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Everything posted by yarddog73

  1. Mellon doesn't like wingers that's plain to see, Tollitt would offer more as did Green when he came in who Mellon didn't fancy either
  2. We've had one shot off target all day, that's pretty poor
  3. It's just frenetic from both teams, absolutely no football being played.
  4. Must be 4-3-3 Hogan at RB, Norwood and Dallas either side of Fondop
  5. McGahey is a pub player and after saying that my apologies to anyone turning out in the Oldham Sunday League.
  6. No width, one dimensional mellonball, normally works away from home but we've not laid a glove on them yet. Not sure what Dallas has done to deserve a start in front of Fondop given it's being hoofed relentlessly but in Mellon we trust.
  7. I spoke to him Tuesday night and he told me he is fit to play, might be more to it.
  8. Brave move starting Dallas for Fondop away, let's hope given the opportunity that Dallas shows us what he's about. Looking at the line up it looks like he wants to keep it tight in the hope that we can nick it, I'll go 0-0 again today or at least a draw, neither team will want to lose.
  9. Out of interest what are the running costs?, do the subscriptions cover it?.
  10. On that basis let them have what they want, still doesn't make sense to me that we'll have them in the home ends when there will be at least 1500 seats empty in the Chaddy.
  11. Tough one to call this as Aldershot are so hot and cold. I also wouldn't be too shocked if it ended 0-0.
  12. Very strange decision, we obviously don't need the money. I'll probably give it a swerve, it's not too difficult to predict it's going to be dick heads day out.
  13. Whilst you'd have him back in a heartbeat this just reaffirms my point, who would he come in for?, not sure Norwood would be happy sat on the bench. Our squad and the way it's put together needs an overhaul, you've got to think the board are looking closely at this closely.
  14. Personally I'm going to go to 20+ home games regardless so my pay on the day money is certainly worth more to the club. I agree about the balance, it a tough one and I suspect they'll wait hoping for the buzz to grow before they announce. Couple of decent home performances would help but a couple of tough ones coming up.
  15. Sheron any worse than Fane? Probably not. My issue it the balance of the team and has been since the Rothwells came in, it's scandalous with the resources available that we still lack players in key areas yet our squad on the back of the programme is close to a second page.
  16. This may well be right but I don't think you can tar them all with the same brush, there are a number of players in there who would do just fine in the EFL. What I see is a group of players with very little identity, we are missing players still in key areas that would pull them together, there's been an almost obsession at the club over the past two seasons to harvest centre forwards and centre halfs to the detriment in my opinion to the team and decisions on the recruitment side have been and in my opinion continue to be baffling, it's probably too easy to continue blaming players but you have to have some sympathy with them at times given the lob sided nature of the squad. Since Frank ploughed the families money in nobody has identified what we need to build a team, we have and continue to just harvest players in the same positions without any real strategy and then they all scratch their heads together wondering why all these great individuals we've bought can't string two passes together.
  17. How do our prices stack up in relation to other NL clubs then?, we're struggling to get them in now sitting in 5th having our best season (league position wise) for a couple of decades. Even at the price I've paid this year I'm humming and harring at the minute and may not get one next season, I've had a ST on and off for 30 odd years and generally only get one to guarantee away tickets but that's not been an issue really this season. I also think they'll offer finance this year which will help some people who ordinarily couldn't afford one in one go. Incidentally before I get accused of not being a fan - pay on the dayers generally contribute more to club coffers, this myth that your some sort of super fan for purchasing a ST is exactly that, paying less than half price to watch us isn't great for the clubs finances long term, gone are the days hopefully when we need to shift 3000 season tickets just to get through the summer.
  18. One of your best this one that's some thought process going on there.
  19. But I'm not really accountable to you am I?, who are you the forum police?, I've gone through some of your posts post match piss poor home performances and our views seem to align, just because I'm not as active on here after a decent away win doesn't make your contribution anymore balanced or worthwhile. For fuck sake let it go, I don't like the song, neither do I like the 'we are on our way shite' strangely that's my opinion again
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