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Posts posted by underdog

  1. It's all part of the master-plan to lull Leeds into a false sense of superiority.



    PMSL...its working, Leeds forum say Taylor is out....hmmm




    And I have just found an used a grin symbol for the first time...hope this is me in 24hrs time minus Chris Taylor, but with an on par score line at least

  2. if he has a dodgy hamstring then no point even contemplating risking him,aggravate it further and bang...another lenghty layoff...some might say thats in our favour as nobody would buy him....but id rather have him fighting fit for the festive period.



    Leeds forum has announced Taylor is out with a hamstring strain....


    oooooooooooooooo the plot thickens

  3. Well lads, there'll be guaranteed four extra supporters in Boundary Park tomorrow night... I'm travelling over from Dublin in the morning with three mates and looking forward to having a few pints before what will hopfully be a good match.


    If you hear a bunch of lads with Irish accents who sound like they've been enjoying a few beers then that's us!



    Excellent....the more the merrier. Especially as Diego has found that leeds have now sold all their allocated tickets. So...


    "come into the light...all is welcome, all is welcome.....". Name the movie anyone?


    I can't wait now...bring it on.....


  4. The Leeds OS says there are less than 300 tickets left for their fans and the deadline for their purchase is 4:00pm today.








    The Club should fling open the doors to anyone who wants to come tomorow. Its one of the biggest games of the season against the top of the league.


    Its a chance for our team to show off its talent, raise their game, win - hopefully.


    Newbies may return, stayaways might reconsider and come back to the fold.


    Its a chance to showcase what we have got - biggest chance we have marketing wise. The club should contact schools colleges and get them in, maybe do a round up in the local pub an hour before kick off and hand out tickets - maybe nick some UTD fans as I believe they are home to Tottenham and most will be sat in the pub watching the game.


    We are desperate for a home win, surely a full stadium will help, especially with more home fans in it.



  5. This sounds like lack of ambition to me. We're losing what? £1.4m each year? A club of our size should be aiming for £3m losses at least, Corney out.



    ???????...can you explain why we should have a higher deficit to me?


    Then again, the way our fan base is shrinking it may become a reality.


    Cheers harry for the post by the way - very interesting

  6. we all have our reasons for going/not going.


    Its just a sad state of affairs that things are probably going to get far worse than better.


    Is this the slow death of latics - no fans = no revenue, no club


    It's heatbreaking to see a club with a 100 year history slowly ebbing away.


    There is a DNR order on BP, the fans are so frustasted that they turn on themselves these days.


    Were we ever happy? What are we going to do about the last few yrs at BP? How are we going to get bums on seats, or feet on the terraces?


    I've come back after a 20yr absence to BP, the ground has seen better days, the fans are divided up on three sides and arguing on the terraces too.


    I can't do much on my own...there is no "I" in team and the fans are as much part of the team as the pro's on the pitch.


    If we can all pull together its a start. I know a big party is being planned by those fans going to the Nowich game , boxing day or the exeter game how aboit we all wear Santa hats and get a merry atmoshpere going. They are only a £1 in the pound shops. Any other sugestions, keep them coming, I'm all for making BP a more cheery place.


    we are not a bad team, just a new one that's growing and is getting a little self belief.


    I'm a supporter that's the only thing I/we can do.....Support. Your team needs you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  7. I've got a Season Ticket (have had for many a long year) and I am not going.


    I am not going to ANY home match (league or cup (what a joke - cup)) where they would rather take the money offered by visiting supporters over letting me sit in the stand where I bought my Season Ticket for.


    They should put up temporary, uncovered seating in the Lookers Paddock (a la Blackpool) and stick away fans in there.


    I reckon there will be less than 2,000 Latics fans there - so you'll be outnumbered 2 to 1.




    may i ask why? and is there anything that would change you mind Rick? is it just because you have been moved? Me too, but we knew that when we bought ST for the RRE

  8. If only we had beaten Leeds, if only we could have then beaten Kettering...



    If only....."I could turn back time......." cue Cher


    "If only I could find a way"........tut....oh well, we need to concentrate on at least minimum - staying in this division. Hell the cash would have been handy though



  9. They have a team worth watching, we don't.


    Sorry Lee, I don't agree. I don't think we have outplayed/outclassed at BP at all this season. Moments of class from Southamnplton and that was it.


    Even Leeds the other week, we weren't that bad. They just got two good goals that night.


    If we can play like we did the last 30mins of the Colchester game then I predict a win. Its a chance to see how the "Heff" plays too.


    Just get you arse there if you can


    C'mon you blues.......................

  10. If they've sold that many now doesn't that mean they could sell more before tuesday?



    I believe so....heartbreaking I know, to be outnumbered at home.


    I am hoping as soon as they start stripping off again, being half naked in the ground like last time, that the stewards start ejecting them as offending my delicate eyeballs. I am sure there must be some ye old law about half naked ugly men parading infront of women and kids.


    Especially, so close after eating my tea. -yuk!!!!!!!!!


    I did mention it to the stewards last time.


    If its the only way to re-dress the balance and bring order to the world - then get the naked, ugly buggers out of BP please

  11. We've just come back from BP after exchanging our tickets from the RRE to Chaddy for Tuesdays game.


    Tangerine dreams asked the lady in the office how the Leeds tickets for them have sold - 4,283 away fans are going to decend on BP on Tuesday. YES YOU HEARD 4,283.....


    Somehow, I don't think we're going to match that target.


    So, a plea, if you were thinking of giving it a miss or just umming and arring, please get yourself down to BP if you can. Beg, plead, borrow and sell your soul if you have to. Get some dosh - early Chrimbo pressie maybe off your folks, wife, kids



    Your team needs you.....and my voice is not going to last all game.










  12. well ladies, maybe latics should hire you to get the crowds in.


    I have a little feeling it could be a record attendance at home that game.


    If that what it takes to get bums on seats at BP then I take my themal hat off to you both.


    And yes Diego is right....get some thermals for your sensitive areas that are going to be exposed to the elements, windy proofs and water proofs too.


    And men "the female of the species is more deadly than the male....." its gonna be an interesting day/game this one.


    Game on....whose gonna score first?

  13. that's it...I am spitting my dummy out big style......."I Wanna go to Norwich..."


    But unless someone is superman and can tuck me unde his cape - its not going to happen.


    Bloody office xmas do, overnight stay in sunny blackpool on Friday (damn I could have picked us up those inflatables), not gonna get home until mid-day on sat as I don't drive - tut...


    Then Sunday bloomin mothers 65th birthday bash - parents inconsiderate or what....




    However, suggestion for the boxing day match.


    Lets get Santa hats - cheap as chips in pound shops and very important - will keep our heads warm too - what do you think?

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