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Everything posted by AnthonyOAFC

  1. Easier said than done mate but it still needs to be done, definately.
  2. ahaha! yeah! gotta admit, he is carrying some added weight
  3. He didn't look too bad when he came on. Thought he had a tough time against their centre back though (number 5). That CB seemed to be a right dirty sod and got a few good tackles in. Ah well, Lets move on from the Rui Miguel thing.
  4. Croft looks really good tbh, always looking for a 1 2 and still has alot of pace.
  5. Hopefully when the new stand is built, it can then bring some atmosphere back. The guys/kids in the RRE do their bit admittedly but it'd be nice to get the atmosphere back as a whole.
  6. Yeah, i agree with that. Doesn't look like they have gone OTT with it. Looks nice and modern aha.
  7. haha! I was thinking that. Looks like they have a good little match footage youtube channel going on there.
  8. For all you who give a toss! My bad if it's been mentioned before.
  9. Anyone going? http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk//news/article/2812-trust-285869.aspx Oldham Athletic needs your help TONIGHT to distribute leaflets to the local residents of Boundary Park in regards to the proposed new stand and planning permission. If you are able to give around 90 mins of your time tonight, please contact Trust Oldham's Richard Atwood through the details below. Trust Oldham will meet at Boundary Park tonight around 6pm at the front entrance and distribute leaflets around the local streets. If you can help, please text Richard Atwood on 07590696973 or richard.attwood@marshalls.co.uk
  10. Think i've seen him about a few times. Gone way too soon. RIP
  11. Yeah, suppose so! Maybe 'made up for it' was abit too much. It cheered me up a little then! Just found this on youtooob.
  12. why do that to us? The city video made up for it though.
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