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Posts posted by underdog

  1. Of course Diego, I'll look forward to it........awaits underdog's entrance..... :grin:


    Oh Hunni am here...slightly frozen that is as we have no heating..aagghh!!!, glad you have made those "special little shared" moments for us and Mr & Mrs Sideburns.... :grin:




    Well at least I will be climatised for the weather as I am still waiting for our combi boiler to be fixed - glad you work now aren't you.


    Diego, I would love to meet you and Mrs S.....don't know about the venue like, don't fancy that kinda muff(in) in my mouth thanks.... :lol:



  2. despite enduring a painful first half and me thinking colbeck and parker should not pull the blue shirt on ever again.....ive got the latics bug back.


    id only been the first game of the season and norwich before this weekend. however, i really enjoyed the second half yesterday. i was sat on my own but around some people with decent things to say and not full of negativity. i will now be attending on boxing day and who knows after that.


    hope there are more like me. the £2 deal worked in my case.



    "excellent...welcome back...."


    Hope the Tranmere game can persuade you to show up in 2010 too... :grin:

  3. On that thread, She's intimating intimate relations with one of our players - glad the bunny boilers didn't get in if i'm honest! He screwed you love, get over it!


    However, I think this will run and run, with the club getting dragged through the tabloids again - just what we need! From what I've read on Facebook and elsewhere these two characters are not 'full shillings' no matter what the minority that have met them face to face. Think about it logically, say you went on a lads holiday, humped some lass and whilst very nice you regretted it. BUT it was a holiday fling that was it, next thing they've tracked you down and made arrangements to visit you at your place of work...hmmmmm Scary :censored:!


    I agree Prozac and something a miss here too. The club needs to make a statement if only to disassociate themelves.


    TBH, I am getting very wazzed off with them and its not like me to cast a judgment based on "hearsay, dick waving, testosterone, fulled", stuff being posted on here but the "ladies" themselves not helping by wanting to "kiss n'tell" with videos to boot...WTF!!! and posting stuff on the Exeter site too! Apparently Simon Corney picked them up and took them to the Hotel?????


    These Ameican's are not firing on all four cylinders. Why would you want to put yourself in that postion of revenge by posting youself in a compromising postion with a "not so famous" person?Get some dignity or buy some off Ebay.


    Best stay well clear in my opinion or someone, fan, club is going to get burned.


    However, there is no such thing as bad publicity - or so they say.


    Watch this space....or please, please, please moderators remove them because if your a friend of their's you already on FB and we don't need all this crap on a "footy site"....Move on ladies..Leeds is just over the hill...

  4. i've been going to the latics for many years now and seen some cracking games and a lot of kaki poo ones to,

    this season i knew that it would be a struggle ,what with the ressesion a reduced budget and yet another team to blend together.

    it isn't rocket science to realise that we havn,t got the resourses nor the players to compete with the likes of leeds norwich and the like

    it would take a complete numpty to even contemplate us being able to competre...All i ask of my team is one hundred percent effort

    if we lose so what there is always next week....at half time yesterday i applauded the team off not for a razzling display but because in my opinion the players

    from the goalie to the striker had given one hundred percent,Amongst the booers,who are quite entitled to boo ,they pay as much as me to watch the game one fan bereted me for applauding and short of calling me an idiot tried to tell me the errors of my actions would someone please point out to me as to why i was wrong to applaud, and tell me where i am going wrong .



    Nope you not wrong to applaud, I do it too at half time, if a player is subbed and of course if ANY player on either side had to be helped off injured. At full time, I stand there too no matter what our result and I applaud until the last one of our players is off the pitch. That usually means I am last out of the RRE. I Think its a generational thing - that's what any fan did in the 80's when I first started going.


    Oh yes and I sing too...but I draw the line when we start sing "We're :censored:e..."etc etc. Don't agree with slating my own team but to support them that's the little bit I can do to encourage the players on then so be it.


    Don't let these so called "Supporters" get too you. Just do you bit and then you conscience is clear

  5. Full of chavs in the rocky! :thumbsdown:



    "how very dare you.!!!!!!!" :lol:


    ....I am too old to be a chav thank you vey much an Ugg boots a not my thing.


    However, I will admit to wearing a santa hat yesterday, if only to keep my delicate ears from frost bite.


    If the chaddy had the atmosphere again, I'd go back in there but its doesn't and I like to sing and stand up - if only to keep me warm.


    "Chav my arse......." :grin:

  6. [quot :e name=creepy' date='Dec 12 2009, 14:21 PM' post='339614]

    or when you see Leeds fans on soceer AM :wink:



    wow....you a septic peg too...lol...I believe you know my ball and chain on face book. Yes I will admit to that too... :grin:


    so you gonna predict next week's Wycombe score???

  7. I know we have a very crucial run of games coming up over christmas but i am actually looking forward to them.


    i would prefer to have something to fight for that being safe and not caring. some would say the players dont care anyway but i think with a win tomorrow, they can pull away from the relegation places.


    if the fans go in to the game positive no matter how the team are playing, it will reflect on the team



    I'm going to be very positive today and will be wearing a silly Santa hat too. I'm going to inflict Santa hats on all that I stand with and my nephews too. I am in the mood to party...wwoooooo


    This game should be the start of some points for us.

  8. this year please can i have my present early, tomorrow my football team Oldham Athletic play a match against Exeter City


    the present i want this year is to celebrate a goal scored by my team, i know it is a lot to ask but if you could bring me that present it would be much appreciated


    failing that, if you could bring me the present of us actually having a few shots on target, that will suffice




    Name - creepy age - younger than i feel supporting Oldham Athletic


    +1, please Santa, I have been a very good girl this year -honest!!...(well I haven't been caught doing anything naughty,,,lol)

  9. thanks guys for the updates and well done for attending its good to hear your comments and they are more believeable as fans like yourself have heard it direct


    Sounds a positive meeting which is always a good start to these forums.


