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Posts posted by underdog

  1. Like I said last night, too much ale. Pathetic.



    Damn it there was willy waving and I missed it......ye gods what has the world come to and on a website as well - technology eh!!!


    Just get yer arses/willies down to BP please.....lets get supporting chaps and chapesses..... I am feeling very eurphoric still after Satuday....My crystal ball is slightly wobbley...but I am feeling we are on the cusp of big things on the pitch.


    I may have a heart attack before the end of the season like....but I am gonna be there regardless...


    More wins please Santa....

  2. True, but I'm feeling quite positive after that today, and it makes a nice change from me being suicidal on a Saturday evening.


    So I'm trying to spread my positive vibe..... :wink:



    Yep me too....on another thread that is....... lets spread the word guys......positiveness get behind em and see where it gets us...we are not that bad.


    I can feel the ripples (yes ripples you mucky lot......) spreading out now


    Defo a tuning point of the season me thinks.........

  3. It is as grim, I'm afraid. The next twenty or thirty years, for a whole variety of economic reasons, seem highly unlikely to be like the last few decades. Some would say that the long post-WW2 period of continuously rising living standards is grinding to a halt. This will clearly have an effect on football. Almost certainly it will bring into question the possibility of those clubs that survive on a shoestring, constantly debt-ridden, surviving as professional clubs.


    Even if I'm wrong, I find it hard to get excited about the prospect of permanently watching Latics in front of 1500-3000, even if others don't.



    No neither can I Corp but as long as they weren't the boo boys/girls and got up and sang and cheered their team on, I'd rather stand side by side singing my little heart out with those few than oodles of those that shout "bag of :censored:e". Yet still, we are still having heated words on the terraces too amongst ourselves. Saw it again on Sat in RRE.


    Interesting too that Chris Taylor also mentioned the effect of a positive/negative crowd in tonights chron. Ever wonder that's why we can't peform as well at home??? too much pressure from us fans maybe, me included as I groan and moan as well however, the only things I can do is cough up my dosh and.....CHUFFING SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    C'mon Oldham I am feeling very positive about us....I'll be happy with a top ten place but "Dear Santa...." Top 5 would be great too......

  4. may do a series of these...


    On from Saturday, I hope that the fact we destroyed (albeit against 10 men) a decent Colchester side - I'd like to think we have gained more than a point, more of a turning point in our season. So I am going to reminisce over what I believe to have been past turning points in our seasons...



    December 5th 1987 Dean Court - Bournemouth 2 Latics 2


    The club had experienced an awful hangover from the Play Offs defeat to Leeds the previous season. Early in the campaign we had lost Andy Goram to Hibs and new signing Glenn Keeley had been awful up to then at the heart of the defence, with new striker Andy Ritchie spending a large chunk of the early season out injured and when he was fit he was appearing in a goal shy team. Latics had scored freely in the league Cup, scoring 14 goals in 5 games but the league form had been depressing with a total of 4 wins up to the trip to Dean Court and the last win had been a 3-2 fightback at Gey Meadow six weeks before, where a second half Roger Palmer Hat-trick had secured the points.


    The week before the trip to the south coast we had been expected to sign West Brom's former Watford target man - George Reilly - the deal for the vetarn had fell through at the 11th hour. Instead Joe Royle turned his attention to Hull's Frank Bunn, the deal being concluded within a matter of hours for £70,000. Bunn's signing saw him added to an Athletic squad which had seen the recent arrivals of midfielder John Kelly and young defender Earl Barrett from Swindon Town and Manchester City, for £35,000 each. The new arrivals were needed, with a lengthening injury list which included fractured cheek-bone victim Willie Donachie. The previous 5 league games had seen only 1 goal scored in a 2-1 home defeat to Birmingham on Hallowe'en and Latics were seriously beginning to flirt with the relegation places.


    So on to Bournemouth, Latics took an early lead through Tommy Wright, but with time getting on the team were 2-1 down - enter the new striker, Bunn had a promising debut that culminated in him winning the late penalty despatched by Tony Henry which secured a much needed point. Bunn scored in his second game three days later at Stoke in another 2-2 draw. Suddenly the goals had returned and a team that had struggled to hit the net all season were further boosted by the return to fitness and form of Andy Ritchie, who helped form a lethal three-pronged attack with Bunn and Wright and ably supported by Roger Palmer.



    Prior to Bunn's arrival the League stats were


    P 19 W 4 D 4 L 11 F 14 A 27 Pts 16


    From the draw on December 5th at Dean Court the stats for the rest of season in the League were


    P 25 W 14 D 7 L 4 F 58 A 36 Pts 49


    * We only played 44 League games that season



    Great idea prozac....a rewind series of who we played.......on this day in history kinda thing......just don't over-stretch yourself doing it now...


  5. We have played some of the top teams in our league at BP and on our travels too and is it me but I don't think we have been totally:




    played off the pitch at all


    I can only remember a few moments of class/genius from Southampton and that's it and as we all know the score did not reflect the game.


