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Everything posted by help_shiny

  1. "I get a bit spooked when you say darlings, I hope you are of the female kind" Probably the ugliest woman you ever saw if I was
  2. ah yes, I have that Boston box set at home. I know what you mean about the Likely Lads. I have a bad habit of absentmindedly putting on Sky Sports News the day after and then seeing the result & then swearing a bit. Havent been to any of the four cities left in it but wouldnt mind giving them all a go. Milwaukee's stadium looks lovely. Is Detroit a bit scary? Anyway good luck for the rest of the NLCS* * - fingers crossed behind back
  3. what is this family festival of which you speak and where is it advertised?
  4. yeah, we were missing the right angle on the tv coverage. Couldnt say with any certainty
  5. I believe that it's the worst for 41 years and that it's the 7th worst league crowd we've had since we joined in 1907 (all the top 6 being between May 1968 and February 1970). The lowest I found was 2073 against Northampton in 1968/69 edit - and, fact fans, one last fact - last night was the lowest ever attendance for a game in October
  6. I believe it's the worst since 2391 v Lincoln in February 1970 back in the old Division Four. 41 years. Anyone with a book with much bigger text than the one I'm peering at, feel free to contradict me!
  7. So where does the attendance stand in the all time pantheon of bad league crowds? I know everyone gets a GCSE A+ at Maths these days but surely someone has spotted the mistake in the Chron's comment - "a crowd of only 2,408 — the club’s lowest gate for a league game since May 3, 1986, when 2,510 supporters turned up to watch a 2-1 win against Fulham"
  8. Really enjoyed that. Shame about the crowd but unsurprising. Anybody got a big book of stats & can day where that ranks for worst league crowd?
  9. Must admit to the usual postseason excitement. Nothing against yourself but I've taken against the Cards somewhat (although good job on doing the Phillies!) so COME ON YOU BREWERS! Not 100% sure why but there's something I dont like about the whole state of Texas (although been to Austin and it was nice enough) so COME ON YOU TIGERS! As you no doubt know yourself it's the devil's own job to get time to watch the bloody things but I've managed 4 postseason games so far and will watch tonight's NLCS Game 2 tomorrow morning. Be nice to watch my own team (Mets) in the post season on occasion but they're as gash as ever, if not more so ;-)
  10. the difference being is that ponce is just acting. I'm actually living it.
  11. I bet myself how long it would take some pedant to crawl out of the woodwork. Congratulations sir.
  12. I would like to put on record that, despite being shackled by a poor quality anthem, Great Britain is the greatest nation the world has ever seen.
  13. could never stand our national anthem - there is no God and I couldnt give a toss about the Queen. Plus the tune is gash. But then I decided to stop worrying about it and life's kind of worked out since then. I do think that anyone who watches the Rugby World Cup should be stoned to death though.
  14. It's possible, probable even. Let me paint a picture with words.....I was drunk*, quite tall, brown hair, green coat, cadging fags, occasionally breaking out into song*, vaguely remember banging on the windows when I left. & Stevie J, not sure why but the monsters hat comment has had me giggling. I need to work that into a song that I will sing every single game I go to. edit - I realise that the drunk/singing thing will have applied to more than one person in there!
  15. I'd like to have Leeslover put on the Lightweight Register for crawling off home at 6pm after two halves of shandy. Lovely meeting all the rest of you in the boozer after the game. WE ARE OLDHAM! WE ARE OLDHAM! WE ARE FOOTBALL KINGS! ps - Alan Hardy is a monster
  16. Thank God for that, they've caught the ringleader of all the riots. http://yfrog.com/kh7saewj
  17. if they were rioters then good on the coppers, give them a belt from me. If it was some nosey kids on their bikes then boo hiss coppers. No idea of the context. What I do know though is that a big thing will be made about this and elevated above what the rioters have been doing. Which makes me sad.
  18. haha, he walks into a lampost whilst holding the paper in front of him. Would have been an all time classic if he'd fallen over. dagnabbit - Creepy has fast fingers. Errr, might need to reword that
  19. think Manchester centre will be quiet tonight, it's raining and they'll all be in their little hovels. It's Birmingham that's a worry tonight. Real potential for it getting very nasty (well, I suppose 3 people being killed means it already is very nasty).
  20. Latest from Manchester City Centre - http://mancunianmatters.co.uk/content/breaking-news-windows-smashed-and-police-clash-rioters-streets-manchester
  21. You've been spreading out too much of da love bruv edit - I too am unable to send any further positive karma and general good vibes. Sort it out mods, it's like a tax on being nice to people.
  22. think this one is in the Keep Calm, Carry On category
  23. Great app that tells you if you're going to be close to a riot tonight using your postcode http://bit.ly/p3J0rY
  24. Police there in numbers mind you - piccies... http://www.blottr.com/breaking-news/police-have-bricks-thrown-rioters-salford
  25. GMP say there were 20 scrotes, a brick thrown, no looting, dispersed.. Got a mate who works in Eccles who the Police spoke with earlier today (he runs a big shop) and they told him there'd been a little bit of trouble earlier beag_teats - beat me to it
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