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Everything posted by LightDN123

  1. Signing Garner has meant that Dallas won’t start. If you start all three it means that Norwood has to be on the right. It’s just fucking stupid really. Meanwhile, we have Walker, Green, Fondop, Reid who are more than good enough, sitting around.
  2. Nathan bloody Sheron. Can he actually pass a ball ffs. Shit half of football.
  3. Strange, but our away form has been top so can see why. I’m more worried about the average age of the front two.
  4. I did notice that, will give it a try, thanks! Bloody 6 nations games clashes and a family of Welsh…
  5. Bollocks, thanks for the info. Anyone know how to watch TNT games abroad ?
  6. Will this still be on Vanarama TV given it’s on TNT ? Anyone know ?
  7. I just don’t see this shift to a 433 and confused how Dallas and Walker fit in to be honest. The team seems even more like a scatter gun approach to me at this point. How do we fit in, Norwood, Garner, Dallas, Fondop, Walker, Green, Reid. Then we have Kurt, Tollitt, Nuttall, Shelton, Ward, Dickinson. All surplus to requirements.
  8. Are people actually questioning Mellon ? If so, baffling.
  9. Nice to see you’ve taken your daily trip to come out of AL and MO’s arse for an hour. Hello.
  10. Yesterday was a joke. In the first 20 mins how many times did the bald number 4 head the ball. My partner went to her 5th Oldham (live football) game yesterday and worked it out with the same amount of time. McGahey, Sheron, Raglan continuously knocked it to the bald lads head. Embarrassing really. But we continued to do it for 90 minutes. We passed it around abit for the last 10, but it’s easy to do that when they are camping on the edge of the penalty box.
  11. I completely agree with you and we have really improved these last 12 months. I just want us to kick on to the next level. In order to be competing for the title, we need to be able to win against teams in the bottom 4.
  12. Seems to be far worse these last few weeks. BP seems to be getting it every post.
  13. Before going to the game yesterday I said we would lose 1-0, so did many other fans I assume. Until that feeling has gone, I think it’s safe to say we are inconsistent. As I said yesterday, no need to panic and I trust MM to sort!
  14. What is your overall position ? You seem to just think everything’s fine and everyone is over reacting ? We are unbelievably inconsistent (consistently inconsistent). So how / why are you down playing everything?
  15. I think his recent injury has maybe caused a slight position change. But I think MM has brought him in to dictate games for us, which he will do.
  16. I agree he could play the 10 role, he has for Vale, but I don’t think he will play that role for us to be honest.
  17. Kitching had a bad game and we all know we rely on him.
  18. Disagree, I think it’s clear Conlon has been brought in to dictate games from CDM. Certainly based on what we have seen so far. Either in a 433 or a 532 Conlon, Lundstram and a 10. We just don’t create anything, but we don’t have a player that can unlock a defence or be that creative spark, that’s mainly due to Unsworth wanting nothing but structure. Once we get the creative player in the middle, we will be a far better team imo. Example, Sheron had the ball in a crest position a few times yesterday and he just couldn’t find the pass. Same with Hammond and Lundstram. Norwood and Dallas will make the runs, we need a player to find them.
  19. Rather not live in denial. If I can praise them, I can slate them when they get played off the park by a team in the relegation zone.
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