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Everything posted by boundaryblue80

  1. Looked good against Leeds? You mean, not testing their GK once and defending against a strike-pair that only met when they boarded the coach for the trip over the Pennines? Oh, and you mentioned earlier that we took a point away from home....wouldn't be quite as bad, if we had the home form backing up the 1pts away from home. Things are wrong....and Shez saying anything about Saturday was excellent, is extremely worrying! Nothing was excellent....well, apart from the only decent move of the game for the goal......their goal!
  2. Of course, you didn't do any of that in October 2005 over Ronnie though eh, Stipe? Oh noooooooo!!!
  3. Here, here! Been a long weekend...time for a few hours kip....night! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz......
  4. How strange.....that seems to be the ready-made-instant-reply-nonsense in response to anyone who dares to question Sheridan! Intriguing! PS Saturday.....Hoof, hoof....oh and did I say hoof?
  5. Very worried....yet, Shez made moves at the end of last season to arrest the slump we went too....this season though, he seems utterly blind to it. "Excellent" in that first half? Did we string more than 3 passes to blue shirts once in the whole game? Very rare if we did. It wouldn't worry me so much, if Shez could see it and not make excuses (well, it ain't excuses in his eyes coz it's all alright supposedly) about not beating the 2nd poorest side, other than Walsall in this league so far. I'd be happy with a top 10 effort this season. On evidence, we're no----ingwhere near a top 10 place playing as we are. I don't mind watching poor, or even dire football, if we look like we're testing sides and have a number of decent chances to win and get results. Ok...we got 1pt from home...and 1pt away is good IF you follow it up with 3pts at home only! And at present, we ain't looking very secure at home. We had a few chances yesterday, but again, very few tested their GK. And we could've lost it with Cademateri skying a sitter over the bar and they should've had a pen for a blatent shove in the back right near the end. KK could've sealed it for us, but we played a god-awful side and we got a point. Last seasons side would've spanked Udders again yesterday. Sort it Shez! I'm not saying we should be world beaters, or even playoff hopefuls. But not being even top 10 hopefuls, is worrying. Very worrying!
  6. Just had a feeling when the Indians lost the 5th game and it went 3-2, that they'd blow it. Been out all weekend, but caught last nights game (10-2) where Boston finally got to grips with the Indians pitching and now they're at it again....just gone 5-2 up in the bottom of the 7th! Looks like good night to the Indians and a Rockies-Red Sox World Series! EDIT: All over....final score Cleveland 2 Red Sox 11.....they went one better tonight. Oh well...if the Rockies do win the World Series, they will have done the unthinkable! As I said earlier on, it'll be a little bit more special if they beat the Sox to win it, then the Indians. Roll on Weds night!
  7. Sometimes when people say that to me, about watching their careers, I often think sometimes real talent gets lost in the lower leagues. Not saying the Smiths had that, I don't know but IMO they didn't disgrace when I watched them, but reading over that topic the other day about "wasted talents" and it just made me think that some players in the lower leagues probably have lots of talent but it gets wasted for many reasons. Mainly, that they get dragged into other sides poor standard of games and their managers possibly woeful tactics and the talent is wasted. I think most that fall from this level, will rarely ever get a look in unless the talent they have really has been glaringly obvious, but missed at the club they've been at....given the chance, they possibly would've swam and maybe even gone up the ladder. I'dve liked us to have given at least one of the Smiths that chance....oh well....
  8. There's a point I've stressed on here and ISZ though that's being missed...we shouldn't need to be looking for this GK...we had two lads, the Smiths, last season who didn't disgrace themselves and got cast adrift extremely quickly for my liking. A year on, I'm sure they'd learnt a lot and would've loved a chance with us. Sad that we've instead left our reserve/young coming through keepers, so inexperienced (just out of nappies) and not kept on one at least who could've been given the chance had our main two gone down to injury. Very short sighted IMO.
