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Posts posted by laticsmad

  1. perhaps you should look at the gates for the 3 games v teams that were in this division last season. There's nothing in it really. We lost fans last season, unsurprisingly, not this season.



    Our attendances are a few hundread down on last season, and despite decent performances at homethis season attendances have dropped every home game so far. However, I was looking at the big picture when 5 years ago, and don't quote me on this, we averaging around 6500 fans a game at home in league one. It;s not looking good however you paint it :disappointed:

  2. Like.


    We have a 3-sided stadium, no where to drink within the stadium, the pies run out before half-time, the owners don't seem to care and have no ambition, match day ticket are to expenisve for league 1 football. I could go on. Obviously these things do not matter to you. However, they most certainly do to thousnads who have stoped attending in the past few years.

  3. Some fans say they prefer non-league football now but still folow latics.. i imagine a 3 sided stadium is better than a field with maybe 2 stands if that?


    At the end of the day, whether you want to acknowldege it or not, we are losing fans by the bucket load. Furthermore, if the club continues to bury its head in the sand then you may well see latics playing in non-league football in a field. Perhaps then you will be happy :wink:

  4. You make the match day experience not the club. The club dont make you sing, have a drink, have a pie etc, they just offer some basic stuff that is needed.


    To an extent I agree. However, looking at a 3-sided stadium does not help. You can't have a drink in the stadium now, and pies run out before the end of half time. The club has to make an effort to entice the fans back otherwise why should we bother. Get my drift ;)

  5. Nah, if he did care about the club he'd go and watch.


    The club clearly cannot afford to build a new stand, and as for the matchday experience it's what you make it yourself, you have a drink, enjoy the craic, job done a good day and a good experience.


    If people stand moaning at anything and everything then no wonder they don't enjoy themselves or the experience.


    So tell me why 2000 + fans have stopped attending in the last 5 years? You are seriously deluding yourself if you think the stadium and matchday experience has nothing to do with it!?

  6. It's interesting that you have better things to do than go and watch Latics, but you clearly have nothing better to do than come on here hour after hour after hour and tell us that you have got better things to do. :blink:


    Obviously he still cares about the club but will not go back to BP until the clubs meet him halfway i.e A four sided stadium and better matchday experience.

  7. I thought he'd be a good signing too!

    He hasn't played much but off what i've seen so far no better than what we already had.


    What is it with us and strikers? :angry:


    Nothing! For the most part strikers cost £££. Something that is in short supply at the moment and the forseeable future. :disappointed:

  8. The posters who use the phrase 'must win' use it a little differently to others. Every latics game for me is a must win because I expect us to, realistically or not, try and win every game. Especially after we have just thrown away a point at the death the previous game! Eitherway, some posters on here need to chill out and stop taking every word uttered on here literally. Take a breath...read it in the context it was supposed to be read and cheerthe :censored: up! We'll all be dead soon anyway :grin:








  9. Can somebody tell me how you would entice me back to Latics, i see you all writing chuff about absolutely anything that may have something to do with Latics.


    Royle Army i dont know who you are but i dont even bother reading half the stuff on, who cares about Lee Hughes?


    Now, come on good folk tell me why the hell should i pay £20 to watch 3rd Division football?


    And as a side note Razza, naked cheerleaders at half time wont work, im normally more interested in pies.


    ok because the highs are so infrequent when they do occur, i.e everton away, they are so much sweeter! Y ou can say I was there!!!!

  10. Can somebody tell me how you would entice me back to Latics, i see you all writing chuff about absolutely anything that may have something to do with Latics.


    Royle Army i dont know who you are but i dont even bother reading half the stuff on, who cares about Lee Hughes?


    Now, come on good folk tell me why the hell should i pay £20 to watch 3rd Division football?


    And as a side note Razza, naked cheerleaders at half time wont work, im normally more interested in pies.


    Because latics is in your blood!!!

  11. As I said in my previous posts, if you want to go to matches then go, if not don't.


    Not rocket science, is it?


    Some of the suggestions made on this thread are totally impractical and unworkable from the clubs point of view.


    Some people are at such great pains to justify why they don't go, they shouldn't feel the need to come on here to unburden themselves, if they don't want to go, simply don't go.


    Aye but this is a discussion board mate so this point will be discussed. If ppl don't want to go for a number or reasons then they need to be highlighed so that the club can address them.

  12. i wasnt being rude asking why i was just interested, i think it would be a great adventure, being the BIG TEAM IN TOWN kinda thing like chester are now in the unibond league. it would be great but hopefully we wont have to go through all that !!


    In the glory years we were the number one teams in the country. Nobody for 6 months in the 1991/92 season, and that includes Arsenal and united, could touch us. On our day we were the best! :(

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