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Everything posted by Takemeanywhere

  1. Thanks for the kind comments. We do know the challenge we have taken on here but I have already seen this last weekend that there is potential. It would be great to see a load of familiar faces in here on Thursday evening, for what promises to be a great night.
  2. Thanks for the comments everyone. As soon as tickets for the gigs go onsale, you will hear about it here...second Gotta tell the regulars first. There will be a Facebook page soon and I will post the links on here too. We will be running a minibus to BP as the lunchtime Premier League game ends and if Alan is happy for us to sell tickets, we will. Andy, it was great to see you on Saturday night, man.
  3. There will be a meeting of the Playershare Committe on Tuesday 3rd May at 7pm at The Junction Inn, 13 Ripponden Road, Oldham, OL1 4EW. The committee will need 30 minutes to discuss some business but after that (from 7:30), we will open it up to anybody else who wishes to attend. So, if you have any fund-raising ideas or wish to get involved in other ways (admin etc), please come along and join us.
  4. Thank you. We had a few in. It's just nice to finally be open...
  5. Cheers Gary. Terry - thanks for digging that out. An interesting read and maybe we'll reintroduce stables for horses
  6. Weekend work. Immediate start. If you are interested, or know anybody who is, please call me on 07967 867 836.
  7. As some of you already know, a fellow Latics fan and I have taken on The Junction Inn at the bottom of Ripponden Road (Hillstores - OL1 4EW). It is a pub that has not been without its issues and has been closed for several weeks, having only reopened in November following a lengthy period of being closed. We got the keys on the 18th April and have given the place something of a makeover. Nothing drastic but hopefully those that know the place will notice the difference. We will start with a fairly basic offering in terms of beer and entertainment but the following are coming over the next few weeks: Live sport - Sky TV in place w.e.f. May 11th Real ale - in place by the weekend of May 14th Live music - there is some work to be done in order to separate the main lounge, to make a gig room. We do not wish to put on the usual acts (somebody singing to a backing tape) and will instead be putting on ticketed gigs, featuring name artists. I am delighted to announce that the first of these will be John Bramwell, lead singer with I Am Kloot, on Wednesday July 20th. Tickets will be on sale at the bar a week before they go on sale online and I will post on here at that time. We will be hosting comedy nights, entering teams into all of the local leagues (football, pool, darts, crib, dominoes etc) alongside a host of other initiatives aimed at turning this pub around. With a fair wind, we will be open at 8pm this evening and then daily from noon thereafter. I look forward to seeing some familiar faces over the forthcoming weeks. Finally, look out for a big announcement tomorrow regarding a Latics related event that is taking place next week...
  8. Firstly, an apology that I have not written a full April Playershare update. I have been busy setting up a business, details of which will be on here by tomorrow morning at the latest. As at March 31st 2011, the fund had 54 contributors, with the regular monthly income up to £534.01 per month. That does not include the three recent pledges of £100 each, which clearly will take us ever closer to that magnificent figure of a thousand pounds per month. Clearly, the work does not stop there and we want the fund to keep growing. To that end, I am delighted to see the ideas flying about on this thread. The fund will have a little over £4,000 in it when we finish paying Cedric's wages next month. So, the key is getting it back up to the level where we can do the same again. I would like to organise something for next week, where anybody who wishes to get involved will be welcome to attend (Lags - you will have a PM from me shortly after this message is posted). In terms of the scheme itself, it was set up to provide a fund for the manager to use in the event that he spots a need to bring in a player, but the required funds are not available from the club's board of directors. It is important to note that the request will always come from the manager to the Playershare committee, never the other way and never from the club. The manager will only come to us, having first gone to the board of directors. The Playershare committee is made up of Trust directors and fans. I know that some people are unhappy with Trust directors being involved, but they are the people who are involved in raising the money and therefore know just how difficult it is to get the fund up to the level that has been achieved. I feel that it is only right that they are involved in ensuring that the money is used wisely and with the interests of the contributors at the forefront of the decision making process. If other people want to take over the fundraising and administration, please just shout up. If anybody has any other questions, then I will check back on this thread sometime tomorrow and will try to answer them all.
  9. But can you show Rugby League via these dodgy channels? Anyway, thank you for the messages of luck and best wishes, both on this thread, by PM and via social media. The pub we are opening is The Junction Inn at Hillstores (at the junction of Ripponden Road and Huddersfield Road). With a fair wind, we will open up tomorrow evening and will definitely be open by Sunday. To those who have enquired about jobs, please bear with me. We are obviously starting with a skeleton staff but positions will be available in the coming weeks and I will reply to you all early next week, as things (hopefully) calm down. It would be great to see some familiar faces in the coming days and weeks... Cheers.
  10. Myself and a mate are opening a pub in the Oldham area, details to follow later on in the week... Anyway, in the short-term, we are looking for 3 or 4 televisions (any size), with a view to moving to flat screen televisions in due course. If anybody has working televisions, we will happily collect. Just PM me. Thank you. There will also be a couple of part-time bar positions going. So, if anybody with bar experience wishes to be considered, again just PM me.
  11. The thread is titled 'Performances for next season' but I assume that when you talk of losing all the games to the end of the season, you mean this season. I would imagine that it will be fairly difficult to stay up next season if we lose all the games. As for the general point, scouts watch players, not results.
  12. He is. He'll be the second year 'keeper next season, with the very promising Luke Simpson being the first year (hopefully).
  13. Possibly. Kirk Millar got a pro deal after just one year in the youth set-up. If they do stay with the youth team, they are unable to play in FA Youth Cup games, due to their age.
  14. How has this thread become about Dean Brill? Congratulations to Tarky, Ginge and Connor Hughes. They all thoroughly deserve their pro-deals. It'll be interesting to see what happens with Winchester and Burns. Whilst they have only been at Latics a year, they are the same age as the second years, because of the way they do things in Ireland...
  15. I don't post on there but somebody told me on Saturday that he no longer posts as Mendi, but it now posting as something like Fearsome Park. He is greatly missed around here.
  16. For me, this is the bginning, the middle and the end of the debate. It's his first year, not just at our club but in management. At any level. Anywhere. He's learning and, more importantly, is keen to learn. The events of the last couple of months will only make him stronger as a manager and hopefully, we will benefit from that over the next few seasons...
  17. A rumour is just that. A rumour. Diego Sideburns will be along in a minute to remind you of the official line
  18. 52 points is the most that any team has been relegated with, since the division has been in its current format (24 teams with 4 going down). However, I don't see 4 teams getting to even 50 points this time, so I agree with Zorrro. It'd be nice to finish top half though.
  19. The other lads call him Benjy and one of the players told me that he's Portuguese. I couldn't glean anymore than that.
  20. That's not what I'm hearing. I'm being told that it could just be the two pro-deals but my information is coming from a slightly 'bitter' source, so I'm not going into detail. It will all be out very soon now...
  21. Whilst Mellor is the same age as the second years, he was held back a year because his first year (last season) was totally ruined by injury. So, he has another year to impress...
  22. Possibly and he certainly hasn't come on the way Winchester has. It's a shame because at the start of the season, he looked a real prospect. Oh, and I certainly don't think that six pro-deals will be offered. It may end up being just Tarky and Winchester...we'll know in the next fortnight.
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