  9. Wow.....more "let's have a go at Coco" rhetoric!!! Absolutely nowt wrong with the phrase....one that's often used in terms of talking about money....unless you want to read into it to ridiculous lengths and make it an issue! Just be careful if you ever mishear someone and use the phrase "come again!"
  10. Yep, you're right! Apologies, got the names mixed up. You get my point though, I hope
  11. I wonder if my granddad could get a trial at the club.... Personally, would've kept one of the Smiths from last year. Seems Ryan Smith at Rotherham last year was fall guy for Stefan Stams shocking game that day. Personally would've been far happier for him to fill the gap for a month, than shell out on a 38yr old like Marlon. Hope he does the job, but as we seemingly are currently loaning out players so we can bring some in, I think we could've at least shown some faith in our younger lot and kept a potentially capable 3rd choice keeper.
  12. Got there.....was outside....and spotted Maddog and SW leaving (who told me it was over already)......won't see that taxi fare from Stalybridge again. Oh well....couldve been worse, couldve come up from Burton....fair play though DS. Kinda a shame they'll look for a bigger room next month....seems they're onto our plan to fill the seats of the objectors.....maybe the club should push the date of the November meeting from.....well.....tomorrow.....lets get a few hundred in! Agree though, shame it got deferred.....but not surprised. Any excuse to not commit and say, yes, this must happen for the sake of Oldham and we'll take on the HA and any disputes they have, because Oldham needs this to go ahead.....in otherwords.....OMBC = still.... spineless!
  13. You don't know me too well Nah, had a lift on offer and well, with 10mins to go, 4-0 down and with England kicking off not long after....the lift became the priority!
  14. Absolutely phenomenal achievement!!! WELL DONE THE ROCKIES!!! Completed a clean sweep with a 6-4 victory in game 4! Superb.....(and more money in my account ).....part of me wants them to face the Red Sox in the WS.....and beat them! But as the Indians have shown, they'll be a great side to face too....if they knock home their 2-1 lead. Got to say though, NY Mets will always be my first team, but the Rockies I've really got a massive soft spot for them now. 20 wins in 21.....the way they fought like mad to get into post season and now 7-0 in them. Togetherness.....well drilled.....and even when they've been down in games, they've dug out the win. And the irony....the only side to beat them in the 21 games....Arizona.....gets put to bed in style! I just hope the Rockies don't do what the Houston Astros did in 2005......the Astros were absolutely flying and looked very much like the Rockies are now....they swept their Division Series with a 4-0 win over the Braves but after an 8 day lay off, the side came back looking a shadow of themselves. The intensity just seemed to have evaporated into thin air and the Chicago White Sox ceased this and then swept them in the WS. I really, really hope Colorado don't look back at what they've achieved now....but look forward at what they might do! And leave me cursing that missed, 18/1 bet I fancied but never took EDIT: Just looking back....my comment here made me laugh...not far off where the WS is heading, as it stands... Sep 29 2007, 00:34 AM Post #3 If the Mets don't do owt, the run Colorado on makes me want to see them take on the big boys and beat them. Mind you, as I say, with Clevelands record, they've got a good shout.
  15. Erm.....so they'll be doing the 1st Round draw, 17 days after we're meant to play the fixture itself? That's a new concept for the FA Cup DS....I wish they'd stop messing about with things Regarding Stalybridge, I got to that game. Left at 4-0.....was a bit baffled by the team selection. They played a 4-3-2-1 with Lee Ellington upfront, with Chris Hall and Matty Barlow behind. Barlow didn't touch the ball all game. Hall made a few runs but such woeful link up play never saw a ball played for him. Just to Ellington who looked like he'd never played a strikers role before.....I just couldn't understand playing Hall and Taylor in that system. As for the goals, the first was a penalty. Don't know the name of the 'Bridge defender who fouled for the pen (it was one tho) but it was more down to Carlos Roca playing another loose ball to the oppo which left the defence stretched. The 2nd goal, a Workington player pushed the ball over the line with his hand. The 3rd was a most ridiculous gk fumble you'll ever see! 2 goals utterly needless and 1 shouldn't have counted. Can't argue with the 4th and didn't see the 5th. Was quite disappointing though as I expected a cracker of a game, which would be fairly close (as was 'Bridges narrow 1-0 defeat away at Workington in the league, a month or two ago.) Oh well.... Personally, would now love either Dale or Stockport! Or even Macc.....amazingly, I've still yet to get to Moss Road!