    I don't like to get involved in all the technically/financial/rumourmongering stuff as being blonde - it goes way over my head on here.


    Just need t get the stuff on the pitch balanced out now - hopefully, Sat will be the start of a run we need.


    Thanks again



  10. Hold on, hold on, hold on...


    Aren't we all forgetting something? The American bints are coming to town! I predict a sell out.



    I was just about to post that Zorro. :grin:


    Yes the Americans are coming...the Yanks are gonna be here....hope they have brought nylons and hershey bars...oh hang on that was the war wasn't it.


    Now they come in prettier packages and wanna meet all for a drinksy.


    So, based on the "attention factor" alone and if all promise to be here do attend.


    I am going for BP at 3pm = 6000


    Grey mare at 5.00pm = 6001 (mixture of latics fans and those in the grey mare watching a little team called Liverpool = I think)


    excellent!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

  11. Apparently, the buzz around old Trafford last week against Totttenham was the the Reds can't wait to play Leeds.


    Maybe a re-think is in order


    C'mon Ketters.....


    By the way - where are all the Leeds fans?...The ground looks empty? Maybe they thought it was in the bag.


    Wonder what their WACCOE website is saying... :lol:



  12. underdog, you are one sexy...beast. :wub:



    Awww...bless you my child......I'll take any compliments I can get from either sex, animals and aliens these days.


    However, Sarah - thanks but I am recently married to Tangerine dreams. Please don't cry


    Yes its true men...devasted you all are but I married....but it if it helps to soften the blow we did have something like a 12ft OAFC union Jack at our wedding in Jamaica and our latics beach towels too (we were with a liverpool, city and UTD fans)with their beach towels....it was close one, but because we had two towels..yes two towels - we won!!!...


    You heard!!!...on the beach towel front it was Oldham 2, man utd 1, Man city 1, liverpool 1 oh yes Elvis Presley 1..


    Yes we even beat the KING!!!..


    Hope we can muster a win on Sat folks. I have my Santa hat and will be looking like a right one in the RRE with a few others.


    See you all there..



  13. Voted ...... Sorry underdog ... Its a Mary Hopkins moment ..... please dont slate me though im not normally a pedant ...it just that that song is now being sung in my head and has been for quite some time :ranting: lol



    Oh dear...didn't mean to cause you such trauma...how about....


    "holidays are coming...holidays are coming....".....yes that blooming advert




    "magic moments...." (perry como I believe)




    "my head is in a spin my feet don't touch the ground...."


    Or lastly - the saying we are all dying to hear..........."its a goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".


    damn it....you've got me doing ti now...tut... :grin:






  14. Being Devils Advocate here...and I'm a big Gregan fan...should the teams captain be doing a bit more throughout these toothless performances?


    The picture of the season thus far (and we've seen it enough) is us preparing to kick off after we've conceded a(nother) goal and Gregan is stood there with his hands on his hips. Admittedly after he's rollocked Brill for yet another cl

    We'd better believe that we're in a relegation fight. And it's also one that we don't seem to fancy.





    Agreed its the only thing that lets him down when he stands there after we have conceeded rollicking eveyone around. Did it again against Leeds with the first goal. gave a right roasting to :censored: right in front of the pegs. Instead he should be saying "chin up c'mon keep going". He should be roaring like Gerrard does motivating the team to keep going making them want to play for a captain and fight. Instead the strut an hands on hips comes out. Shame really




  15. I was trying to be positive before the Leeds game and for the first 20 minutes, I felt it was justified optimism - then in the 2nd half at one nil down, we had a possible five on three break, Furman has the ball stops and passes back to his central midfield partner, hiding on the edge of the box. Then we're crowded out, attack over, I felt like throwing my season ticket at the gutless tossers in midfield. That was the moment the flame was extinguished.



    Aww prozac....first 20 mins eh!!!.....if only we scored then


    Oh well that's footy for you and of course that's our team too.


    Yet you still show up or contemplate showing up so...there is hope.


    We can only get better surely??..


    Now go get that Santa hat as I will be looking for you all the way across from the RRE.


    You can even get "bells on it.." just in case we do score...you never know...



  16. Okay guys


    I bloomin well wazzed off I missed the Norwich game. Well done to all those who went and created a fantastic atmosphere there when we all knew there would be well little to cheer about but you left an impression on the Norwich fans that will last a lifetime I bet - great stuff!!!!!!!!


    So, whose up for another challenge??????????


    Do you think between us all we can create a better atmosphere at home this Sat?....Season of good will etc, etc,


    Can we re-start our season with a little chrimbo cheer


    Well I am going to try. Chrimbo is upon us and I have a bought a cheap and tacky Father Chrimbo hat for a pound to wear, I am going to inflict them on my nephews, the ball and chain and a few others we usually stand with.


    So how about it?...are we up for spreading a bit of Chrimbo cheer?


    If so, get your chrimbo hat and lets get singing.


  17. Well in my opinion thats nothing to be proud of as that means you were outnumbered by far once again. And can i ask how the hell you nearly outnumbered our fans last season?



    Wow...it just taken you......4 days to work that out!!!!!!!!...the speed of the internet in Merseyside is faster than I thought. You even have a computer/laptop too well, you know those grants for deprived areas are fantastic aren't they and your English skills have impessed me to "like".


    By the way....we outsang them for 70 minutes..yes you heard 70 mins and they even admit that on their own website..


    Quality of the support - not quantity...



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