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Everything posted by LightDN123

  1. Turn one of the draws into a win and I guess not to unrealistic
  2. Lost 2 of our last 10 games. won 1 of our last 5
  3. Sorry, This is just a prediction of what I think he will play. If you see previous posts I wouldn’t play Byrne out wide. Apologise for not being clear
  4. Placide hunt. Edmundson. Gerrard Moimbe Byrne. Gardner. Fane. McEleney Holloway. Doyle my my prediction for what it’s worth Have a feeling Gerrard will be back
  5. He’s been injury prone this year, he was looking to be a real talent at one point to. But I Remember when he first joined, it took him a few games to get back into it and firing. Don’t think we will see him play again, he will be off in summer
  6. Gerrard got into the checkatrade team of the tournament if anyone cares
  7. Edmundson did well last game, apart from there goal. Keep giving him a run, and an experienced player next to him for next season and he could be a good player and develop
  8. But a sudden spike and a fall back to how it is now ? Resulting in another change of manager and the cycle continues ? We need consistency, and now is the best time for it
  9. That last sentence is where you are wrong, we can’t be taking forward quickly if you want the club to go forward for a long period of time. Yeah a new manager might result in a spike in form, but to progress for a long period, you need consistency. Consistency in both infrastructure and philosophy and that only comes with time, i would rather see gradual progression than an Instant short term spike in form. Changing manager will not lead to progression in my opinion, stick with Wellens if he has a long term plan.
  10. Does anyone actually get excited when he bursts forward ? He did it yesterday was essentially 1 on 1 and I never felt he would score. When he runs forward your waiting for him to loose it and fall over which he does most of the time.
  11. He won’t drop Pringle on the left I wouldn’t think
  12. Really would not want that to happen Doyle and Byrne both want to play for him and can see those both going if that’s the case
  13. We should stick with Wellens if he keeps us up, and try and build something with him. Doyle, Byrne and Bryan enjoy playing for him and are willing to stay. He wants us to play passing football and with a new pitch over the summer and time to build a squad we could get somewhere with him. Also in January we attempted to sign matt mills and devante Cole which shows potentially that we are able to sign better calibre of player now. Stick with him instead of changing things.
  14. I do like him and he always puts in 100% and I admire that, he’s just very limited and as you say in the current relegation scrap he’s a useful player, but to take the club forward he shouldn’t be starting games
  15. Totally disagree, he does his job of tackling and winning the ball back, but he can’t pass, and can’t shoot. He’s a very limited footballer and we need to improve on him. He didn’t play exceptionally well and offers nothing with the ball. I do like what he does but he’s just not good enough all round.
  16. Not conceded in 4 either he just gets teams solid
  17. If fane is starting next year, we will be battling relegation again. I like what he does, but he’s not going to be playing for a team at the top end of the table anytime soon.
  18. I didn’t unfortunately, the same happened mid-season he was left out and came on and you could see that he was trying to prove a point and played well. Who it was against escapes me
  19. I thought we where okay, I think the formation with Doyle up top on his own is the formation we should play, bit more structure to the side.
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