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Everything posted by beag_teeets

  1. Sometimes it takes balls to just keep doing exactly what you are doing in the face of criticism in the belief it will come good. When all around you are losing their heads it takes a wise one to keep theirs.
  2. Sanchez would fit in with our moaners, actually, he would make some of us look positively positive.
  3. Thats right, remember kids, "Down the street not across the road" Not just because I sit in there but why knock it down now? The club generates income from the bar and catering in there which would be lost if they knocked it down. I would also rather wait until we have the plans in place to start the full development, we haven't the money to build the new stand until the full development starts. I can see us being in the Lookers next season too.
  4. Thats the way football works! The value of shares can go up as well as down.
  5. We are going to make them on a computer just like in that film "Weird Science" only they are going to have smaller teeets as they would get in the way when the players try to chest the ball down, although having said that it would probably improve some of our players chesting ability if they did have some norks. We are going to get our players from the youth and reserve team as well as supplimenting these with players from other clubs via the transfer system and bosmans, same as we have over the past few seasons. Fingers crossed we might be able to flog one or more of these players whilst under contract to generate additional funds so that we would be able to bring some more players in, same as the other 80 or so clubs in the football leagues that aren't backed by billionaires or can't generate massive funds off the pitch. Having a bit of stability and laying foundations to build upon is something we haven't tried over the past 10 years or more, please god can we try it sometime soon?
  6. I am happy my club is run like that, without harping back to it we nearly lost this club once, I don't want to go through that again. If it means another 3-4 seasons playing 6-toed teams from nowheresville before promotion then so be it. We don't have a god given right to be in the Championship, we are in this league as we had a few bad seasons, played badly, got relegated and deserve to be where we are.
  7. ooohhh Jamie's got a girlfriend, Jamie's got a girlfriend!!!
  8. We shouldn't be too static, Chris and the lad on the right should switch occasionally and give the oppos something else to think about, even if it is just for 10 mins or so or a few spells after a corner of something, mix it up a little and confuse their markers as to who should be picking up who. Smalley was unlucky with his header, cracking save from their keeper.
  9. I think Wolfie's best chance of making it is as a creative central midfielder similar to Kilkenny, he has pretty good close control when the ball is played to feet rather than hoofed long for him and I would like to see him having a run out in this position.
  10. I think I agree with you. Some of the crap on here tonight and past few weeks is just ridiculous.
  11. I doubt Stuart meant anything by it, lets face it being webmaster at a footclub doesn't really give much scope for creative links, groin strains here, suspensions there..etc..etc.. Alan probably shouted to him "I've got some hooers lined up for Satdi's game, stick it on t'interweb" so he puts the stock image of a footie on and writes a humourous title and story, we all click on it and Latics get advertising revenue from the page impressions. We all knew that we weren't going to sign anyone, the bigger clubs probably won't want their players cuptied, even their 7th choice leftbacks in case they have a freak yachting accident and lose half their squad. I am glad Shez hasn't just spunked his budget on a panic buy and kept his powder dry. We might not make a permanent signing during this window and that is no bad thing, rather not get anyone than get the wrong players then have to farm them out or pay them off. There is still plenty of time to get a few loans in before the end of the season to get a top 10 finish then do our transfer business in the summer. If we did get someone in now it would take them until March to settle in and we wouldn't see us rocket up the league to secure automatic promotion either. There is more chance of us all finding out just how religious these dancers are than that happening.
  12. Two TV aerials got married, the service was ok but the reception was brilliant! I'm here all week.
  13. I don't know the story to which you refer but I remember those cheerleaders all too well, [sits back and reminisces] I think this is a cracking signing, shame I probably won't get there in time to get the benefit of all the hard work they have put in training and applying fake tan..etc..etc..
  14. Looking at them I doubt if there is a religious bone in their bodies. Further research is needed though.
  15. Yes, yes and thrice yes!!!! Thats the way to do it!!! Lets get some Manure, Citeh..etc..etc..rejects, Ritchie wrote letters to clubs asking for trials, there must be some players out there that don't just want the bling lifestyle but want to kick the ball on a Saturday rather than being propa nawty brrraapp brrraapp.
  16. IF we do get through and get a decent tie and that is a big IF then we should have vouchers in the programmes for non-season ticket holders. No ideal solution as people who have been to every home game since 1973..etc.. may end up without a ticket but as long as the cash goes to the club.
  17. Two games last season were £2 a pop and we couldn't fill the home stands. The "match day experience" has to win the tourists over, decent atmosphere, singing, goals, thundering tackles, not running out of food or beer and general positivity will get people to want to come back and spend money at BP.
  18. Nope, if someone puts as stooopid a post on here it deserves to be checked. I of course did the calculation in my head, I do of alot of these, just for fun!
  19. Is that some new scoring system? 2.0 divided by 2.1 leading to a final score of 0.952380952???? Due to our lack of goals on Saturday has Shez used the days away to stick the lads on an Open University Maths course?
  20. The play-offs this season became distant when Haining, Wellens, Porter, Rocky, Charlton, Warne and Eddy left with Ricketts, Allott, Hughes, Davies, Kalala, Thompson, Crossley and KK coming in. You can't swap half a squad in a summer and expect to challenge the next year. We might as well all face up to it, we aren't going up this year. As a bonus the way Dale are playing we should have a cracking local game next season which should get us a full house aznd hopefully a bit of blood and thunder on the pitch. By that time all the young players who ae currently still boys doing a man's job will be one year older and wiser alongside the current lot of year two contractors having settled in and kicked on. With a spine of Trotman, Allott, Hughes and an almost established team of Eardley/Lomax, Taylor, Smalley, Davies, Macca (if he stays) around them plus a smattering of new faces we should be in a position to look for at least the play-offs next season. And if we don't make them next season then nay bother, there is always the season after that or the one after or the one after..etc..etc.. In the meantime there is the stadium redevelopment to come which fingers crossed provides more cash so we can keep replacing the two-year-contract players maybe even increase the quality of the players we can attract and slowly but surely make some process up to the top 10 of the Championship and the cup runs to the quarters or even Semis of the FA and League cup.
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