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Everything posted by Takemeanywhere

  1. The same guy spent the second half stood with his back to the pitch glaring at the fans. If it had been the first half, I would have understood but we played some nice football second half
  2. I'm not sure if anybody has mentioned this but it appears that we have some new 'safety' people/stewards at Boundary Park. One of them, who bore more than a passing resemblance to Hitler, was going along the back of the chaddy telling people to sit on their seats. Now I'm 6'5" and I have a 37" inside leg and I find it impossible to sit for 90 minutes, given the lack of gap to the seat in front. For that reason, my season ticket is on the back row of the chaddy and I always ask for a back row seat when buying tickets for an away game. This means that if I sit on the top of the seat, then I'm not blocking anyone's view. The only ground where I have experienced problems is Bradford City, where the steward told me I would have to sit on the seat or leave. So, this guy was telling everybody to sit down and at first I tried to sit in my seat. I was very soon uncomfortable so returned to sitting on the top of the seat. He came back and told me to sit on the seat again. I tried to explain the problem and he walked off mumbling to himself. Just after half-time he was back and he had a big lad with him. I thought "here we go". Anyway, he had been to see the head steward (at first I thought he said Ed Stewart,, which caused some confusion) and he had said that it was ok for me to sit on the top of the seat. In fairness he did apologise and I'm hoping that's the end of it. We'll see.
  3. Was that the game when it rained really hard just before kick off and the the plastic paradise was like an ice rink? We were one-nil down with a minute or so to go (to a Mick Quinn goal, with more than a hint of offside?) then we were gifted an equaliser via an own goal.
  4. I have to disagree. A year of Paul Scholes would benefit the team, regardless of what it would do to the gate. Having him in the dressing room helping out the young players would be of benefit for more than one season. However, if you already know that it won't happen then it's irrelevant.
  5. The Tranmere game is the one home game I'm going to miss in the run-in. I'm gutted.
  6. You think that the signing of Paul Scholes would be a gimmick signing?
  7. Over the years, certain clubs have had a reputation for their fans being quick to turn on their own team. We never had that reputation and when we conceded a goal, a big roar would go around the ground to lift the team. Now when we go a goal down, all you can hear is "moan moan moan bloody this bloody that". We now have the reputation of turning on our team. When Crossley stayed down after Gillingham's goal yesterday, somebody near me shouted "Get the fat t**t off" and there was much laughter around. Not exactly words of encouragement.
  8. It is well known that there is a curse connected to the Manager of The Month Award. Maybe the curse is spreading.
  9. I've just spoken to my dad on the phone and he says that in the 1950's, Fred Ogden walked his cousin Myra home after a dance. He then asked her out on a date but Myra declined his advances because she was aware that he had a steady girlfriend. These footballers, they always were the same R.I.P. Mr Ogden
  10. Vale - has to be a win this time!! Luton - like many people on here, this will be followed by Inspiral Carpets in London Doncaster Swindon - haven't been to Swindon for 16 years Northampton - never been but I have a mate who is a Northampton fan, so it'd be nice to do to them what they did to us at BP Crewe - it can't be worse than last season I've never been to Brighton away and fancied it this season because I have friends living nearby who I could stay with. Typically, it clashes with Versus Cancer at the MEN Arena. The only other absentee is Bristol. A Tuesday night is just not possible.
  11. Sheridan said he would give advice if asked. Trotman said he took advice from Gregan and Philliskirk. Who has lied?
  12. If the 'yes' vote wins, do you have the power to change history?
  13. It's an emergency loan to allow him to play tonight and I'm wondering whether such loans are for the maximum of a month? We can then extend it if he looks decent.
  14. If we don't sell Trotman and do sign this midfielder, will you buy 2 seats?
  15. The F5 key is about to get a battering again. Although, no doubt somebody will get a text first and post it on here
  16. Exactly. It's almost on a par with Die Ricketts and I would never wish for a young player to suffer a career threatening injury, no matter what they had done. However, I do hope that whichever club Porter joins is drawn against Latics in a cup game at the earliest opportunity. Aside from Chris Moore walking into Boundary Park, I can't think of anybody who would get a more hostile (and deserved) reception.
  17. So, just to clarify, do you two think we can win promotion? Or not?
  18. So, salary, prospects, job satisfaction... You could say, a career decision then?
  19. So, please give us your intelligent reasoning as to why he has gone to Elland Road.
  20. ...whereas this post I disagree with 100%. We didn't put NK on the map, we took him on loan. Why would we boo him? Leeds are a massive club and even if they don't go up this season, it won't be long before they're in the championship and either way, they'll get 20,000 + fans every home game. The lad has merely made a career decision and I hope that he has a good career, whatever that makes me in some people's eyes.
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