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Everything posted by Takemeanywhere

  1. I couldn't have put it any better if I'd tried all night. Agree 100% with this post.
  2. I'm just glad that we've played Leeds twice this season, thus saving me the embarrassment of having to sit listening to yet another former player being booed (or worse, if the treatment dished out to Ricketts is anything to go by).
  3. Do you remember a few years ago, we had a game at Port Vale at a time when a bout of illness had decimated the playing squad. We tried to get the game called off but failed. A heroic performance got us a nil-nil draw. Tomorrow is a little different to Vale Park but we still go there with a side ravaged by injury and departures, so my prediction is for a repeat and us holding out for a gallant goal-less draw.
  4. Wigan took him back because he wasn't getting a game. I reckon he'd get a game now.
  5. That's one of the funniest things I've ever read on here! Comparing Kilkenny's move to the goings-on on a soap opera, hilarious. On the bright side, it all happened after the Chron went to print
  6. It doesn't matter how many replacements we identify on here, all that counts is who we can get into the club. NK was immense at Elland Road and if you think we're not going to miss him, you're deluded.
  7. Have to disagree with you for once. I have sent several emails without voting.
  8. I'm prepared to give the journalist the benefit of considerable doubt and say that because we played like the home side, he assumed that Bournemouth were the visitors
  9. Lots of things have beggeared belief since last Wednesday. In fact, it beggars belief that these things beggar belief anymore
  10. However ignorant we may think Cllr Bashforth is, he will not be able to remain ignorant of a Chron Editorial.
  11. I disagree. If the changes are to be made known prior to the meeting, this will have to be done publicly. The club could not just leak it to the fans in order that we launch a campaign. This would not look good at all. We must trust that they know what they're doing and be patient.
  12. I agree. Just enough of a change for the councillors to save face but not so much that it affects the viability of the project. Let's keep the positive campaign going right up until the 11/12.
  13. Yes. Otherwise they may have rejected the application
  14. I have received an identical reply and I have just responded as follows: Dear Sir Thank you for responding so quickly to my email of this afternoon. I note that you are now using a standard response to emails received but I do not blame you for this, given the deluge of correspondence that you will surely be receiving. I just want to make a couple of points in relation to your reply. Firstly, I am appalled by the news that you and your family are being subjected to threats and abuse. No reasonable citizen would condone such behaviour and I'm sure that you are aware that the majority of Latics fans are reasonable citizens. The minority always let us down. Secondly, I must point out that I did not send my original email due to any pressure or encouragement from anyone at Oldham Athletic (or anywhere else, for that matter). I was present at the meeting on Wednesday and I was not only outraged at the decision but more than a little bemused that the discussions could have been allowed to take such a negative and at times perplexing turn. Some of the points made and questions asked suggested that those on the committee had not even taken the time to fully avail themselves of the plans. I'm sure that you are aware of the march that took place yesterday. That too was organised by the fans and not the club and I would suggest that you should reconsider the notion that the directors of the club are, in any way, taking advantage of the fans. I don't wish to repeat the points made in my previous email, so I will simply finish by saying that I hope that the travesty of Wednesday night will be made right when next the plans for Boundary Park are put before you and your colleagues. Yours faithfully
  15. I have sent the email minus the paragraph in bold. The reason being that it wasn't Cllr Bashforth who told the anecdote about being stuck on B&Q carpark on a Saturday afternoon. I'm fairly certain that it was Cllr Pendlebury but it certainly wasn't Bashforth. Also, he did point out (after an iterjection from Geoff Willerton) that the match day scenario would have to be discounted. Apart from that, it is a fantastic letter and I have sent it to all of the people listed above.
  16. I went in there for a pint on Wednesday evening before the shamble at the Civic Centre. The Boddingtons was off and the only other bitter was John Smiths. I'm willing to give them a second try tomorrow though!
  17. Oldham: like a third world country. I might copy that to the 6 word protest thread.
  18. What kind of people does he think that the development will attract that they will have two cars each? The application is for 693 apartments, so he is talking more then 3 cars per apartment! He's on another planet.
  19. I suspect that you would moan regardless of what was happening outside your house.
  20. It's not a quick decision, like what you're having for your tea. There will be an awful lot to consider and at least they didn't just walk away in the immediate aftermath of Wednesday night. What it does mean is that the march tomorrow is of even more significance and could help to sway whatever decision is made. KTF
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