    Our defence is more settled, midfield seems to have a bit of bite, our ability to score seems to be the current issue.


    I suppose the real test of our team metal is going to be Leeds and Norwich in a few weeks time.


    So I feeling quite positive after yesterdays "my nails are down to the knuckes..." game.


    Anyone else feel the same elation? Or shall I throw away my rose tinted glasses, keep my alcholol intake up evey hour and get some prescription medication.


    You thoughts ladies and gentleman please






  6. Due process will follow but they fail... There whole campaign seems so weak...


    Their only hope is a change in power within the council I think...



    Or as suggested earlier, seeing the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse on a merry trot down broadway may see a few of them off me thinks.


    I will come as death but based on the Terry Pratchett Disc world character. I will go sharpen my scythe now...but I am crap at horse riding and will need some training first

  7. That's how Pav's hernia complications developed in the first place. :grin:



    Damn it!!!!!!!!!!!..............the truth is out there!!!!!!........lol.........hmmmmmmmmm...only in my dreams Diego.


    I believe the injury was done on the pitch firmly planting that ball in the back of the net.... just as a professional shooter should be planting their balls (cough, cough).


    I am a lady you know...and recently married too (divorce impending me thinks...)


  8. well your loggin ID is laticsmad so you could have a photo of you in loads of Latics clothing prentending to pull your hair out at a game ( not acting needed) being laticsmad...



    Beardy could .... stand on the steps on his bus, in drag with his Latic tattoo showing having a fag :grin:



    Beardy dressed like that has gotta be Miss July....Hey wasn't he dressed like that in a blonde wig and little white dress last night..I mean in one of the fancy dress last away games a few seasons ago?.Last year he was rambo.....very manly...lol

  9. Oh go on then...I could be "Mary Christmas" an Tangerine dreams could be "Father Christmas".


    I could sit on his Knee with a sack full of New year wins (as he has not seen latics win ever since he converted in March this year).


    As long as Pawel Abbot promise to fill my stockings with balls....oohphs!!!....I meant goals damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......


    I know Tangerine dreams......DIVORCE impending eh!!!...

  10. Ill be August...then the season is well and truly up the swannie.


    I can see it now...fans running towards the Pennines in sheer horror...especially if you put me in that toothpick of latics underware Michelle Marsh is wearing in an earlier thread. Or I could be used as a detterent to keep the opposition away


    How about a "latics male" calender???....ooooooo, I can see it now the likes of:


    Prozac, Rummy, Harry, 0000, diego, chaddy, webmonkey, Beardy and my own Tangerinedreams. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS


    That could be interesting - the real personas of people on here......


    Sign me up for one of those please.

  11. We must stop meeting like this, people will start talking :wink:



    Yes but at least its legal darling.................we are newlyweds...lol....


    It maybe more confusing if they think we are say, sitting on the same setee inthe same house on different laptops typing at the same time.....now thats a realtionship...Ha, ha. Actually, that's out Friday nights...Doh!!!!!!!!!!!


    Dear all, Just to explain Tangerinedreams works away and "dongles" himself in when he can, where as I at least get myself home.



  12. What I'd like to know is what idiot let a professional footballer ride a motorbike during the season. Especially a goalie (outifelders can play a bit with wrist injuries- goalies can't). It sounds like although being in hospital, his season being over (he ain't playing again for a bit), he is lucky he has the faint hope of returning to play professional football, nevermind walk/breathe again.



    Just like..."Who left that bike there behind the goal at walsall....that Chaddy the owl decide to pull a wheelie on and got stretched off??"



  13. I appreciate this item is not for those of a fuller figure underdog, and there's nothing wrong with such a figure. After all some of our players act like big girls' blouses.


    There could be a market for the Latics bra, with no cups and not much support. B)



    PMSL................I like it...a man-bra..."athletic" support literally for those who need it....no cups....no support....lol...cheers diego.....diverse for both players and male fans alike.


    can I place my order fo my "athletic" hubby?


    Hey patent the idea...."one day my son you'll be a millionaire..."

  14. i can tell you have no interest in the game


    its about supporting your town as a whole, you have to respect Oldham Rugby if you are from Oldham


    it would be a different story if the boot was on the other foot, its obviuos DP isnt from Oldham - it stinks



    I concur...we use to produce athletes across many sports, footy, rugby, cricket etc.


    It's a very sad state of affairs that we cannot sort it out.


    Shame for the town.

  15. Des Walker- poor man's Earl Barrett.


    Altogether now- "You'll never beat Earl Barrett, You'll never beat Earl Barrett."



    Yes and correctly so...not even the Leeds player (I think) did and he hit the chaddy end face on when the fences were up...ouch...stretchered off.. that was gonna hurt


    An Earl's legs...well don't get me started now......I am a lady you know...

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