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Everything posted by Eddie_m'gurk

  1. Was just about to book some flights. Could do with some clarification on this one!!!!
  2. Has anyone got space in the car or minibus for Saturday. Looking for 2 spaces. Dont want to miss out on a ticket, but dont want to buy one if cant get any transport...... Petrol contribution via cash or booze as always LOL Cheers
  3. Dont think you can get a ticket if you dont have a season ticket.
  4. TBH, i was a little disappointed at the MK following on saturday. Looking at the start they have had, along with the winning mentality from last season and their home crowd, I thought 304 was very poor. If they had brought what I expected, 700ish, the 6000 mark would have been there and there abouts. But im clutching at straws now lol We all know another 5/6 games at this quality, that extra 800/1000 will be crawling down sheepfoot lane
  5. So you missed the bit about having to exchange your season ticket voucher for a ticket with reserved seating. I got mine weeks ago. They have boon allocated the large section, which is nonsense. The yorkies have a fickle away following, and wont bring 1500, especially how they have started
  6. I think if the udders had started well, it would be a different matter. So while everyone is scrunched up in the small section on the RRE, the udders will have 10 seats each. I would send them tickets and see how it goes.
  7. Thats the game, everyone gets carried away in the heat of the moment.
  8. A win on Saturday and I would expect a crowd of 6500 against the yorkies. And TBH I dont think we need to move the season ticket holders, because I cant see them bringing 1500 with their form
  9. TTa own the club, and like every business, the owner wants to increase the business, through whatever channels he has available. He has the right to expect more supporters. The oldham public are a JOKE. I understand your point about 'MONEY IS THIN ON THE GROUND' but the fact is, most of these so called STAY AWAY fans are drinking 10 pints from 12pm - 6PM watching Sky TV in pubs around the borough. I have been watching Oldham long enough to know that if Oldham Athletic are in the same position around xmas, the crowds will swell to around 6500 home fans. I am not blaming the playing staff or TTA, because thay have done more for this club than most, however, I would like to see more from the commercial/marketing departments, lets have something new and fresh rather than the same ideas year in year out. KEEP THE FAITH Roll on saturday!
  10. It wasnt a blatent pen. And i would rather have a captain who is commited than one who just shrugs it off. But I suppose people have to moan anout something, rather than just enjoy it
  11. I think all players like some comfort. If he does stay fit and keeps scoring, which is likely, we would then be due a fee?
  12. Give the bloke credit, he is only in the 3rd season of his " year plan LOL
  13. RRE always been the best stand in the stadium, since it was put up. Now BP has some atmosphere and all the Chaddy enders want to do is have a pop at the people who sit there. Everyone I have spoke to who sits in the main stand say the atmosphere is miles better with home fans in the RRE. When you speak to the Chaddy enders, they say "we couldnt hear a thing" ??? funny that isnt it. Make it the home stand full stop, until the CRE is re built!!!!!! BETTER NOISE BETTER VIEW ALE No argument, move with the times.
  14. I am led to believe that he i a touch disappointed because nothing has been mentioned, along with Davies being offered a new deal.
  15. I think it is time to be giving these 2 a 1 year contract extention. Keep the ship happy. It is obvious that we are a different team without our seasoned pro's.
  16. Im wondering if there is a bit of mind games going on for Saturday. If you read between the lines of whats been printed and what Shez actually said on his interview.... Hughes felt a twinge (took off for precaution) and shez didnt mention that Taylor hasd a hamstring problem, but a sore leg/thigh??? A friend of mine spends a lot of time with Hughes and I understand that he is waiting forresults before doing any running, and its not the same groin he had surgery on, just what I have been told.
  17. He going nowhere, although i understand he is a bit pissed off that Davies has been offered a deal and he hasn't???
  18. I thought it was a disgrace. I tried to have a valid conversation with the 3 police officers who turned there back on the incident in question, my opinion was met with a patronising and sarcastic attitude. As for the Stewards, they went mob handed into that young lad. Something needs to be reported to the club.
  19. I have been away, and only just stumbled across this huge thread. SC is bang on with what he is saying. Although I think its a bad weekend to form this argument (Bank holiday, Chetenham support, Kids hols etc). At the end of the day, we will gain that 1000/1500 if we are in the same position after another 7/10 games. What bothers me the most is that you never hear what the club is doing to attract new punters, or get the old ones back. What are they doing with databases, old/new season ticket holders. Why didnt we have a change to season tickets vouchers 3 games for a friend £10 each voucher, Roughyhead season ticket holders in for £12 (3 vouchers) Get a big board at the top of sheepfoot lane (NEXT VISITORS ETC) I dont know the answer, but I would like to hear what is in the strategy for keeping/retaining and getting new fans to BP, cos I havent seen any new initiatives????? Well done the board and the boys for a great start.
  20. Oh I forgot - Smalley was a powerhouse, pace, control, won everything in the air. His goal was a quality finish!
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