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Everything posted by no1laticsfan

  1. I have a number of reasons why we should make sure we beat them horrible bastards other than just going to Wembley. 1. The game getting called off at 11am yesterday so they could bring in a player 2. The fact they don't have any parking for away fans is so stupid and shouldn't be allowed 3. The :censored: head ball boy who threw the ball away into the stand to waste time And last but not at all least 4. I ordered a Meat & Potatoe Pie, I got Steak. A very solid overcooked Steak Pie. Then I was told there was no forks. This place is a :censored: hole. I want revenge
  2. I didn't think it was a red card, there was another defender present who could of possibly cleared the ball. Taylor is pissing everyone off at the moment. People are on his back because he really does bring it on himself. He is the first to wine all the time, he goes down like a sack of :censored: at the first opportunity. yes this can benefit us but in the long term he's doing himself harm. It's his general attitude, his I'm brilliant attitude. He needs a reality check, he's good but no where near as good as he thinks.
  3. To be fair to both Mvoto and Tarky, I feel Tarky is abit of a loud mouth ( this isn't a bad thing). Just my general impression. I noticed him telling Cisak to talk more and command which is good to see. Iv always noticed Mvoto is more quiet, sometimes I wonder if he speaks English at all he is that quiet. I think with a little talking too off Taggart they will gain confidence in eachother and going off Tarky's display tonight, Diamand has competition to get back in (depending how long he is injured). I'd say Mvoto had a good game. he seemed to win every header and kept that Bodan relatively quiet.
  4. Anyone know of any information on getting a flag for the occasion?
  5. Chesterfield a distance but it's hardly the other end of the country.
  6. And I may well add its the only thing they will win.
  7. over the years, they win this debate hands down!!!!
  8. Iv been saying this for a few weeks. He definitely needs a rest. He joined us fully fresh and raring to go and look what he could do. Unfortunately he has just ran out of steam. Personally I think Dickov is scared to take him off. If it wasn't his mate, he would of been subbed a few times. Come on Dickov open your eyes!!!
  9. Haha as if a sheep shagger is trying to insult us. Look at what we have and what we have had for a number of years and look at the position you have been in!!! You have been far more fortunate than us, and most others in this league. Now correct me if I'm wrong but your still in this 'rubbish' league with all the 'rubbish' clubs after all them ££££'s you have spent. If Oldham had that money I'm sure it would of been put to better use. Your still 'FIGHTING' for promotion even though you have had all this £££. Your a cock and your clubs full of cocks and if you do go up, then at least I don't have to visit the Gayfarm to watch a load of million dollar faggots roll around and cry for a foul. Good luck for the rest of the season.......scratch that, I hope you go bust and everything goes tits up.
  10. Everyones complained in the past about how Fergie isnt interested in certain trophys, yet people do it about the JPT. How does that one work? To me, if it's a trophy with the added bonus of going to Wembley then why think any less of it. If there's a trophy there, I want to see Oldham win it.
  11. Every time I stood up, wether it was when we scored, shot or a bad foul before I knew it I had a tap on my shoulder and some guy telling me to sit down. I sat down more or less straight away as I would of done if it wasn't for him giving me the order. I Think something needs to be done, like a section for standing because I enjoy standing up and shouting at a match, im always happy to sit back down when iv said my piece but it's so frustrating when you have people having a go more or less straight away
  12. He gave me a quick pat down, said what's that? a truncheon? I said no, my cock. He never checked me either.
  13. basically it seems that what your saying is that the club is at fault for fans getting hypothermia. "its embarrassing" indicates you blame the club for there incompetance for some strange unknown reason.
  14. not sure why its embarrassing. did you expect the club to come out and tell them all to go away because its cold and chance of hypothermia?
  15. do you think we will have to sit in the seats allocated or could we just grab any once inside the ground?
  16. Kuqi needs to be rested. Whether its 45 mins and brought on at half time or taken off with 20mins left he needs to be rested. He wants to stay on and thats fine but he is no spring chicken and its now starting to show.
  17. Anyone know why Diallo wasn't played and can someone please explain why Kuqi gets 90mins every game. Time for a rest I think
  18. I don't want him to play. If they put out 11 reserves I'd be happy. It would give us a better chance therefor more £££ if we won which would be brilliant. If you want to watch Suarez so badly then Liverpools not that far away so take a trip down there one afternoon.
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