  16. And yet again...the Chron fails to state how many are in the area/have been canvassed that haven't sent a letter or shown support one way or the other. Meaning, they probably have no objections.
  17. Lol..I wish I could make a career out of being passed the ball, under no pressure, from my keeper and then quickly (or in his case, ASAP) playing it forward to Beckham. Micheal Clegg....if anyone should be arrested for impersonating a football, he should. !
  18. Forgot to add....well done to Colorado again for last night! 18 wins in 19 now..... Was quite interesting in the 7th as an Arizona runner took out 2nd base who was about to complete a double play before being sent flying in the air. Umpires ruled in favour of the double play and Arizona fans went mental, throwing bottles of water etc. The Rockies took their team off...but coolly came back out for a nice 5-1 win. Got to say....it's making me money too. Had about 10 postseason bets so far and won every single one of them. Last night went for under 9.5 runs in the game.....all good fun. Still wishing I'd taken that 20-1 on Colorado for the WS though....won with 5 singles last night and their bullpen is awesome. That's got to show how serious they are for WS contention.
  19. You're probably right Shiny....until you go an watch a sport for itself, I defy anyone to write if off. Not that I would write off Baseball as I would love to catch a game, just not sure what to expect. Probably best, as that usually means you enjoy it a lot more. Unfortunately, next summer my plans are for a trip to Frankfurt (fingers crossed) and then a trip to the Euros. Last year to the WC was the best holiday I've ever been on....so hoping the Euros will be just as good. Mindya, we have to get there first!
  20. They were thinking of submitting a bid??? Really? Or (IMO, more likely) they thought they'd have 1 look at him and never came back. Who knows? Neither of us! And the rest of my post...."Pish"....hahaha.....you mean, you got to the end and realised that we're not having a "Porter right or wrong" debate and you've decided to wind your neck in. Lol....good, good. Bye!
  21. Lol....you've just spent over a day telling us that it is the point....and that I and others can't prove there wasn't one....make your mind up! And....interest from Premiership clubs? Come on mate, put the sherbert dips down now! Oh.....and if you think Brum were interested, 1) you'll believe anything and 2) they were a Championship club when Porters agent was also on sherbert dips! Motherwell....no, not the only SPL club interested I presume, however they clearly offered the most money. To be honest, not even sure what you're arguing now here....I know what Porters done and think he's scum. Which I think we're both actually agreeing on....unfortunately, it seems that me and a few others pointing out that no £700,000 was on offer in the summer (which it clearly wasn't, unless you can't think too clearly) has led to you let your emotions run away with you and read straight into it that we're sticking up for Porter. Not one bit! Hope that calms you down a little!
  22. The fact TTA haven't said there was a bid. If there was, as in January, they would've said. me, are you really this stupid, or just pretending?
  23. Nah, you're pretty simple mate....nobody came in with a £700k bid in close season (WTF has Plymouths 600k about, adding in bits now eh to help your flailing point....we're talking about close season and the difference between Porter and Wellens.) No-one would either IMO as he'd lost that value. Everyone bar you seems to know that no bid came in (we'd know as the club would've said otherwise)......That's the simple bit! But you keep this charade going and throwing in the insults if ya wish....need some toys with that?
  24. Not a fan of Tony Carss then eh? Not surprised really. EDIT: Simpleton!
  25. Lol...yeah...well said GL....so in otherwords OAFC0000.....nobody came with £700,000 on the table, we didn't "lose" £700,000....unless you can prove me wrong! Nope? Didn't think so..... Ta, ta!
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