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Everything posted by tangerinedreams

  1. I wouldn't be surprised if Bouzy went to one of his home-country teams on a tidy wedge after being number 1 here for most of the season, I think playing for a L1 side might fare pretty well on his cv...
  2. The soap dodging :censored: on the other side of the police line are just as bad, but I don't see anyone condemning their actions.
  3. I looked there too, however after the season the Steelmen have had I'd think they're looking higher than a mid L1 team to traverse to.
  4. #fullkitwankers has had some belters on- a Chelsea fan in the Dam fully kitted out as Peter Cech got a good chuckle out of me. + I find the material that's they're made from is dire if I'm being honest and that includes the national tops as well.
  5. Second in the country was the one I took issue with, should have stated, soz.
  6. Soz about the neg, should have been a green light.
  7. Although not exactly related I paid the brownie for the 24 hour Sky Sports package because I couldn't be arsed going out one weekend and the quality was terrible, I've not done it since and not will I be doing it again in the future, I have sent a formal complaint off (the sound quality was like a stuck record) and I've not heard anything since.
  8. Lennox needs a word in shell if you ask me, how wrong can you get!
  9. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kb_UEcjHiwU&feature=relmfu
  10. I did- £90.74 was the exact amount, it must have taken me a good hour to split and tally up what you see.
  11. Hope they use Player Share when booking the hotels!!
  12. Thought all that 'price agreement' had sails put to it and all fares were now 'metered'?
  13. An 8 mile Escalation over Dartmoor with a 1 3/4 tonne adapted trailer designed for 8 people won't do them any harm. Train hard fight easy.
  14. One of my mates was his SSM and recalls on a couple of occasions having to drag him over the coals, Vegas was one of those occasions.
  15. I doubt that there are many still serving that remember those days Martin.
  16. I'll do it for you. Can I just say one thing: I am totally disgusted in the way that the English Defence League conducted themselves on the streets of Woolwich in the aftermath of what happened earlier on in the day. It wasn't a time to be filling the pubs, getting tanked up, singing anti-IRA songs (what the :censored: has the IRA (spit) got to do with what happened!) and generally just being a downright nuisances- what a bunch of knobs!! Listening to the radio yesterday, in particular Radio 5 and how they were justifying releasing the media content they did; other than Sky News not one media organisation has the decency to blur/ black out sensitive images, not one thought or ounce of compassion was shown Lee's family, friends and comrades who could have been watching it all unfold. The footage should never have been shown! Just remember that NOT all Muslims are extremist head cases. Thank you.
  17. Completely echo what Footy68 has said. The less said about the EDL the better.
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