me a lie. Or maybe they're just preparing the little uns for future realities. ps - I am aware there are white muslims (just in case that's an extra fail point)
  20. and to use some of this fashionable youth text speak............OMG! I just noticed an advert at the bottom of the page for Man United's US tour. My God, it's come to this.
  21. hello my darlings, I'm sorry if this has been gone over on here before but I havent been about much What, in your humble opinions, are the best twitter accounts to follow to get all the Latics news I'm likely to want? If there are any. I've only just worked out what the hell it's all about and I'm a sophisticated, urbane and cosmopolitan Home Counties type so God only knows what you hillbilly oiks know about these matters.
  22. Leeds play offs , Keith Edwards. United Wembley Mark Hughes Those two will haunt me until I die or get alzheimers
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