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Everything posted by no1laticsfan

  1. I'm moving you out of your house and into a :censored:ter house but it's on the same street so just deal with it. Would your philosophy still make sense?
  2. The whole show is turd. I could make a better show about football given the money they have.
  3. In all seriousness they should just leave people where they are. After all they paid to sit in them seats.
  4. I'm a season ticket holder in RRE. I'm pissed off with this all the time. I understand that it's cost cutting but they may aswell shut the stand completely. That's cost cutting too isn't it.
  5. Oh :censored:. I hope it's not as bad as first thought.
  6. Anyone know what happened with the injury that caused the game to get abandoned?
  7. Myself, I'd have Diallo Diamond Clarke Lee as my back four. I feel M'Voto has no place in the team at the minute and hasn't warranted one for a few games now so I was wondering what most people think of his performances and wonder wether people want him in the starting 11 next game!!
  8. 100% agree. He's a inexperienced manager but surely he isn't blind!!
  9. Shows they give a :censored: but also makes the team look unprofessional in some areas. Better discipline is needed i think. And for Diamond putting the head in....on a team mate. What an idiot. They are both fools and will hopefully learn off that. Can't be good for team morale though
  10. I dont mean get rid of him fully but definately drop him. Id say Clarke and Diamond work better. To me he doesn't have the footballing knowledge and just hoofs everytime!!
  11. M'Voto man of the match! All he does is hoof the thing when he manages to get it, he literally had the ball taken off him at one point off one of there players who was the size of one of his boots!!! He is better than we are seeing, he needs to be dropped for a few games, until Clarke or Diamonds form drops.
  12. I disagree here. I think honesty is the way forward. If he truly feels he made bad decisions, he should say it and not be afraid of what people think of him, if he feels he made the right decisions. Explain how.
  13. On a positive note, Warren Feeney finally scored. Bet he forgot how to celebrate.
  14. I'd excuse my French :censored: Mvoto off. How he makes the starting 11 il never know!! He is garbage and needs dropping. For me Diamond and Clarke are so much better!! I'd of also started with Diallo at LB and Lee at RB. for definate. IMO we were the better team. We had countless crosses in and free kicks etc and how we didn't score first il never know. I think some practice is needed on the finishing side and when Clarke throws in, there effective if there is someone who makes the effort to jump and head it on but every single one was won by Brentford!!! Some positives but alot of negatives.
  15. I'd only do it if it was a permanent deal and not a loan
  16. I'd settle for Cisak on the bench and Amos number 1 even though Cisak hasn't exactly done anything wrong. As long as it was a permanent deal and not a loan.
  17. Was there any indication on the time of this announcement? Cheers
  18. Yeh I agree. Brilliant effort. Wish I'd of gone!! Shefki Kuqi could just be that answer we were looking for. To me he hasn't just great presence on the field but I think his main importance is in the dressing room. O.A.F.C
  19. Ah well, never mind. Seems some people enjoy it and some people don't. I hope I don't get someone sat behind me with tourettes!!
  20. Haha. Someone didn't get much last night did we. Calm down dearest
  21. Are u serious?? Just because I got pissed off with 2 fans shouting the word KUQI down my ears every 2 minutes. Not singing but shouting!! If you were there why didn't you start shouting it too??? I think people on this site sometimes take things a little bit serious! You should have a little word with yourself I think
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