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Everything posted by OAFCM35

  1. I'm looking for a high quality picture of Scott Vernon celebrating his goal against Manchester City to get put on a canvas as house warming present for friend Any suggestions ?
  2. I would love FC united away.. "Hey Ho the lights are flashing let's all go Commie Bashing"
  3. joining the party a bit late here had a busy weekend.. we were only lacking one thing Saturday and that was goals, solid at back bar one or two moments, great play from the midfield and forwards to create our chances, missing our top goalscorer was never going to help but created enough to win the game but its still another clean sheet and 1 point in better than none, its looking promising at the minute for sure lets hope they can keep it going and the goals will start coming in once our strikers get more game time under their belts (hopefully)
  4. a kid called Carlos Roca looks all right for Rhyll
  5. The club needs to capitalize on the opportunity.. cheap gates and good advertising campaigns could see the gates increase on these international breaks
  6. He was certianly a coup and it was great work from LJ to bring him in. I just would of liked to saw him playing up top more and to of recieved a financial return on him or an undisclosed fee as we call it at Latics
  7. we got a proven goal scorer last season but he ended up playing every other than his position, the fans got on his back, the manager got on his back, then we released him from his two year contract so he could sign for a club up scotland who won the scottish league cup thus themselves in the europa league thanks to it (having watched a few of those games and keeping my eye out for their results i'd say he was a very big part of the success as well) not saying he dont need a striker who can put it away.. of course we do but when the next one rocks up at BP lets not lynch him for not scoring when he's suffering from poor man management
  8. The SHAME ON YOU bit was tongue in cheek no need to get all arsey about it, i understand rules are rules but I didn't see his post as an advertisement I saw it more as someone giving abit information
  9. rummy why do you keep referring me back to fullfact.org - the first time you did that it stated that on there findings of information from 3 people that the percentage was anywhere between 15%-50% then we decided from that it could easily be be 15%-75%.. so why should i give that site any creditably based on that ?
  10. No I posted my source and you quibbled over them and then produce your sources that was far from conclusive There's no zigzagging here just find myself answering similar questions to different people
  11. Not disputing you on how football fans are treated that may be one of the few things we will be able to agree on
  12. Yea but your missing the fact that 50% of the jobs advertised on there are British.. Surely that equates to one thing
  13. PM me the link and I'll make sure it will get shared on fbook and twitter
  14. What a crock of :censored:, this blokes trying to save us money but sorting out a car pooling scheme and hit with the rule book SHAME ON YOU
  15. Read through the thread i have been over this Foreigners are getting a helping hand in to uk jobs, companies offer cash incentives for taking on foreigners over Brits
  16. Strange that why didn't he just sign as free agent for the season?
  17. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/10995875/David-Cameron-Were-building-an-immigration-system-that-puts-Britain-first.html Even David Cameron can see what's need to be done
  18. Make benefits contribution based (you can't take out if you haven't put in) If they commit a crime or haven't found work in a year they get deported back to their home country Illegals sent back no questions asked- asylum seekers are allowed to claim asylum at the first country they arrive at.. So we shouldn't be getting people crossing Europe to claim asylum here because they want a piece of our open door & soft benefits policies
  19. http://m.huffpost.com/uk/entry/3662691 <- that won't help
  20. May of got that figure wrong it's 3 out of 4 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2014986/Three-jobs-going-foreigners-UK-migrants-No-wonder-Britons-languish-benefits.html
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