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Everything posted by boundaryblue80

  1. Actually, yes, Chelski have it wrong IMO. There you go....all opinions eh! Chelski have theirs, I have mine. Also, as Chelski have loaned him as a LB I'm pretty certain we have no option to put him as a LW or else they'll recall him. Also, Lomax has played at LB and played well. Possibly more a RB than LB, but he's covered there and done well in the past. So no reason not to play him there. As for Taylor and "has been playing awful for months and months" do I need to say it again? He's not a LW!!! He's a RW and will prove it once Shez gives him a run there. "JP in the middle fair enough but that still means we will have no midfielders making runs into the box" Which is why in that other post I put in brackets "with instructiions to make more runs!" Not got time to answer the rest, as off out.
  2. How is that calling Ricketts and Hughes as players eh LL? Come on....that's pathetic! We've overspent on them coz it's a massive part of the budget which should've been spread over the whole squad.....never called them bad players. Complete difference, which I'd expect someone with your intelligence to realise!
  3. This is worrying.....The Red Sox are taking Colorado apart so far tonight in the WSG1! Already 9-1 ahead in the 5th inning. I do think that the Rockies are a better bet tomorrow night though...but I just hope (wanting the Rockies to win) that this doesn't deflate Colorado tonight! Not the Rockies night tonight! EDIT: Make that Red Sox 10 Colorado 1....nightmare 5th inning! EDIT2: Make it 11-1.... EDIT3: 12-1....still in the 5th! Looks like their 21 wins from 22 is becoming 21 from 23 now...oh well. Hope my comments above about a long lay off after sweeping their division, doesn't ring true! EDIT4: 13-1....maybe I should just switch off the telly! 7 run inning so far all with 2 outs
  4. More WTF Sheridan......I don't mind a strong side but playing Greegs last night was a :censored:ing joke! Shez....don't become a liability with like this! "The injury first occurred during Athletic’s weekend draw at Huddersfield, but it was decided to play him last night as Sheridan was keen to field a strong side" Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! I can't say it enough! And if I was Trottman....I'd be putting in a transfer request tomorrow....being behind Thompson in the pecking order must be humiliating
  5. A post with 100% accuracy! Spot on! Would still give Ricketts time though...we've a history of midfields that make decent strikers look s.h.i.t...until we've a midfield creating chances for our lads to actually miss, only then will I be calling our forwards "bad buys" (not that you have, just others have.)
  6. Lol....Edhunter for manager....any manager who thinks McD is currently the answer needs a labotomy! In my opinion!
  7. Indeed...which is utterly wrong! Alas, you miss the point (only proper LB we have...one who can play both LB and RB also!) But to be honest, us not using a player we need IMO says everything!!! We can't as we've no money to pay his wages and have to send the likes of Lomax out coz we've spent up (silly wages on Ricketts, Hughes etc) and can't get in a GK if we don't send them out. Pretty FKD up really, aren't we!!! Says a lot!!! Makes you really question certain ideas and people!!! PS I'm guessing you said Lomax is at Dale for effect....as we both know he's on loan (how many post do I say get him back in) but you obviously was happy to ignore the point! Also, I'm guessing you asked me what the answer was earlier.....but didn't decide to read my post on the other topic to find it out....oh well.....doesn't surprise me. Lids in...McD in....etc.....and nowhere will we go....
  8. Not far behind here either! And I know plenty who are feeling the same....some who were also against Moore. I think it's the fact we looked like pushing forward (with Moore or Shez) and this season have hit that brick wall. That trashing of a glimpse of optimism that we were building on the pitch....which from Moore 05/06....to Shez 06/07.....we had been doing.....and now.....THIS!!! It really is utterly frustrating and I really feel that I'll be watching a season of struggle as it stands. I was accused of being negative in July when I said I'd be happy with top 10 with this new side. I'm a realist...I was under Moore, it wasn't pretty, he wasn't a saint but we got results and were going forward. Indeed, we were last season with Shez until his negativity gripped the squad and killed the crest of a wave we'd built ourselves. I said last season that top 2 was always beyond us and that even playoffs was a superb achievement with the loss of the previous manager. So I realistically expected us to build on.....until Warne left, then Wellens, add in Haining, couldn't stop Porter to be honest, then we let triers like Eddy and Rocky go (not the best, but gave their all and was worth more of a wage that the likes of Thompson - even Bertrand on loan - ever will be!) It really, really guts me at the moment! But I'll still keep doing the Tues night JPT games and the trips to god knows where....in the hope, Shez does turn it around. Gotta hope!
  9. Lol....Oi....I used that one the other week! We must be desperate if people are calling for his return....all this about "a run in the team" etc....why? He's had his chances....not good enough....nowt's changed since the last time he got dropped for being gash (Southend at home).... ------------------- boundaryblue80: Sep 17 2007, 18:37 PM Nah....nowt to do with getting him used to playing regularly. Gary Mc lost his place to Rocky for 3 games in March (Carlise & Brentford away & Donny at home.) After Rocastles awesome display vs Swansea, he was astoundingly dropped the very next game in favour for Gary who went on to play 11 out of the last 14 league games, including the last 7 in a row. He came here, played well for 2 or 3 months. Got a few goals and has disappeared since...having just the one good game at Scunny vs 9 men and scoring a crucial goal. It's very very sad to see the demise of a potentially decent player, but for me, he was found out at this level.
  10. Already expressed them....think the latest time was in the posts about last nights game (including my team selections next time.)
  11. No difference as yet...just labels people want to add...like "dinosaur" etc. That dinosaur has a history of promotion, given time. Might yet again.....shame it ain't with us. Shez has time....just like Moore should've been given. Oh well....
