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Everything posted by beag_teeets

  1. So when do you want Kevin Keegan appointing?
  2. I did think of that as I guess Gregan has the biggest moobs out of the current squad but the mental image burns my mind's eye. Shame MIchelle Marsh isn't still here....
  3. Good point well made. Anyone else get images of "Carry on Camping" at the thought of this? Shez as Sid James, Gregan as Bernard Breslaw, Chris Taylor as Charles Hawtrey, Allot as Kenneth Williams, Eardley as Terry Scott and Dux as Hattie Jacques. No? Just me then.
  4. I'd rather Shez be on the training pitch with the lads today practising for the game tomorrow starting with set pieces expecially throw ins. I have beleated about this before but for the last 20 years we haven't been able to throw the ball to one of our men, control it then carry on with play, even during the glory years. Our usual rountine is: Thrower stand on the touchline like a lemon. All other players stand still either behind defenders or miles away. Eventually one player makes a move. Thrower launches ball chest height at him. Reciever has to lift leg higher than a tiller girl to control it. Loses possesion. Other side break. or Thrower chucks it in far to quickly and it goes to a defender. Other side break. And don't get me started on corners. Off topic yes FACT yes.
  5. The Rev has gone kak, used to be excellent and when I worked from home I would have it on all day, now there is no point.
  6. Firstly point 1 - Thats - Kalala, Trotman, Lomax, Allot, Crossley, Hughes, Smalley & Hazell all pulled their tripe out, thats of the top of my head, there may have been others. They might not have all done the right thing, Allot for one gave the ball away stupidly on a couple of occasions but they all looked like they gave a damn. Point 2 Chanting and singing are dead at football apart from the odd occasion. We are now all consumers not supporters. Sod the roof, sod the acoustics, the real problem is the seats and the Taylor report. Despite BP being less than half full people no longer congregate with their mates en mass and form a cohesive block of singers. In the old days the back right of the chaddy as you look at the pitch was where most of the singing started and where the atmosphere came from. This isn't the case anymore, people are no longer part of a thronging mass and are now in their own seat and in many cases reluctant to sing. The culture of football has changed and singing just like cheap gate prices is over.
  7. I don't think anyone wants either to go but if a ver very generous bid was made for either I can see TTA considering it. If that was the case it would be harder to replace Trotman than Eardley. Both are good players but we have a ready made right back in Lomax whereas Thompson isn't anywhere near as good as Trotman, not many players are.
  8. Same here, I would rather sell Eardley than Trotman. He is clearly a class act, big, strong, scores goals, got a beast of a throw on him, can tackle, can foul and not been phased by the step up to playing week in week out.
  9. That is classic lower league manager speak for "I knew this would happen when we got Everton" all too easy for players to play well against higher opposition then struggle against the minnows. He has probably been saying this everyday in training and in the dressing room. Nowt anyone them haven't heard before or won't hear again.
  10. Sorry mate, couldn't resist it. It could all have worked out differently and we could now be ruminating about a defeat by West Brom or Stoke. As an old alkie once said "it is a funny old game".
  11. I hope we do sign him, he knows where the net is and is a battering ram. Plus he is only 22, Davies is of a similar age, Taylor, Smalley, Lomax, Eardley..etc.. Nearly just what we have always wanted, a young hungry team that can grow together and get results. Just like the Portugese "Golden generation" apart from the results.
  12. Trotman on the bench, you can't drop anyone after last week. Even though some of his bookings were harsh and some were for professional fouls that saved us it will do him good to be benched. If he learns when to get booked and cut out the silly ones he will develop into an even better player. Plus might spur Stam and Hazell on to better things thinking that he is on the bench, if they cock up they are off. Send him to warm up if they drop a minor clanger, should keep them on the straight and narrow. Nowt wrong with having good options at the back.
  13. In my lifetime then? Frankie Bunn - Kicked started the glory years, without him none of this would have happened.
  14. Speak for yourself mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa
  15. Clubs did the same to us when we were in trouble and the same happened to Leeds. It also happens when teams are relegated, should other clubs not buy players then?
  16. I never knew that about skeleton costumes??? Hmm, that gives me an idea, if Wizzard wish it could be xmas everyday then we could wish it was Halloween everyday and wear slimming skeleton suits. You can stick yer tangerine up yer harris, we want skeleton kits!
  17. Twas red and blue though. That kit was the last good quality made kit we have had. It was made from a waterproof material and if you spilt your beer on it it would just run off rather than leave you with a big wet patch down your front. Looked nasty though and not good for the fuller figure - horizontal stripes should be avoided at all costs according to people who know about these things.
  18. Touche! You know what I mean! Wolfie has the skills but with some of the Tugboatesque defenders in this league he might be better moving into midfield?
  19. I have heard the rumours and whilst I think it is probably for the best if he goes I am disappointed. He has shown at Walsall what he is capable of and if we had that in our armoury we would be higher in the league. If he is to be made a scapegoat then that may not be too bad, if the early season form can be written off as "due to Ricketts" then it looks like the players midset has changed and for the better. Sometimes it doesn't work out for players at certain clubs. I would have liked it for Ricketts to work out here but this isn't the case.
  20. Could always stick Black in at left back, he seems to be a prospect and Lomax at right back, freeing up Rubes for CB. Simon Corney on Laticsworld suggests that we should use the players we already have, big gamble relying on youth all the time but the last few to come through haven't let anyone down. Could even stick Wolfie in as the creative midfielder, KK was pretty lightweight and Wolfie is a similar build. Suppliment the squad with a few old heads on loan and blood the youths and we could be looking at a tasty young home grown team next season. Someone, mentioned that at this level having a fancy full back isn't so important, at the time I thought he was talking out of his hat but after watching the Walsall full backs stiffle our wingers yet not get forward much themselves I think there might be a lot of truth in this. We rely on our full backs too much in an attacking sense and sides have learnt that if their full backs defend up the pitch they can negate our threat. We get caught a fair bit on the break by sides who then stretch our centrebacks apart leaving space in the middle. We conceed a lot of goals from the D area usually due to centrebacks covering for full backs.
  21. If Ronnie left his recipe book behind surely we could stick him on the Mark Hughes Wonder Diet?
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