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Everything posted by HarryBosch

  1. Only on OWTB could so many be falling over each other to turn their noses up at Paco Herrera Never change
  2. In an ideal world &/or under normal circumstances (I know, I know) we’d be looking to replace Clarke with a slightly younger version - either at CB or CM - I.e. experienced, leader, quality player on his way down from a higher level due to age. Probably out of contract. Anyone know of any players out there that would fit the bill? Or is this an archaic English concept that sees us held back by having an old man on the downgrade in the side rather than someone younger who has far more potential to both improve us as a team and be sold for decent money?
  3. Don't be, it wasn't meant like that....
  4. Have you got visions of them pulling masks off?
  5. I do and I know they have the best interests of the club at heart. I'm still mindful though that running the club (if that's what ultimately transpires) might still not be easy or that they'd necessarily be very good at it. Who ever knows? Corney, Blitz & Gazal had the best intentions (in my opinion) for a large part of their stewardship and made a right fucking arse of it....
  6. Can we accept and get past the fact once and for all that he doesn't give a flying fuck about lying or being caught in one.
  7. I too am guessing but I’d say they plan to be ready to step in and takeover the club should AL run us out of business or to force him out from a position of strength (owning the land & ground) should the shitshow continue. If the fan investment side of it will offer the opportunity of turning a profit at some point in the future I’d imagine it might also involve building a few more houses or buildings to rent to the hospital....
  8. By “scrutinise” do you mean discuss them and go off on loads of tangents on an internet message board, passing opinion & speculation off as fact along the way?
  9. I’d have no problem with a “dictatorship” (a bit melodramatic) if it produces results
  10. Whether he’s guessing or not he’s right
  11. After all six of them unanimously said those words did you ask all six of them "what does that even mean?"
  12. I might read it all later but have stopped for now at "It is more digitised, less dependent on the physical act of going to a local club" - the Football League has just seen the highest attendances since sometime in the 60's... There's a lot wrong but there always has been. But I don't ultimately see much, if any difference, to past era's. Football, politics, life - we live in a very hysterical time.
  13. The 2 teams I've seen in Spain - Mallorca and Malaga - are 4th and 5th in the Segunda and Cadiz - who are probably the Spanish team I have the biggest soft spot for - are 6th. Would love to see Cadiz in La Liga. Mainly because of this bloke. He's God round there - never seen hero worship like it...
  14. He's not doing a very good job though is he. Amazed Abdallah hasn't noticed this yet...
  15. It's a tickling of the bellies of a tiny minority of fans who've been demanding to have their bellies tickled for two months. Meanwhile the rest of us feel no more confidence that anything will change or that we'll have a good chance of going up next season. Yet again, what a missed opportunity. Imagine what might have been achieved over these two months had we kept it simple and been demanding decent early signings & a full staff of competent football and non football people in place? Instead those demanding gas bills & words have just given him an easy "look, I've done some of what you asked" without having to do much at all. I say might have been achieved because I suspect he wouldn't have done a lot, if any, of such genuinely important stuff. After the Trust's letter someone said "let's imagine we're a few months ahead and he's done none of that, now what?" That's where we could have been now. Instead he's just fobbed people off and bought himself a few more months.
  16. Come on, be fair - they're posh portakabins aren't they?
  17. "are you seriously saying that the game is no different now to the way it was when clubs like Derby and Forest could win the league and the latter the European Cup? And before you come back with Leicester or Blackburn the rules of my game are that you aren't allowed to come back with the actual answers...."
  18. It's been a while since we've had an addition to Pawel's Laws.....
  19. No, it's a prediction from you about something that might happen in the future.
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