  12. Think you'll find that Ronnie was sacked before "pegging" it anywhere. TTA had 2 options.....splash a load of cash on another manager only for fans to potentially turn again, even if he dares to take us up the league positions. Or give those shouting loudest what they wanted.....a man to appease. TTA gave them option two.....now he has to start earning his position. And I'm sure he will....regards the clique though, it was most definitely there. If you dared stick up for Ronnie.....you were a horrible, scummy person (maybe I am, but if so, it ain't for sticking up for Ronnie! ) I'm amazed that I managed to not be burnt like a witch throughout Moores time here
  13. Lol...you know, if Macca's the answer we really are :censored:ed! Say it enough times though and even I might start believing you all!
  14. "but then he never would have, if Tranmere hadn't come up, he'd have been offski asap, simple as." Of course he would've Stipey.....of course!!!
  15. You mean "another chance" don't you? When he's played lately, we have been missing his runs.....as he's been missing. Not the answer IMO. He's had enough chances.
  16. For me it's a simple 4-4-2 with wingers where they can naturally play and be effective. Taylor RW, Bertrand LW (if Chelski say no, send him home and get in a LW). On the way to the game tonight it came up that Shez might not be fiddling with the wings, as we've no LW to fill in for Taylor if he moves him. Thing is....we didn't when Adams came back for a 2nd spell, but we still created far more than we look like doing at present. And the same, when we had Paul Reid on the LW and no RW. I'd rather be a bit unbalanced as we were back then, than having 2 ineffective players, damaging the way we want to play. My side would be along the lines of.... GK - Whoevers fit at present RB - Eardley CB - Hazell CB - Gregan - Trotters if Greegs is injured LB - Lomax (get him back FFS!) RW - Taylor (Smalley as back up) CM - Kilkenny CM - JP - but with strict instructions to get forward with the play and in the box (he loved doing this in preseason!) LW - Bertrand (or a replacement if Chelski get shirty) CF - Ricketts CF - Davies Full backs and wingers overlapping. Players filling into other peoples places and lots of movement, rotating positions...pulling markers about, stretching defences etc. Lids on the bench to come on and play in behind the front two, if we have to chase games. And also, if needed, going to a 4-3-3 whereby Wolfy plays LF, with Davies CF and Ricketts RF. Allott would also be useful to use later on in games....got to say, he seems the best from at range lately. If he plays, maybe worth sticking him on FKs? For me, that'd be playing to every single players strengths and be an effective system.
  17. Be happy with any of those in bold above....although, Burton would be a very tough tie....possibly a TV one if we were away (repeat of a few years back.) Would prefer Corby to beat Droylsden as I hate the Bloods.....but if they do get through, would love us to put them to the sword! Folkestone Invicta would be a cracking day out....a long one, but a novelty....always wanted to play Dover personally
  18. Got to hold my hand up a little on this one.....I've been a bit sick and tired with the moaning about the drum, esp as I sit within a few seats of it in the Chaddy and it's never bothered me one bit....however, tonight, what you've posted there was exactly true. I stopped myself as he just totally ruined the "Oh when the blues" chant....however, I think he realised that later on as it become so obvious, he didn't drum in on a later rendition of the chant.
  19. Not sure howling is the right word, but many voice concerned over the summer. The ones who said bring on August are the ones who thought this team would be top and were chomping at the bit to give it large on the Trashmere messageboards! (Then coming hiding back here on OWTB where the Tramps can't respond to them!) Concern has been widely expressed on the number of gambles in Crossley (age, wage, crockability), Ricketts, Hughes and Allott (doesn't need saying why they're huge gambles.) And only a good few months into a season should dictate whether they're good enough or not....ala, Gary Mc last season who started well but died away. There's always been concern at the side Shez's built, but for me, at present it ain't so much the players but how they're being played. Or more so...the wings and the detremental effect it has on our 4-4-2 system and attacking abilities. We're not playing to our players strengths one bit but Shez seems to think some things are "excellent." Hope someone whispers in his ear that they ain't and he gets to work on the side.
  20. I think you'll find you're a million miles off target actually. Those who hated Moore are the ones who don't like anyone uttering any bad words against Shez! Those who had time for Moore are the ones who are actually utterly frustrated at going backwards. But the use of the phrase "anti-Shez" is interesting.....if people were, there'd be a loud call from them for him to be sacked. Very very few are.....because that ain't the answer. Shez has lots of time....as Moore should've been given (or at least more time). So call it "anti-Shez" if you like....when really, it's showing concern that all ain't right and having the belief that Shez will see it soon enough and sort it. That ain't "anti-Shez!"
  21. Don't use it....I tend to use CBS Sportline for score updates and news and ESPN sometimes. Get my streams off www.myp2p.eu but now the WS is here (from Weds) CH5 is all we need.
  22. Maybe not, but the FA are the biggest culprits for the players untouchable status and couldn't give a flying mentality.....until the salary cap realistically takes place, the FA are the spineless gits who appoint yes-men jellyfish like McLaren! And the salary cap is the very, very least they could do to begin to reform English football and the England team! The FA and football in general could learn a hell of a lot from the rugby.....I just hope they do this time around (despite the lads coming 2nd this time!)
  23. In otherwords, any manager with brutal honesty (we slag fans off all the time for living over past glories/dark ages etc) over honesty, needs his head cutting off! Anyway, don't worry, Shez ain't slagged the fans off but I know last season he made a few enemies with the Journo's!(Esp. after Crewe away!) It won't be long before they remind him of some of his after match comments at them, if he doesn't see what's going wrong and change it.
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